
What are good/great books on Logic Design ?

I want a couple good books that cover the subject of logic design, making computer circuits. There seems to be a lot of expensive books on logic design but it is unclear which ones are good. ...

Understanding the hardware of printf

I was wondering if there was any resources available online that explains what happens with something, like printf of C, that explains what's going on in the very low level (BIOS/kernel calls) ...

Get a unique computer ID in python on windows and linux

Hi, I'd like to get an id unique to a computer with Python on Windows and Linux. It could be the CPU ID, the motherboard serial, ... or anything else. I looked at several modules (pycpuid, psi, ...) without luck. Any idea on how to do that ? Thanks in advance. ...

A PDF reader - please guide - a step by step guidance - reference to guidance-

I have to make a hardware project using a microcontroller, memory, screens, etc. Is it possible to make an independent PDF / documents reader, which is capable of running on battery power? Please note I don't want to use any technology which needs licensing. It must be all freeware readers, etc., and programing language can be assembly...

Memory Bandwidth Performance for Modern Machines

I'm designing a real-time system that occasionally has to duplicate a large amount of memory. The memory consists of non-tiny regions, so I expect the copying performance will be fairly close to the maximum bandwidth the relevant components (CPU, RAM, MB) can do. This led me to wonder what kind of raw memory bandwidth modern commodity ma...

Programming for Multi core Processors

As far as I know, the multi-core architecture in a processor does not effect the program. The actual instruction execution is handled in a lower layer. my question is, Given that you have a multicore environment, Can I use any programming practices to utilize the available resources more effectively? How should I change my code to gai...

Which development Language is best suited to Network Inventory

Dear stackoverflow I hope this is the corrcet type of question for stackoverflow to consider I would like to develop a "Hard Core" application that performs Network Inventory. High level requirements are Work on Windows and UNIX networks it has to be extremly performant it has to be 100% accuarate (massively) scalable and fun to writ...

Are there any Netbooks powerful enough for moderate C++ compilation?

I've tried a few Asus Ones, and found that even switching between multiple windows could take seconds. Is there anything powerful enough in that form factor for C++ programmers to build small to moderate size projects? ...

Bitbanging a PIO on Coldfire/ucLinux

Here's the problem: I need to program some hardware via 2 pins of the PIO (1 clock, 1 data). Timing constraints are tight - 10ms clock cycle time. All this, of course, whilst I maintain very high level services (CAN bus, TCP/IP). The downstream unit also ACKS by asserting a PIO pin, configured as an input, high. So this loop has to both ...

Can I control hardware via PHP Language ?

hi I wondered if I can use PHP to control an external hardware connected with the parallel port or USB port ? any ideas or resources ? ...

USB Serial cable with CDC support

Hi All, I bought a USB to Serial cable which claims to be CDC compliant. But the bInterfaceClass value in interface descriptor is 0xFF(which is vendor specific). I was expecting it to be 0x02 (Communications and CDC control). In the device manager, i found that the drivers being loaded are ser2pl.sys and serenum.sys. I had learnt usb...

All partitions missing when copying

I bought a new 320GB SATA hard drive few months ago no recently when i try to copy something to the drive after about 20 seconds the all the partitions in the hard drive suddenly disappears. The hard drive is not shown in either Disk manager or device manager. To get the HD work i have to restart the PC again.The same thing happens when ...

ASP.NET Web App to compare performance on different hardware?

I'm looking for an open source C# ASP.NET Web App that can be loaded onto 2 or more dedicated servers and provide me with metrics on how that server is performing. E.g. Click on a page and the app does a number of in-memory iterations and/or calculations to test processor throughput. Another page would do a bunch of disk access and repor...

Serial Port Data Structure

I need to send data to a hardware device over serial port. I'm using a program called serial port tool for os x. After I connect to the device there is a form box where I can type data to send. I have no idea how to format the data. Here is an excerpt from the manual for the device. "The Net Manager Command structure consists of one ...

Ruby SerialPorts

I'm using the ruby serial port gem. After I open up the port I send the data I want like this. sp.write [200.chr, 30.chr, 7.chr, 5.chr, 1.chr, 2.chr, 0.chr, 245.chr].to_s It doesn't work, but if I put it in a loop of around 200 times: 200.times do sp.write [200.chr, 30.chr, 7.chr, 5.chr, 1.chr, 2.chr, 0.chr, 245.chr].to_s end It ...

Difference between "machine hardware" and "hardware platform"

My Linux machine reports "uname -a" outputs as below:- [root@tom i386]# uname -a Linux tom 2.6.9-89.ELsmp #1 SMP Mon Apr 20 10:34:33 EDT 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux [root@tom i386]# As per man page of uname, the entries "i686 i686 i386" denotes:- machine hardware name (i686) processor type (i686) hardware platform (i386) Additi...

A programmatic way to discover the number of CPUs and spec for each CPU/Core in Ubuntu Karmic?

A programmatic way to discover the number of CPUs and spec for each CPU/Core in Ubuntu Karmic? Bash or C/C++, Python, Perl are fine. Thanks! ...

(When) Does hardware, especially the CPU(s), deliver wrong results?

What I'm talking about is: Is it possible that under certain circumstances the CPU "buggs" and suddenly responses 1+1=2? In which parts of the computer can that happen (HDD, RAM, Mainboard)? What could be the causes? Bad quality? Overheating? Does that even happen? When yes, how frequently? If everything is okay with the CPU (not a sin...

Is it possible for computers to tell time without a built in clock?

Computers keep time normally with a built in clock on the motherboard. But out of curiosity, can a computer determine when a certain interval of time has passed? I would think not as a computer can only execute instructions. Of course, you could rely on the computer knowing its own processing speed, but that would be an extremely crude ...

Are MIFARE smart cards programmable in sense I could write a program they could execute?

Variations of MIFARE Ultralight cards are becoming quite widespread. For example, huge transport companies employ them as payment cards. As I get from MIFARE site and Wikipedia there's a full-blown microcomputer inside the card - with a processor, memory, etc. When I move the card close to the reader its field induces current in the car...