
How to insert Header and Footer in .vm file

I have a .vm (Velocity) file which is run to generate a DOC file. I want to have a very simple header and footer in this resultant DOC file. How can I write code in .vm file for this. I do not want to include header and footer files as external files. I want simple code in the same .vm file. Please help!!! ...

What is the smallest program possible to parse an email message header?

the homework: http://www.cs.rit.edu/~waw/networks/prob1.082.html Ok, I am still confused why this question was asked for my data communications and networks class, but here is the question from my homework: Write a computer program that reads the header on an e-mail message and deletes all lines except those that begin with ...

Convert C++ Header Files To Python

I have a C++ header that contains #define statements, Enums and Structures. I have tried using the h2py.py script that is included with Python to no avail (except giving me the #defines converted). Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

How do I send a custom header with urllib2 in a HTTP Request?

I want to send a custom "Accept" header in my request when using urllib2.urlopen(..). How do I do that? ...

Javascript Include Tag Best Practice in a Rails Application

Say I need to call a javascript file in the <head> of an ERb template. My instinct is to do the usual: <head> <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> <!-- For example --> </head> in my application's layout. The problem of course becoming that these javascript files are loaded into every page in my application, regardless of whether or...

Classes Including Each Other in C++

Hello! I'm a C++ newbie, but I wasn't able to find the answer to this (most likely trivial) question online. I am having some trouble compiling some code where two classes include each other. To begin, should my #include statements go inside or outside of my macros? In practice, this hasn't seemed to matter. However, in this particu...

Change an image to text via CSS for printing?

Lets say I have a header banner on a webpage I'm about to print. Instead of wasting someone's ink printing the entire block of the image, is there a way via css to replace the image with text of H1 size? ...

How can I find duplicate headers in a large solution in MSVC++ 2005 or 2008?

In Visual Studio (C++), is there a way to easily find duplicate headers that are defined in .cpp files? I'm also trying to find ways to detect this situation: A includes B includes C A includes C => A doesn't need to include C ...

Auto generate function documentation in Visual Studio

I was wondering if there is a way (hopefully keyboard shortcut) to create auto generate function headers in visual studio. Example: Private Function Foo(ByVal param1 As String, ByVal param2 As Integer) And it would automagically become something like this... '---------------------------------- 'Pre: 'Post: 'Author: 'Date: 'Para...

Sending a 404 error in PHP

if (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'index.php')){ header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); } Why wont this work? I get a blank page. ...

Is it possible to tell Safari to repeat a table header on printed pages?

Is it possible to repeat table headers in Safari on every printed page? This code works in Firefox but not in Safari: <table> <thead> <tr> <td>Header1</td> <td>Header2</td> </tr> </thead> <!-- lots of rows --> </table> Edit: This doesn't change anything, therefore it can't be the same bug that IE has: the...

Inclusion of a js file in HTML.

Hi, I am include a huge javascript file(500K) in my HTML. Is there a smart way to know if it has been loaded. One way I can think of is to have a variable in its constructor to initialize and inform me . The loading is asynchronous and I cannot proceed until function s of that JS are included. Thanks ...

How to get "Guid" variable from http header in ASP.NET

The following line gives an error (cannot convert type "string" to "System.Guid") userId = Request.QueryString["id"]; is there any solution to pass Guid variable in http header Get? ...

Does IE print [table]header and footer properly (css settings)?

I need to prepare print css style for some page. It's possible to have footer on every printed page? I tried the code, I've found on the web: display:block;position:fixed; bottom:0px; but it works only in Firefox. I can try to fix it with table, but in Q. here: CSS: Repeat table headers in print mode is info, that it doesn't work ...

C/C++ private array initialization in the header file

I have a class called Cal and it's .cpp and .h counterpart Headerfile has class Cal { private: int wa[2][2]; public: void do_cal(); }; .cpp file has #include "Cal.h" void Cal::do_cal() { print(wa) // where print just itterates and prints the elements in wa } My question is how do I initialize the array ...

Smart tool (addin?) for creating class body from header file

Hi, you probably know this -- you're going to create some nice class, you think about it a little, maybe even draw a little UML here and there and then you're ready for implementation. You create header files with member functions, maybe even some member properties. And now comes the dull work -- rewriting everything into .cpp file. It...

Is putting a php script in the src of the image tag slower than normal and by how much?

If I put this tag in my HTML: <img src="http://server/imageHandler.php?image=someImage.jpg" /> instead of <img src="http://server/images/someImage.jpg" /> and use the imageHandler.php script to read the image file, output expire headers and print the image data, i expect it to be slower. Is this a viable way to manipulate image he...

Jquery accordion plugin

Hi : I am use Jquery accordion plugin. I need to use my own header icons, according to doc, i need to create css class with background image. so i did this in my css file. .normal_arrow { background : url(../images/arrowonly.jpg); } .circle_arrow { background : url(../images/circle_arrow.jpg); } .circle_arrow_down { back...

What is the conventions for headers and cpp files in C++?

In C++, what is the convention for including headers for class files in the "main" file. e.g. myclass.h class MyClass { doSomething(); } myclass.cpp doSomething() { cout << "doing something"; } run.cpp #include "myclass.h" #include "myclass.cpp" etc.. Is this relatively standard? ...

Header Refresh

if (strlen($_POST['reply']) < 6) { header("Refresh: 2; url=thread.php?id=$tid#reply"); die("The text you have entered is too short. Please write a longer text and try again."); } Why won't header refresh work when I add #reply? Gives a blank page. It works with header location though. Any idea? ...