
Is it possible to route heroku-rails-app to a subdirectory of my custom domain?

I want to setup a rails app on heroku that is part of a website. The website which is hosted on a different server explains the usage of the app, shows a tour, plans, contains a blog on related stuff and so on. I want to route to my_domain/app and the app should respond to that url. The custom_domain add-on doesnt allow to enter directo...

Problem with heroku db:pull while at work.

When I try to pull down a database while at work I get the following error: :>heroku db:pull Auto-detected local database: sqlite://db/development.sqlite3 Bad credentials given for http://heroku:[hidden]@taps.heroku.com Note that when I am at home I am able to run this command just fine. I wanted to know if you have any suggestion...

Database locking: ActiveRecord + Heroku

I'm building a Sinatra based app for deployment on Heroku. You can imagine it like a standard URL shortener but where old shortcodes expire and become available for new URLs (I realise this is a silly concept but its easier to explain this way). I'm representing the shortcode in my database as an integer and redefining its reader to give...

Data migration from site5 to heroku

Hi, I've a Rails 2.1.2 App hosted on site 5. This App is running since 2 years and I want to migrate the site on heroku. No pb to install the site on heroku, but what about the data?! What is the best strategy to export from site 5 (I've phpMyAdmin) and then import to heroku? Thanks ...

Backing up my locally hosted rails apps in preparation for OS upgrade

I have some apps running on Heroku. I will be upgrading my OS in two weeks. The last time I upgraded though (6 months ago) I ran into some problems. Here's what I did: copied all my rails apps onto DVD upgraded OS transferred rails apps from DVD to new OS Then, after setting up new SSH-keys I tried to push to some of my heroku app...

Connection error with heroku db:push with postgresql

I have suddenly started seeing this strange error when trying to push my database to heroku. > heroku db:push Auto-detected local database: postgres://infinity:infinity@localhost/infinity_development?encoding=utf8 Failed to connect to database: Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError -> TypeError wrong argument type String (expected Array) My...

heroku - how to see all the logs

I have a small app on heroku. Whenever I want to see the logs I go to the command line and do heroku logs That only shows me about 100 lines. Is there not a way to see complete logs for our application on heroku? ...

Error when pushing to Heroku - ...appear in group - Ruby on Rails

I am trying to deploy my first rails app to Heroku and seem to be having a problem. After git push heroku master, and heroku rake db:migrate I get an error saying: SELECT posts.*, count(*) as vote_total FROM "posts" INNER JOIN "votes" ON votes.post_id = posts.id GROUP BY votes.post_id ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0): ...

How do I serve nested static content on Heroku?

I have a rails application with static content in the public directory (e.g. public/index.html) and additional static content in nested subdirectories (e.g. public/one/two/index.html). All the static content is served correctly if I run it locally via script/server but when I upload it to Heroku the top-level page loads correctly but t...

Generating PDF's via Delayed Job while maintaing a RESTful pattern.

Hi, currently I am running a Rails app on Heroku, and everything is working great with exception of generating PDF documents that sometimes contain thousands of records. Heroku has a built-in timeout of 30 seconds, so if the request takes more than 30 seconds, it's abandoned. That's fine, since they offer delayed_job support built-in. ...

Heroku taps push weirdness...

I have the strangest experience using taps to move data between my machine and Heroku. It works fine except that it seems to lose 0s directly behind the decimal place for my geo coordinates i.e. 50.0519322 for some reason gets set to 50.519322... no idea why. When I pull the data from the remote location ie. heroku db:pull... it works...

Adding Table Columns to a Group by clause - Ruby on Rails - Postgresql

I am trying to use Heroku and apparently Postgresql is a lot more strict than SQL for aggregate functions. When I am pushing to Heroku I am getting an error stating the below. On another question I asked I received some guidance that said I should just add the columns to my group by clause and I am not sure how to do that. See the full...

Heroku Push Problem part 2 - Postgresql - PGError Relations does not exist - Ruby on Rails

Ok so got through my last problem with the difference between Postgresql and SQLite and seems like Heroku is telling me I have another one. I am new to ruby and rails so a lot of this stuff I can't decipher at first. Looking for a little direction here. The error message and PostsController Index are below. I checked my routes.rb file an...

ROR heroku PostGres issue

getting error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PGError: ERROR: argument of HAVING must be type boolean, not type timestamp without time zone controller code snippet: def inactive @number_days = params[:days].to_i || 90 @clients = Client.find(:all, :include => :appointments, :conditions => ["clients.user_id = ? A...

How can I calculate data for a boxplot (quartiles, median) in a Rails app on Heroku? (Heroku uses Postgresql)

I'm trying to calculate the data needed to generate a box plot which means I need to figure out the 1st and 3rd Quartiles along with the median. I have found some solutions for doing it in Postgresql however they seem to depend on either PL/Python or PL/R which it seems like Heroku does not have either enabled for their postgresql datab...

heroku time zone problem, logging local server time

UPDATE: Ok, I didn't formulate a good Q to be answered. I still struggle with heroku being on -07:00 UTC and I at +02:200 UTC. Q: How do I get the log written in the correct Time.zone ? The 9 hours difference, heroku (us west) - norway, is distracting to work with. I get this in my production.log (using heroku logs): Processing Pro...

HTTP Push on Heroku

What would be the best approach to creating an application on Heroku that has the capability to push data to the client? I have looked at Juggernaut; however, it requires Flash and I am not sure about it actually running on Heroku. Any help would be appreciated. ...

how can I have a teammate restart heroku server from his machine

I have a rails app up on heroku. Sometimes the server bombs out and I have to go to the console and execute heroku restart so that servers get restarted. This seems to fix the problem. However, I am not on my machine all the time. I would like to have a team member have this capability as well. For this to happen...what does he need...

Anything like Heroku for PHP or .NET?

In my area PHP is very widespread, so is .NET. Ruby not so much; most places have never heard of it. For some personal things I am "forced" to choose Rails because I want to take advantage of Heroku - the ability to deploy and scale on the cloud very easily is the main reason. Also, they offer a small FREE plan that I can use for demo...

heroku complaining about my public key created by ssh-keygen2

I am trying to access my heroku app from work (windows machine). I installed cygwin on the machine and generated ssh-key as well. However, I get the below error: C:>heroku keys:add "C:\cygwin\home\4541450\[email protected]" Uploading ssh public key C:\cygwin\home\4541450\[email protected] Enter your Heroku credentia...