
In LaTeX, how can one add a header/footer in the document class Letter?

In LaTeX, how can one create a document using the Letter documentclass, but with customized headers and footers? Typically I would use: \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \lhead{\footnotesize \parbox{11cm}{Custom left-head-note} } \lfoot{\footnotesize \parbox{11cm}{\textit{#2}}} \rfoot{\footnotesize Page \thepage\ of \pageref{Las...

ASP.NET masterpages: how to insert markup in the head section inside the aspx?

I know I can access the head section of a page which uses a masterpage programmatically this way (in code behind): This is only an example (I'd like to insert scripts and styles etc.): this.Header.Title = "I just set the page's title"; Is there a simple way to do this in a declarative way on in the aspx file itself? Sometimes it wo...

Need The Excel Header On Each Print Page To Be The First Row Of The Table

I need the First Row in an Excel Spreadsheet to Print as the header on all pages. ...

C++ include header path change windows to linux

Hi, I am porting a application written in c++ from windows to Linux. I have a problem with the header files path. Windows uses "\" and while Linux uses "/" . I am finding it cumbersome to change this in each and every source and header file. Is there some work around? ...

Drupal: how to change taxonomy header on page with items?

I have a menu item like http://localhost/drupal/?q=category/articles/php It's supposed to output all stories about PHP, But in resulting page header (with term name (PHP) ) doesn't look very well. How can I remove header or change its CSS style? ...

How to can I set the Type of Service bits in C#?

I'm writing an application to send data over a network, and need to know if it is possible to set the Type of Service (ToS) bits in the IP Packet header. Anyone know if this is supported by C#, and if so how I should go about implementing it? I know I can use a raw socket type and specify my own header, but I'd rather not have to do thi...

How can I reproduce the standard header for a plain UITableView

Hi everybody, I have a plain UITableView in my iPhoneApp. I would like to change the font size of the header text. I understand that this is not possible and that I need to create my custom header with my own label. I just wonder if anybody knows how I can reproduce a header similar to the standard one (using the same background image...

What are the benefits of a relative path such as "../include/header.h" for a header?

I've reviewed questions How to use include directive correctly and C++ #include semantics and neither addresses this - nor do the others suggested by SO when I typed the title... What, if any, are the benefits of writing: #include "../include/someheader.h" #include "../otherdir/another.h" compared with using just a plain file name: ...

Linker errors with private members of class in header file

Hi. I'm trying to build a project in Visual Studio 2008. I'm getting a bunch of linker errors that are really bothering me. My application is a Win32 console application using only native ANSI C++. They are all linker errors of the same pattern. Linker errors are related to every single private static data member of classes I have defin...

Header message just like at Stack Overflow

Hi, This is the first time I visited stack overflow and I saw a beautiful header message which displays a text and a close button. The header bar is fixed one and is great to get the attention of the visitor. I was wondering if anyone of you guys know the code to get the same kinda header bar. Would appreciate any help!! Thanks ...

gsoap - WS-Addressing elements in the SOAP Header

Hello All, I need to add WS Addressing in my Soap header (I am using the gsoap framework). Is there a way to add that automatically? I looked up gsoap documentation but didnt find any info on that. So right now I have manually added the WS-Addressing to my SOAP_ENV_Header as shown below struct SOAP_ENV__Header { mustUnderstand _wsa_...

adding custom SOAP headers in MEX response for operation contract based WCF services

I'm having a problem consuming WCF service requiring custom SOAP headers for methods marked with [OperationContract] attributes. Custom headers cannot be explicitly declared in the service because interface methods are not based on [MessageContract]. As a result When svcutil.exe tries to build client proxies the resulting generated code ...

C++ Header order

What order should headers be declared in a header / cpp file? Obviously those that are required by subsequent headers should be earlier and class specific headers should be in cpp scope not header scope, but is there a set order convention / best practice? ...

mvc no codebehind strongly typed viewdata headers not working

I add that to my header <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" %> and am able to access ViewData and all its internals as well as all the mvc objects like url and html. As soon as I add "System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<app.Models.tTable>" I have no access to any mvc classes and helpe...

Declaring class objects in a header file

Greetings everyone. I seem to be snagging on a fundimental but I cant find the solution anywhere. Anywho, will go ahead and explain. I have a program consisting of three files; main.ccp, add.h, add.cpp. I declare the class 'SA' in add.h and have all my functions defined in add.cpp additional.h class SA { ... public int x; } ...

How to automatically generate C header file using CMake?

I'm looking for a way to automatically generate a header file. This file is the public interface of a library and i want to "fill" some structures and stuff before compilation. For example, in the private header I have a structure with useful fields : typedef struct mystuff_attr_t { int _detachstate; mystuff_sc...

Read header data from files on remote server

Hi! I'm working on a project right now where I need to read header data from files on remote servers. I'm talking about many and large files so I cant read whole files, but just the header data I need. The only solution I have is to mount the remote server with fuse and then read the header from the files as if they where on my local c...

Silverlight MVVM header detail

So lets say i have an OrderModel and an OrderViewModel. I have the Supplier, Order Date, etc properties on both the ViewModel and the Model and they are linked up. Seen examples on this and seems straighforward enough, although somewhat duplicated in terms of writing setters/getters. Now what do I do with the OrderDetails? In my model I...

Using a DLL with .h header in C++

I have been given a small library, consisting of a .dll, a .h header and a .def file. I'm fairly sure the library was written in C, but possibly C++. Is it possible for me to access the functions in the library without using the LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress/FreeLibrary method that is usually talked about. I have no .lib file - is it usual...

How to send data in PHP without content-length?

I know it's possible, but I can't seem to figure it out. I have a mySQL query that has a couple hundred thousand results. I want to be able to send the results, but it seems the response requires content-length header to start downloading. In phpMyAdmin, if you go to export a database, it starts the download right away, FF just says u...