
Jquery Image Slider with Margin Issues

View a live example here , you click it to the right it goes fine but when you click it to the left then you see whats wrong.. Heres the javascript code i use /* Slideshow */ $(document).ready(function() { slideshow_loading = true; slideshow_busy = true; current_slide = 1; slideshow_loop_interval =...

PHP does not recognize CSS and stuff

Problems Project1.php does not show: CSS, thumbs and sidebar navegation I do not know what is wrong with it? Site Structure: giving | - - css | - - | - - | - - index.php | - - portfolio | - - print | - - | - - img ...

Python Server Help

I have written a small HTTP server and everything is working fine locally, but I am not able to connect to the server from any other computer, including other computers on the network. I'm not sure if it is a server problem, or if I just need to make some adjustments to Windows. I turned the firewall off, so that can't be the probelm. I...

Question about creating classes in Objective-C

I am really new to objective C, and I want to make a class that is an NSArray of NSDictionary, and then have a method that grabs a random entries. I know how to make that but I don't understand how to make it in the class. What I mean is I thought that you could put the code that declared (or whatever the correct terminology is) the ar...

Query to Database MySQL

I need Yoour help: I want search from table how many users(id_uzy) makes reservation on example this week, next which hours they reserved (godzina[pl] -> hour[en]) and for this hours find all id_urz. Example: id_uzy->1->hour(9-10)-->id_urz(2,3,4) id_uzy->1->hour(10-11)-->id_urz(2,3,4) id_uzy->2->hour(10-11)-->id_urz(4,5) id_uzy->1->h...

Programmers' Chat Rooms

Can anyone point out some coding chat rooms, IRC servers, or any other way by which I could contact professional or indie programmers live? I haven't had luck finding such chats, since look up shows usually tutorials for writing chat rooms, etc. (one of the troubles our profession causes). It's for purpose of short questions and quick a...

What is "respond_to" and "do" and "|format|" in this code? Some help with rails please?

class PostsController < ApplicationController # GET /posts # GET /posts.xml def index @posts = Post.all respond_to do |format| format.html # index.html.erb format.xml { render :xml => @posts } end end ... What exactly is "respond_to" Is it part of rails? What is "do" and"|format|"? Why are there verti...

What does this Perl code do?

In cPanel, they tell you to insert this code into the beginning of Perl files. I'm not sure what it does. I've tried code with and without this in the beginning of the file and it seems to all work the same. I haven't tested that out with cron running the code, but only as myself. By "tested it out", I mean using print lines, databas...

Using the HelpProvider class to show help, UI is always behind help window

I have a C# Winforms app that uses the HelpProvider class. Whenever i press F1 to bring up help, the help window will always be on top of my application, I cannot bring my application UI to the foreground. I can still interact with my UI, but the help window will remain on top. Is this by design of HelpProvider? Or am I missing somethin...

Help needed on SQL query to Linq Conversion

Please help me write LINQ for this SQL select svc.SvcName, svcOptions.SvcOptionName, svcMap.Price from svcMap inner join svc on svcMap.SvcId = svc.SvcId inner join svcOptions on svcOptions.SvcOptionId = CASE WHEN (svcMap.DesiredSvcOptionId <> 0 AND svcMap.DesiredSvcOptionId <> svc.DisabledSvcOptionId) THEN ...

Javascript character counter help

I have some code that I am using to count characters in an input/textarea and display a countdown on my page. My problem is that I want the ability to define which div I want the counter displayed in. How can I add a variable to this code in which I can define which div I want the counter to appear in???? Help me geniuses!!! (function...

How can I block further input in textarea using maxlength

I have a textarea that I want to block input on if the entered characters reaches a max-length. I currently have a Jquery script for the textbox that calculates the characters entered and want to add something that will block input in the textarea once 150 characters are entered. I have tried using max-length plugins in conjunction w...

How to embed a HTMLHELP in a View of an VC8 MFC application???

Hi there, I have built a SDI splitted window app (VC8- MFC). In the bottom pane of the splitted window I want to display a .CHM file (HTML HELP file). Any expert knows how to do that? Using the call: *::HtmlHelp( m_hWnd, _T( "Sample.chm" ), HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, NULL );* will just pop up a new window....but I wnat to embed the HTML help...

Custom Rails Validation - multiple fields simultaneously

I'm looking to create a custom validation in Rails. I need to validate that a POSTed start_date_time and end_date_time (together) do not overlap that combination in the database. Example: In the database: start_date 05/15/2000 end_date 05/30/2000 POSTed: start_date 05/10/2000 end_date 05/20/2000 FAILS! Here's the rub: ...

How can I safely and quickly extract digits from an int ?

We currently have some code to extract digits from an int, but I need to convert this to a platform without snprintf, and I am afraid of a buffer overrun. I have started to write my own portable (and optimized) snprintf but I was told to ask here in case someone had a better idea. int extract_op(int instruction) { char buffer[OP_L...

Working example of WIX script that registers help in MS Help 2.0 needed

Hello. Can anybody give an example of WIX script to register custom help in visual studio help? I,ve searched for some tutorial, but the only thing that I found was VS schema reference. Everything I tried to do did not work. I use WIX 3.0. ...

Help With SharedPreference, For Android Live Wallpaper

Ok well I need help adding settings to choose which texture to show you should be able to tell what I mean because there are already two set up. i have the gui for the settings set up along with the activity I just can't figure out how to implement it. If you can help me I'll credit you in the app in the settings and the market post. Alo...

Web application: Creating searchable application help

When building a web application's help section, what are the preferred tools? Specifically, I'd like to make a searchable set of help documents. I'm hoping there are more specialized tools than just good ol' fashioned HTML / database backend. ...

jquery add to another div-boxes inside one special box... ie7+

hi folks, here is my code: $('.round').each ( function ( ) { var content = $(this).html ( ); $(this).removeClass ( 'round' ); $(this).html ( '' ); var inner = $(document.createElement('DIV')).addClass ( 'rc-inner' ).html ( content ); var outer = $(document.createElement('DIV')).addClass ( 'rc-outer' ).append ( inn...

How can I get information from the shell about commands available in Android shell?

Can't find information on how to print out documentation on android shell commands while in the shell. Something along the lines of help ls ...