
Heroku: Postgres type operator error after migrating DB from MySQL

This is a follow-up to a question I'd asked earlier which phrased this as more of a programming problem than a database problem. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2935985/postgres-error-with-sinatra-haml-datamapper-on-heroku I believe the problem has been isolated to the storage of the ID column in Heroku's Postgres database after run...

Pushing app to heroku problem

I am trying to push my app to heroku and I get the following message: $ heroku create Creating electric-meadow-15..... done Created http://electric-meadow-15.heroku.com/ | [email protected]:electric-meadow-1 5.git $ git push heroku master ! No such app as fierce-fog-63 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly It's weird that I am...

Heroku Create Unknown Protocol SSL Error

Hi, I'm new to Ruby and have created a site in Rails, I'm trying to run heroku create on my Windows machine and after generating a public key through git gui, I'm getting this error Uploading ssh public key C:\Users\me/.ssh/id_rsa.pub c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:590:in connect': unknown protocol (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError) fr...

Pushing app to heroku error

Hello, I am getting the following error when I try to push my app to heroku. I saw a similar thread on here, but the issues seemed related to OSX. I am running windows 7 $ git push heroku master Counting objects: 1652, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. fatal: object 91f5d3ee9e2edcd42e961ed2eb254d5181cbc734 inconsistent o...

Deploying to Heroku with sensitive setting information

I'm using GitHub for code and Heroku for the deployment platform for my rails app. I don't want to have sensitive data under Git. Such data include database file settings (database.yml) and some other files that have secret API keys. When I deploy to heroku, how can I deal with files that are not under revision control. When I use Cap...

NoMethodError using Memcached Sinatra-style

I've just installed Memcached on my Mac and updated my Sinatra app configuration as described in Heroku's documentation, but I'm getting a NoMethodError when trying to use the hash-based syntax they specify: >> CACHE['color'] = 'blue' >> CACHE['color'] Using explicit get and set methods as below seems to work fine. >> CACHE.set('colo...

Using local configs in a Heroku deployment environment

I'm trying to migrate my app to Heroku - I have a config file that varies with development/staging/production environments as it contains uniquely assigned keys (from Facebook, S3, etc.), so I keep it out of the repository and keep the configs local. As such I'm trying to find a solution for Heroku to have that config file since Heroku ...

how to push different local git branches to heroku/master

Heroku has a policy of ignoring all branches but 'master'. While I'm sure Heroku's designers have excellent reasons for for this policy (I'm guessing for storage and performance optimization), the consequence to me as a developer is that whatever local topic branch I may be working on, I would like an easy way to switch Heroku's master...

Git using wrong email address when talking to Heroku

git clone [email protected]:myapp.git Results in a "myoldemailaddress not authorized to access myapp" myoldemailaddress was an email address I was using on an old heroku account, but it seems to be stuck using it, I can use my new one. I've removed the .heroku directory, and regenerated it, it has the correct user name and password, I c...

Checking in code without deploying on Heroku

I've been successfully running an app on Heroku, but now would like to work with a collaborator on it. Is there a way with can check in (and pull) code without deploying it live? Right now a git push deploys to code the live site. ...

Securely persist session between https://secure.yourname.com and http://www.yourname.com on rails app

My rails site posts to a secure host (e.g. 'https://secure.yourname.com') when the user logs into the site. Session data is stored in the database, with the cookie containing only the session ID. The problem is that when the user returns to a non-https page, such as the home page (e.g. 'http://www.yourname.com') the user appears to hav...

Why am I getting an error on Heroku that suggests I need to migrate my app to Bamboo?

When I type: git push heroku master, this is what happens $:sample_app git push heroku master Counting objects: 110, done. Delta compression using up to 2 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (94/94), done. Writing objects: 100% (110/110), 87.48 KiB, done. Total 110 (delta 19), reused 0 (delta 0) -----> Heroku receiving push -----> Rails...

Locking DB w/ Large Reads (Ruby-on-Rails/Heroku)

Currently I have a Web API running on Heroku that is constantly writing information we're collecting from other data sources (currently theres about half a GB of data and it's growing very quickly). We're looking to add a reporting system on top of the current database that we can use to extract useful information out of the DB. The pr...

How do I install forked gems on heroku?

I'm trying to get Heroku working with European buckets on amazon s3 webserivces using the aws-s3 gem. It seems I need to install a forked version of the gem to get around the issue. However, with heroku I can only use the .gems file to install gems. Can I use this .gems file to install forked-gems somehow? ...

Heroku powered private restricted beta

I'd like to run an app in a restricted private beta on heroku. We're changing the app regularly and haven't done a security audit. To stop anyone exploiting stuff, we'd like to lock down the whole site, so you need a password to access anything. Ideally similar to using .htaccess and .htpasswd files to lock an entire site on an Apache...

Google OpenID-OAuth hybrid implementation on Heroku

Hi, I am looking for a step by step guide to implement Google OpenID+OAuth in our Webapplication running on Heroku for getting calendar/contacts data. I have looked at many documents and Q&A about this but still can't make things work and was wondering if anyone here knew of a place which describes the plugins, gems needed and a step by...

heroku corrupted object, git fsck fails in rails

Possible Duplicate: Pushing app to heroku error Hello. I am trying to push an app to heroku and I am getting the error detailed here. So I am trying to determine the corrupt objects using git fsck -full but it isn't returning anything. Nothing happens: Ryan@Ryan-PC ~ $ git fsck --full Ryan@Ryan-PC But I get the object...

How to setup prawn on heroku when installed as a git submodule

I have a rails app that I am trying to deploy to heroku. This app generates pdfs using prawn. I installed prawn as a git submodule rather than as a gem as this is what is recommended on the prawn website (here). This has not worked well with heroku so far though. As stated on heroku's application constraints page submodules are not supp...

rmagick error on heroku

i'm cropping images with paperclip. i have a custom module which works great on my local machine (copied from railscast 182). //file: lib/paperclip_processors/cropper.rb module Paperclip class Cropper < Thumbnail def transformation_command if crop_command crop_command + super.sub(/ -crop \S+/, '') else ...

Can a Heroku app add/remove dynos or workers to/from itself?

Heroku allows you to add and remove dynos and workers on the fly and charges you per second that each is used. Is it possible to set up my app so that it can add/remove dynos and workers from itself depending on the load it's under? This paragraph on Heroku.com mentions an API, but I can't find out much more about it. ...