
c++ programming board

I would like to get into programming in c++ with computer boards. I know there are some educational boards out there that you can hook up to the computer and write simple programs to make lights come on and do simple stuff like that. I was hoping that someone on here could give me some good resources on where i might get these kinds of b...

typing by hardware keyboard doesn't work for my app

I have a Windows Mobile 5 application written in C#. I have a client with HTC Touch Pro 2 using Windows Mobile 6.5, and the client claims he can't use the hardware keyboard to type in stuff as it doesn't come through. He can use only the on screen keyboard to type in stuff. I have a Treo 750 with hardware keyboard and does work fine for...

Host ASP.Net WebSite - What would be an Ideal Hardware Configuration?

I am studying various ASP.Net deployment approaches. In there, I got a basic question. Is there any thumb rule about enviornment definition? What could be called a 'good' setup if I have to support 1000 concurrent users(requests). I understand that there are many factors like how application is designed etc. But assuming that everything...

How should I integrate a live video feed onto a website?

I have a client who wants to display live 24 hour footage on their website, to show off the progress of a number of big refurbishment jobs they are carrying out. I've looked at IP cameras and to be honest this looks like the most logical technology to use, but not sure if I'm missing something. Would it be possible to put the live feed ...

Developer oriented hardware benchmarks?

Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places, but every hardware benchmark I've found, for nearly any component, is oriented towards gamers and/or workstations (video editing etc). Is there anyone doing benchmarks that are relevant to software developers? For example, take SSDs. I don't care how fast Crysis loads off an SSD -- that is comple...

Speed comparison between DRAM, HDD, and flash memory

The question: Assume that cache memory is ten times faster than DRAM memory, that DRAM is 100,000 times faster than magnetic disk, and that flash memory is 1,000 times faster than disk. If it takes 2 microseconds while reading from cache memory, how long does it take to read the same file from DRAM, disk, and flash memory? Does th...

cache - flush and invaildate operation

I have some questions on Cache synchronization operations. Invalidate - before cpu tries to read a portion of memory updated by a device, the corresponding memory needs to be invalidated. Flush - Before the device read a portion of memory updated by CPU, CPU must flush(write back is also correct? ) the contents from cache to memory. ...

Good keyboard for coding

Possible Duplicate: Keyboard for programmers Hi, I'm sorry if this question doesn't belong here, anyway, I'm looking for a comfortable keyboard to write code, that's under $100 preferably, what are your suggestions? ...

How to fast get Hardware-ID in C#?

I need in my license Program use hardware id ,I tried use WMI,but it still slow . I need Cpu,HDD,Motherboard info. ...

Generating A Consistent ID For A Given Computer In Flex/Air

In C++ I Can Read The MAC Address Of The NIC and Use It To Generate A Unique Identifier For Each Computer That Interacts With My Web Service. Even If The User Deletes Their Cookies, And Temporary Internet Files, Reformats Their HardDrive And Installs A Different Version Of Windows, That Computer Still Generates The Same Unique ID. How ...

What does "Embedded" mean?

I notice that Core i3-330M is specified as "Embedded" while the Core i5-430 is not. What technically does "Embedded" mean? Here is where I see the speicfication: i3-330M: http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=47663 i5-430M: http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=43537 ...

Is there a barcode scanner (hardware) with a .net api I can use to integrate into my app?

I understand the barcode scanner is like a keyboard and acts as such. What I need is a scanner that has some sort of api (.net/c# preferably) that i can plug into my app. Is there a particular scanner hardware vendor devs have used or are currently using, that has a .net api? or can I use any arbitrary scanner and build an api around it ...

When writing iphone applications with actionscript, is it possible to read from devices such as the gps?

As announced, it is now possible to develop Iphone applications with Actionscript. My question is: is it possible to control iphone devices such as the GPS receiver and/or camera using actionscript? Is there somekind of "AS3 for the Iphone"-framework? I know my question is short, but this is all I need to know for now. ...

IDE and external keyboard on iPhone?

Hi, I tried this question in another forums, like OS X hints, so I try it here now. I just wonder if there is somewhere available an external keyboard for the iphone, so I can program on the road. And second question, if you know good IDE's on the iphone for programming and compiling on C++ Thanks ...

[vhdl] 'if' vs 'when' for making multiplexer

i have been told to use 'when' statement to make multiplexer but not use 'if' statement as it will cause timing errors... i don't understand this ... so what is the difference between 'if' and 'when' ? and do they map to the same thing in hardware ? ...

How to detect hardware keyboard presence?

Is there a way to detect if the device I'm currently running on has a hardware keyboard installed? How do I query device capabilities anyway? ...

Is hardware impossible to debug without software?

Disclaimer: I am (mostly) hardware ignorant. This is probably my problem. However I find it hard to accept that it is not possible to debug hardware so therefore I just wanted to get some second opinions. We have an issue. Where certain actions (swapping Usb devices in and out at run-time) can blow either the Usb hub or chip on our Usb ...

Is there a way to test a program's hardware requirements without just using it on a bunch of different computers?

Is there a program out there or some other thing that will run some kind of virtualization for me or something, to test the hardware minimums for a program I write? Something I can do locally without install testing on, say, a 33 mhz 64kb ram IBM or something ...

Development process for an embedded project with significant hardware changes

I have a good idea about Agile development process but I have no ieda how to map that to a embedded project with significant hardware changes. I will describe below what we are currently doing (Ad-hoc way, no defined process yet). The changes are divided into three categories and different processes are used for each of them: compl...

Searching for a drive bay LED/LCD with buttons hardware and API

My colleagues and I have got an interesting little prototype hardware/software project that would follow these loose requirements/specs/implementation details: Hardware: Take simple user input from a couple of buttons, maybe a dial Give some textual output to the user, a 3-line LED would suffice but fancier is OK Powerful x86 CPU requ...