
How to Setup an RSS Feed using Feedburner?

I've searched Google, but only found information on how to setup a feedburner for wordpress or other blogging services. I've also searched stackoverflow, but not found the right information. I'm creating a website, for which I want to have an RSS. Feedburner seems to be a good, free option - so I'd like to use that. When I go to feedbu...

Python - Blackjack

def showCards(): #SUM sum = playerCards[0] + playerCards[1] #Print cards print "Player's Hand: " + str(playerCards) + " : " + "sum" print "Dealer's Hand: " + str(compCards[0]) + " : " + "sum" compCards = [Deal(),Deal()] playerCards = [Deal(),Deal()] How can i add up the interger element of a list conta...

Animation in Cocos2d Please Help!

Hello, I am trying to make a sprite animate in cocos2D. I believe I have the animation set up, but how do I draw the animating sprite onto the screen? Here is what I have: id anim = [[[CCAnimation alloc] initWithName:@"char_walking" delay:1/12.0] autorelease]; [anim addFrame:@"run2.png"]; [anim addFrame:@"run1.png"]; [ani...

openss7 help help help

Hello, is there anyone in this forum who have experience with openss7 before ?. Or maybe stil developing with openss7 ?. I need to discuss something, since it's difficult to find the solution... ... help It gives error in home page only

i am new to I have uploaded a site in ftp. except default.aspx remaining pages working. when i navigate to home page i.e Default.aspx it shows an error Server Error in '/' Application. The resource cannot be found. Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had...

Please help me with this Ruby code

Hi, I am new to Ruby and I know that I am not using the simple and powerful methods available within it. I made my code work but it has to be simple not this huge (especially I feel I am very bad at loop variables) i = 0 j = 0 loop_count = ((to_date-from_date)/(60*60*24)).to_i#diff b/w two dates in days loop_count.times do 48.time...

Using PHP, how to parse the title and meta tags from a HTML page?

Hey guys, I need to be able to get the TITLE and DESCIPTION metadata out of a page. I've been trying to do this but I've been getting more errors than actual results. (I have an array of about 10 URLS, usually only about 2 of them give me the descrption. I have yet to get the title). So how do I, in PHP, get the Desc and Title from a ...

SQL Server 2005 to 2008 Bak file help please!

I have a SQl Server 2005 database backup that I want to transfer to SQL Server 2008 on my server. I spent 3 days transferring the .bak file from my own machine to my server. I then tried to restore the bak file and I got an error. I then read online a completely different method for adding a SQL server 2005 Database to SQL server 2008 wh...

jquery dialog is clearing my form fields and I need to return a value from a jquery dialog

1.) I have a jQuery dialog that is opened whenever a particular textbox is focused. The dialog's contents are loaded from ajax and the unique ID of the textbox that was focused is passed in the ajax call (like this): $('[name=start_airport[]],[name=finish_airport[]]').click(function(){   var id = $(this).attr('id');   if($('#use_advanc...

Help manual of google checkout and paypal.

I'm trying to find help manuals of Google Checkout and PayPal with screenshots, online. ...

division problems

Possible Duplicate: Why does (360 / 24) / 60 = 0 in Java This line of code: System.out.println ("aray[j], "+aray[j]+", divided by sum, "+sum+", equals: aray[j]/sum: "+ aray[j]/sum) ; is yeilding this line of text: aray[j], 21, divided by sum, 100, equals: aray[j]/sum: 0 why is it doing this? (everything is right ec...

Problems unloading xml (movieclip) when changing to another frame

I need some help. I loaded xml on a movieclip and i also have a button to go to another frame but the xml keeps loadding!! what can i do to remove the xml each time i click on that button? I'm using flash cs4 AS3.Please help ...

Java - Regular expression question

I am new to regular expressions. I want to use java's replaceAll() function to replace any CSS comments in a string. Basically I want to use regex to search for anything that is surrounded by "/*" and "*/" and replace it with "". ...

powershell missing member methods in array

Hi Guys I have (yet another) powershell query. I have an array in powershell which i need to use the remove() and split commands on. Normally you set an array (or variable) and the above methods exist. On the below $csv2 array both methods are missing, i have checked using the get-member cmd. How can i go about using remove to ge...

How do i use a transparent image in a transparent image using GD?

I have tried every way I can find but the background is always black. Is there any way to keep the transparency of the first image when GD ises it in PHP? I'm using imagecopymerge to use the image. though i am not sure if this is the right way. imagecopymerge($dest, $char, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 300, 100); The image is like so: http://file...

PHP array taking up too much memory

I have a multidimensional array. The array itself is fine. My problem is that the script takes up monster amounts of memory, and since I'm running this on my MAMP install on my iBook G4, my computer freezes up. Below is the full script. $query = "SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10"; $result = mysql_query($query); $posts = ar...

Powershell Select-Object from array not working

I am trying to seperate values in an array so i can pass them to another function. Am using the select-Object function within a for loop to go through each line and separate the timestamp and value fields. However, it doesn't matter what i do the below code only displays the first select-object variable for each line. The second sele...

Access COM server's idl helpstring attribute from .net client

I haven't been able to find a way to access the helpstring attribute of a COM server's interface method's or properties from a .net client? Is it possible? I've created a primary interop assembly for my COM server using the command: tlbimp myserver.tlb /primary /keyfile:myserver.snk /out:company.myserver.dll /namespace:myserver The int...

Perl & Apache HTTP server: Can't do Tie MLDBM when the cgi script is executed from the server, but okay when executed from the command line. Why?

Hi, please help! I'm really going nuts with this problem! I have a CGI perl script and it always fails at the following line when executed from the Apache HTTP server: tie %db, 'MLDBM', "$data_path/$db_name.db", O_RDONLY, 0640 or die $! and the error is Permission denied: Software error: Permission denied at /var/www/cgi-bi...

Create top ten list

I'm trying to build an iPhone app where I have a list of names, and can search by year to find the top ten names for that year. How would I need to set that up in xcode? ...