
User input in perl - Issue with running script in KomodoEdit

i wrote this tiny code on gedit and ran it :- #/usr/bin/perl print "Enter the radius of circle: \n"; $radius = <>; chomp $radius; print "radius is: $radius\n"; $circumference = (2*3.141592654) * $radius; print "Circumference of circle with radius : $radius = $circumference\n"; Runs fine using command line.Ran the same code on Komodo ...

Table of content from MSDN help

Hi All! I whant convert msdn help to chm file. Usually table of content already exists in single html page. But in msdn help, table of content building by ajax and not presents completely. How get table of content file from msdn help? For example, I get documentation from

Django 5 star Reviews

Hello All, I am new to programming and I just jumped in to Django and I need a bit of help. I downloaded the generic reviews model off of Google code and I have no clue how to implement it. Can anyone pass along some guidance on how to make this work with a 5 star ratings system? I would appreciate it. Thanks. ...

Using TinyXML ( linking libraries ? in c++ )

+Hi... i am a newbie ... and i don't know how to include external libraries in c++. This is sooo hard. I want to use TinyXML. so i made this : example2.cpp #include <iostream> #include "tinyxml.h" void write_app_settings_doc( ) { TiXmlDocument doc; TiXmlElement* msg; TiXmlDeclaration* decl = new TiXmlDeclaration( "...

Providing help documentation in VB.NET?

I have written up troubleshooting documents for my project and would like them included in my program. I remember in VB6 there was a very easy way to do this with a control, where it already has the help document tree set up on the left and you just set it to point to certain files. Does something like this exist for .NET? I am aware of...

which format to use for software user manual/help/documentation

My requirements are: easy tools exist to create/format the help file from our software, we can launch the help file at a certain location, specified ideally by keyword or tag and not by page number. to be deployed with a Windows software. Thanks! ...

Help with filetype association!

I have the actual association part down, but when I open the file that is associated with my Python program, how do I get the filepath of the file opened? I think it is something like sys.argv? But that just returns the path to the python program, not the associated file. ...

Jquery failure after site went live

EDIT: posted head code EDIT 2: clarification on php I have been designing a site for weeks using JQuery. I don't have a local server or a testing server so I just created a directory through FTP, '/testing'. Everything was working great in the testing directory. I attempted to go live tonight by moving all the files in '/testing' to ...

Guide for java wrapper library for SQlite?

I'm working on a large computer science school project using java and SQlite. After finding out that the wrapper errors on databases with ON DELETE and ON UPDATE clauses set, I have changed to the other wrapper found at However, I find the documentation lacking somewhat when trying to get...

Cannot connect to local database.

Hi, I have apache and mysql set up on my local machine (Mac). Whenever I go to any of my local sites I get the "Error establishing a database connection" whenever anything mySql related happens. It was working perfectly yesterday, but when I started my computer today it is not. I can login to mysql on the terminal and that all works...

need help with a small Python program

Basically looking for a small program that will do nothing but activate the F6 key every x seconds for the active window, x being whatever number I enter, and the program stops with the hit of like ctrl+z or something. What would be a good way to do this? ...

Configure VS 2010 Help for a specific subject

Using VS2008, you could set Document Explorer to limit your search to specific subjects using the Technology dropdown, which made for finding info on a specific subject very easy, as it was limited to a subset of available subject. How is the accomplished in the new VS2010 help? The VS2010 help at the moment, is very hazy. When I searc...

Android card based game, need help to start

Hello, I'm just setting out in android development. I want to make a kind of card based game. I'm just looking for suggestions really on how I might start it. I know I have to make the menu layout and view, then use an Intent from that to get to the main game view. My sticking points are: -There's going to be a deck of cards. It's goi...

Help with shopping cart in javascript

Hey guys, (question edited) What I am trying to achieve is this: I want button where I can add my item to the shopping cart e.g AddToCart() so I can add my items with the number of quantities that the person will want. To do this I need global arrays like sum, quanitity and name. Except the way I have done it does not have this and I'm...

Application freezes when performing help file search

I have a large C# application and a help file in *.chm format. When I press F1 to display this help file and select "Search" tab, type something and click "List Topics" button, both the help window and the entire application freeze. What's interesting when I simply open the *.chm file in the Windows Explorer, the search functionality w...

Cart coding help

I've made a simple Javascript code for a shopping basket but now I have realised that I have made a error with making it and don't know how to fix it. What I have is a HTML file with the Javascript, but in the Javascript I have included the images source and fields that would normally only be in the HTML file but What I am trying to do n...

How do I learn Scheme?

Hey, I'm a relative newbie to programming. I've picked up some very basic Java (File I/O, GUIs, inheritance) and would like to take a look at functional programming - in particular, I would like to learn Scheme. I'm having some trouble finding a Scheme implementation I can understand. Interpreters are weird; I'm not sure how to save my p...

Adding view cart function

Hey guys need some help in adding a view cart button but I'm stuck not sure how to code it. any help? The way I have coded it is that when a user clicks 'add item' they will get a alert box with info about the total price but I want that to appear in the HTML file but only once I have clicked on 'view cart' and I need it to be in a tabl...

Image change on mouseover with jQuery..

Hi, I am a comlete beginner to pretty much all things web design and am trying to construct my first website. I am attempting to hand code it without the ue of a CMS in order to learn as much as possible as quickly as possible. I am trying to make an imge change on mouseover for my top nav menu, and have the following jQuery functions:...

What should be the best approach to add a help file in my web application project?

We have a Asp.Net Vb.Net application with around 35 webforms.There are some remote users who do not have the functional idea of the webforms.So i was thinking of adding a help file in my project.Is there any special component or javascript ? will it be a good option if i go with form by form or a single help file ? ...