
How do you POST to a page using the PHP header() function?

I found the following code on here that I think does what I want, but it doesn't work: $host = "www.example.com"; $path = "/path/to/script.php"; $data = "data1=value1&data2=value2"; $data = urlencode($data); header("POST $path HTTP/1.1\r\n"); header("Host: $host\r\n"); header("Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"); head...

How to invoked methods of external .h files in iphone

Hi to all In my iphone game I want to add external .h and .a files. I am adding them by using add project option given in Xcode. It get added but I want to invoked the methods given in the header files. As per instruction given to us we have to call one method which is declared in external header file. We have to call that method insi...

WPF: How to freeze a ListView header row so that it won't scroll off the screen

Hi, I am new to WPF development, I have a ListView and I want to freeze the header row so that it won't scroll off the screen when the user scrolls the list. The xaml code, I have inherited, looks something like this: <ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"> <DockPanel> <forms:Bindable...

How to style a WPF Expander Header?

Hello, I would like to apply a style on a WPF Expander Header. In the following XAML I have an Expander but the style is for all of it not just for the header. Thanks. <Page xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Width="640" > <StackPanel> <Stac...

What is the best practice for a shared library primary header file in C++?

When I create shared libraries, I have a header file (but with no file name extension) in the root of the library source named the same as the library. So for example, if my library was called libirock.so, then I'd have a file called irock in the project root. This file will include all of the most important headers in the library, so t...

what meta-tags in the header of an (x)html page should be enough for SEO whitout overload it?

what meta-tags in the header of an (x)html page should be enough for SEO whitout overload it? ...

Change TreeViewItem Header by trigger

Having such Style <Style TargetType="TreeViewItem"> <Style.Triggers> <Trigger Property="IsExpanded" Value="True"> <Setter Property="Header" Value="Pink"></Setter> </Trigger> </Style.Triggers> </Style> I would expect the text of the expanded TreeViewItems to be "Pink", but nothing set actually. If I change to Propert...

stdafx.h: When do I need it?

I see so much code including stdafx.h. Say, I do not want pre-compiled headers. And I will include all the required system headers myself manually. In that case is there any other good reason I should be aware of where I require stdafx.h? ...

Redirect within Ajax call

I need to redirect an Ajax call without letting the client know. getPage.php is an application which returns html etc. for a given query. getPage.php?hash=interesting-article-title and getPage.php?page=3 returns the same. To avoid the client from having to cache both of these I would like getPage.php?hash=interesting-article-title to ...

In C++, how can I avoid #including a header file when I need to use an enumeration?

In my C++ header files I try to use forward declarations (class MyClass;) instead of #including the class header, as recommended in many C++ coding standards (the Google C++ Style Guide is one). Unfortunately, when I introduce enumerations, I can't do the forward declaration any more. Like this: //// myclass1.hpp //// class MyClass1 {...

PHP Redirect Without Modifying Headers

I have a PHP script that is redirecting the user via some code like: header ('Location: http://someurl/somepage.php'); Then in somepage.php I am trying to access $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] to determine where the page request has come from. I find that $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] is empty when a page is called using the header location meth...

C++: Inline functions and link time code generation

Up till a while a ago my code base was very close to #include hell. Every time I changed an even mildly important .h file practically all the files got recompiled. The main reason for such high header dependency was that I have many small functions that need to be inline and I was under the impression that for inline to work they need to...

STL headers location in VS8

Where are the STL header files actually located in a MS Visual Studio 8 install ? ...

Why can't I use session_start() in my php script? It says headers are already sent.

Here are the first few lines of my page: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt; <?php include_once "dblogin.php"; session_start(); $loggedIn = 0; if(isset($_SESSION["login"])) {$loggedIn = 1;} ?> I'm getting the following error: Cannot send session cookie - headers al...

WPFtoolkit and its DatagridColumnHeader

Hello guys! I need to have different context menus in my datagrid - one for its header and one for rows of a grid. So I'm handling MouseClick event and than I need to evaluate if the underlying object for mouse cursor is Datagrid's header. Can you explain me how can I make this? The thing that I can't understand is that neither of DataGr...

Problem with glui

hi all, i was trying out a free code i downloaded from the internet, when i compiled it says.. "Error 2 fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'glui32d.lib' MarchingCubesGLUI MarchingCubesGLUI" i cant seems to find much reference online about GLui, i know i dont have glui.h .dll and .lib files etc etc. so what should/can i do? FYI: i...

How do I stop search engines indexing a maintenance page

I need to setup a maintenance page for a website I'm running, e.g. for display when I'm performing site maintenance (scheduled downtime) or if something really breaks and I need to put up a holding page. Is there anything special I need to do to ensure that search engine crawlers don't index it and think that it's my site. Or should I d...

php header function produces an error when it shouldnt

Im working with PHP 4.3.11 and when I execute a header always responds with an error like this Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at d:\folder\file.php:1) in d:\folder\file.php on line 2 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at d:\folder\file...

What is the best header structure to use in a library?

Concerning headers in a library, I see two options, and I'm not sure if the choice really matters. Say I created a library, lets call it foobar. Please help me choose the most appropriate option: Have one include in the very root of the library project, lets call it foobar.h, which includes all of the headers in the library, such as "s...

PHP 404 error page won't display content

Hi there, I'm having a problem implementing custom 404 error pages on my Windows/IIS/PHP webhost. Whenever I try to send the 404 status message in the header no content is sent to the client and a blank page is displayed instead. Here is a very simple script I'm using: <?php header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); header('Status: 404 No...