
Starting socket server in ruby on rails on cloud environments (heroku)

Hi, I'm using heroku, and I can push a Ruby on Rails app just fine, I'm trying to convert this to a Socket server, basically I would need to bind to an open port, in this case, I know Heroku only does 80 22 and 443. Is it possible to bind to port 80 on those environments? Also, how would I setup the entry point for this socket server,...

time difference on heroku server

There seems to be a time difference on heroku server. >> Customer.last.id => 584 >> Customer.last.created_at => Thu, 06 May 2010 01:43:20 UTC +00:00 >> Time.zone => #<ActiveSupport::TimeZone:0x2b1dec47e5c0 @utc_offset=0, @tzinfo=#<TZInfo::DataTimezone: Etc/UTC>, @name="UTC"> >> Time.now => Wed May 05 19:05:15 -0700 2010 >> Time.now.zon...

Using ActiveRecord caching library in Heroku

Hi all, I'm studying how to use caching in Heroku for my Rails app. HTTP cache powered by Varnish is superb and I'll use it in all pages without user info but I also want to use a kind of ActiveRecord caching with Memcached using "high livel" plugins such as cache_fu or cache-money...but it seems that Heroku supports only the memcached g...

Heroku and i18n Problems

I'm having trouble getting i18n to work on heroku. I set: I18n.default_locale = :de in my environment.rb and the translation is in config/locales/de.yml works perfect on my local machines but not so on Heroku. On heroku everything is in english. I don't think I need a special gem like i18n gem, cause I don't have it on my local ma...

heroku mongohq and mongoid Mongo::ConnectionFailure

UPDATE 12th aug 2010: Although I got an accepted answer 6th may from Jackues Crocker, there are aspects of this issue that makes it easy to mess up! It happened to me yet again and I decided to research the mongoid source code. So, here it goes: Currently, host: port: name/database: settings TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER the uri: setting. Hence...

How can I pull an existing heroku app to new location for development?

I currently have the latest version of my code on another computer that I want to develop from (Home computer and laptop for when I'm out and about) I set up heroku for my app on my laptop. Now I need to associate my code on my desktop so that I can push to heroku from there as well. This is what I get from my desktop: desktop:~/NetBea...

Heroku Rails Internal Server Error

Hello. I got a 500 Internal Sever error when I try to deploy my rails app on heroku. It works fine on my local machine, so i'm not sure what's wrong here. Seems to be something with the "sessions" on the home controller. Here is my log: ==> production.log <== # Logfile created on Sun May 09 17:35:59 -0700 2010 Processing HomeContro...

Rails Heroku Migrate Unknown Error

Hello. I am trying to get my app up and running on heroku. However once I go to migrate I get the following error: $ heroku rake db:migrate --trace rake aborted! An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. f5sm3554179qcg.2 /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/net/smtp.rb:576:in `au...

Has anyone successfully deployed on heroku from a windows platform ?

I've been reading all kinds of tutorials on how to deploy rails apps on heroku from windows. I've tried installing git, heroku gem, generating ssh keys and setting paths and everything... I get either public key error (without putty) or fatal no auth found (with putty)... ...

how to stop an app on heroku

I have an app on heroku which is being used by few users. However, I notice there are some data issues which i'd like to fix and stop the app in the mean time so users don't enter anything new. Is there a way to stop the app on heroku rather than destroying it? I see that restart server command is there ...though I don't see anything ...

Amazon secret keys and Heroku

I'm using S3 in this application for uploaded files, as Heroku has a read-only filesystem. How can I give my s3.yml to Heroku, but avoid checking it into the main repository? ...

Heroku FREE DB and Dyno "power"

Can anyone have an estimate of how much data can be inserted in a 5MB database? Also, would 1 Dyno handle a slashdot,hackernews, etc frontpage? Thanks. ...

Help setup my .git/config file for Heroku AND my Unfuddle Account

Ok, I have three different computers that I work from and right now their configurations are all different so I have to push/pull a certain on each and its very bothersome. What I want to do is have ONE config file that I can use for all three that will allow me to do the following: git push unfuddle git pull heroku git push unfuddle gi...

setup for prawn, prawnto on heroku

I'm trying to use prawn, prawnto for generating pdfs in a rails application hosted on heroku. But I'm struggling on the setup. Is it possible to use prawn, prawnto on heroku? Is there a guide explaining what I should do? ...

Issues with Sinatra and Heroku

So I've created and published a Sinatra app to Heroku without any issues. I've even tested it locally with rackup to make sure it functions fine. There are a series of API calls to various places after a zip code is consumed from the URL, but Heroku just wants to tell me there is an server error. I've added an error page that tries to g...

Rack::ResponseHeaders in rackup for Sinatra

I think this is a very easy one, but I can't seem to get it right. Basically, I'm trying to use Rack middleware to set a default Cache-Control header into all responses served by my Sinatra app. It looks like Rack::ResponseHeaders should be able to do exactly what I need, but I get an error when attempting to use the syntax demonstrated ...

Reduce Heroku Compiled Slug Size

I've just updated rails to v2.3.6 on my app under a bamboo-ree-1.8.7 stack and the compiled slug size has grown up to 40.5Mb! Previous to that last git push, the slug size was about 20Mb and was using rails v2.3.5. Is it because my slug has both of rails versions installed? Probably I'm missing something but I haven't added any special ...

Using Google Map Headers (YM4R) on Heroku

I have the following at the top of my view: <%= GMap.header %> Heroku is giving me an ActionView::TemplateError on that line.... this works on my own machine but not on Heroku.... why is that? Is there something about Heroku that doesn't allow? In the final compile on the browser, the above code translates into this on the client si...

Why is 'heroku create' doing nothing?

I opened a heroku account. I followed the instructions on http://docs.heroku.com/quickstart. I have a working rails app which I have deployed successfully elsewhere. I have a github account that works. I have a local git repository for my rails app. I installed the heroku gem. It shows up in my gem list. I typed 'heroku create' at the c...

Postgres error with Sinatra/Haml/DataMapper on Heroku

I'm trying to move a simple Sinatra app over to Heroku. Migration of the Ruby app code and existing MySQL database using Taps went smoothly, but I'm getting the following Postgres error: PostgresError - ERROR: operator does not exist: text = integer LINE 1: ...d_at", "post_id" FROM "comments" WHERE ("post_id" IN (4, 17,... ...