
How can you develop for hardware connected to an iPhone OS device via the 30pin connector?

I have a small thermometer with a mini-usb connection. I would like to connect it via USB adapters to the 30pin connector on my iPhone. I am a paid dev ($99 version) and can't find much info on the hardware stuff. Is it possible to access this hardware with my current setup? I just want to access the data being generated via the temp...

AVR Analog Comparator + Internal Pullup?

I have what I hope is a simple question pertaining to the Atmel AVR microcontrollers. So I want to use the ATTiny85's Analog Comparator to determine if a signal is above or below a threshold. This signal is normally "floating" and pulled toward ground when "active" (i.e. it's an active low - open collector signal). If I enable the pullup...

Hardware-specific questions

I'm good at programming yet I feel like I don't know enough about the architecture of the hardware I'm working on. What does the Northbridge on the mainboard do? What does the L2 cache of my processor do? Can Windows XP use multiple processors? Not in terms of concrete multitasking in all programs but using the capacity of all cores if...

Is it possible to programatically enable/disable hardware?

Hello, In our project, we've received a requirement where the the user is to be capable of enabling/disabling a COM Port / USB Port / Ethernet Port via our application's gui. Is it possible to manipulate harware's enabled/disabled state programatically in C#? ...

How to find an embedded platform?

I am new to the locating hardware side of embedded programming and so after being completely overwhelmed with all the choices out there (pc104, custom boards, a zillion option for each board, volume discounts, devel kits, ahhh!!) I am asking here for some direction. Basically, I must find a new motherboard and (most likely) re-implement...

Get soundcard name/info

How can I get the name of the soundcard and maybe a few infos about it when using C#? ...

How many layers are between my program and the hardware?

I somehow have the feeling that modern systems, including runtime libraries, this exception handler and that built-in debugger build up more and more layers between my (C++) programs and the CPU/rest of the hardware. I'm thinking of something like this: 1 + 2 >> OS top layer >> Runtime library/helper/error handler >> a hell lot of DLL ...

Hardware for .NET Micro Framework

I would like start with .NET Micro Framework as my hobby project. What hardware devices would you recommend for that? Is there something like list of all hardware with support .NET Micro Framework? ...

Pen pressure in flash

Is there any way to detect pen pressure in actionscript? ...

write data to register

i have the memory address of certain register(the address LCDCW1 is C000). c codes: #define LCDCW1 0xC000 *LCDCW1=0x31; i just want to write data to this register. The codes have problems, how to correct it? thx! ...

What practical use/benefit does a ternary 'bit' based computer have?

Prototype working ternary device Quantum computing with qbits and so on is one thing, but what exactly do we stand to gain from a CPU which works on a ternary basis, where each 'bit' is ether yes/no/maybe (or true/false/filenotfound)? Is it simply an academic exercise or could it change processor design? ...

Visual Studio PC benchmark

Hi: Is there a good way to benchmark a Visual Studio developer PC, instead of looking at the technical specs? Objective is to set a level and see every developer passes, if not upgrade them to new PC. Any thoughts and suggestions? ...

Questions about "interrupt"

Could someone help me clarify the following conecpts, and the relationship among them? Maskable interrupt Unmaskable interrupt Hardware interrupt Software interrupt CPU INTR pin the IF bit of EFlags register Some specific questions: What's the relationship between Maskable/Unmaskable interrupt and Hardware/Software interrupt? What'...

OpenAL and Vista: Device is always 'Generic Software'

I'm writing the audio part of a game, and I'm using OpenAL. I want to use some extensions, but the tests always fail: TRACE: AudioManager - Sound device: 'Generic Software' TRACE: AudioManager - Enabling OpenAL extensions... TRACE: AudioManager - Compressor support: NO TRACE: AudioManager - Reverb support: YES TRACE: AudioManager - Chor...

Hardware Emulator / Simulator for Winforms .Net Application

I have a WinForms .Net HMI software which talks to hardware over USB. I check for communication with the hardware at Load time and if communication is active then run it (The hardware manufacturer has provided a communication library to talk over USB). I want to build an emulator for cases when communication with hardware is not possib...

optimal memory layout for read-only/write memory segments.

Suppose I have two memory segments (equal size each, approximately 1kb in size) , one is read-only (after initialization), and other is read/write. what is the best layout in memory for such segments in terms of memory performance? one allocation, contiguous segments or two allocations (in general not contiguous). my primary architect...

What are the recommended BEST CASE hardware requirements for TFS 2010

Hi guys, i have installed TFS 2010 in a 2 server setup with an App Tier server and a SQL Server and am not 100% happy with the performance. Both are running in VM's on SAN disks and have been given the following virtual hardware each: Windows 2008 R2 1 CPU @ 2.8Ghz 2gb RAM what should i lift - neither machine is hammered but both d...

division by 2 in Binary Signed digit (Redundant Binary representation)

How can I do division by 2 in Binary Signed digit (Redundant Binary representation) ? Shifting won't work right ? ...

Comparison in Redundant binary representation RBR

How can I compare two numbers in the form of Redundant binary representation RBR ? Any Idea ? ...

controling individual pins on a serial port

I know that serial ports work by sending a single stream of bits in serial. I can write programs to send and receive data from that one pin. However, there are a lot more other pins on the serial port connection that normal aren't used but from documentation all seem to have some sort of function for signalling as opposed to data transf...