
Quering JPA TABLE_PER_CLASS mapping on One to One relationship

I am trying to map a JPA (using Hibernate) one-to-one relationship with a inheritance strategy TABLE_PER_CLASS. Here is an example: @Entity public class DrivingLicense { @OneToOne(targetEntity = Human.class, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn private Human human; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")...

JPA/Hibernate Native Queries do not recognize Parameters

I am using Hibernate/JPA to execute native PostGIS queries. The problem with these queries is that they need parameters that are not of the classical X = 'value' form. For example, the following lines crash String queryString = "select * from Cell c where ST_DWithin(c.shape, SetSRID(ST_GeomFromEWKT('POINT(:lon :lat)'),4326), 0.1)"; ...

What could spring add to hibernate?

I'm trying to build JSF application and I'm using hibernate as ORM solution. The problem is that I got my code full of replicate code Transaction tx = null; Session session = SessionFactoryUtil.getInstance().getCurrentSession(); try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); tx.commit();} catch(Exception){} in every function. Can spring...

how do you get "real" sql distinct with hibernate criteria queries?

I have a Hibernate criteria query that is incorrectly pulling out max results. In many cases, when I specify 20 max results, the query actually only returns 1 or 5 results, because the restrictions return many duplicates. Criteria c = session.createCriteria(DomainObject.class); c.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); c.cr...

Hiberante property type list, add it through sql to table

Hi all, I recently added new property in one class, its list property and I have written xml mapping for that property,due to few reasons I am not suppose to delete database or use create option in hibernate config file to update changes. I have to do it manual by executing sql queries on database. xml mapping file: <list name="items"...

Is it illegitimate to name an JPA entity "Group"?

I'm developing a JEE6-application, using JPA 2.0 and Hibernate 3.5.2-Final as the Provider (and MySQL 5.1.41). My Application Server is Glassfish V3.0.1. I already have a working CRUD-app with some entities and relationships. Now i added an (really simple) entity with the name "Group". The entity class looks like this: package model //...

how to call stored procedure using spring and hibernate

I get an error message as java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException and Invalid column name. Can you help me why am i getting this error. ...

Removing parent and all children

Hi, I have a problem removing the parent entity from the database. The code looks like this: public class Parent implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE) private Long id; @Cascade(org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.DELETE_ORPHAN) @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchTy...

Hibernate criteria distinct with join - fetch the relation

Hello, I've searched on the internet but I didn't understand very much the problem: I'm trying to build a distinct query using criteria and a distinct clause using a projection, trying to resole the lazy attribute of the projection in the distinct. So the query will be like this Code: createCriteria(Parent.class) .setProject(Pro...

How do I tell Hibernate to create a primary key for a many-to-many relationship in an .hbm file?

How do I tell Hibernate to create a primary key for a many-to-many relationship in an .hbm file? ...

My @Embedded Component is coming back null through Hibernate when it isn't null in the DB.

Hi Everyone, I'm running into an issue reconstituting an object from the database using Hibernate. An @Embedded component is throwing a NullPointerException when it's being accessed for the class' hashCode() implementation. The reconstitution is attempting to be done thus: @Override public Collection<Web> getWebs() { Collection<?...

Persisting set of Enums in a many-to-many unidirectional mapping

I'm using Hibernate 3.5.2-FINAL with annotations to specify my persistence mappings. I'm struggling with modelling a relationship between an Application and a set of Platforms. Each application is available for a set of platforms. From all the reading and searching I've done, I think I need to have the platform enum class be persisted a...

Java/Hibernate JPA: InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS and IDs

I'm using Hibernate JPA. Suppose I have these classes: AbstractPerson |--> ConcreteEmployee |--> ConcreteCustomer Is there any way to make the concrete classes have independent IDs? I'm using InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS. ...

store Audit Trail Info to the Dababase table using Hibernate

Hi all, I have tables, called Customer, Orders.... Each table contains createdBy, CreatedDate,ModifiedBy, ModifiedDate. How do i fill this information for all tables without duplicating these columns in each entity and mapping file? I am using Java 1.4, hibernate ORM model. Currently i have create one base class (CoreDomainObject) which...

Hibernate second level cache - print result

Hi All- I defined a second level cache in my application using @Cache annotation I am using findById query, as the following: long id = 4; Company cmp = companyDAO.findById(id); Where Company is the object that I get from the DB. How can I check if the Company object came from the DB or from the cache? ...

Hibernate -> n:m relation -> problem insert in a joined table

Hello! I have a bidirectional n:m relation with two entities and I have created domain objects for using with Hibernate in the latest version 3.5.3. I used this for my example: http://tadtech.blogspot.com/2007/09/hibernate-annotation-many-to-many-join_03.html My problem: The Addres will be added without a problem. But it does not make ...

JMS - can anybody give a reference on JMS

Hi, Im doing a JMS project. can anybody point out a reference on running ActiveMQ(JMS) on two different pc using eclipse on both pc? tnx -jaded ...

using stored procedure in hibernate 3

Hello I am using hibernate + spring since 5 months but never used stored procedure in hibernate so please can anybody tell me how to call stored procedure from DB(MySQL).... ...

Hibernate bug, how to workaround?

I use Hibernate 3.5.3, and Oracle 10g database I have bean with following relation @OneToMany @JoinTable(name="dispenser_accounts", joinColumns=@JoinColumn(name="terminal_id"), inverseJoinColumns=@JoinColumn(name="dispenser_section_id")) @MapKey(name="dispenserNumber") private Map<Integer, DispenserAccount> activeDispe...

How can I simulate the ending of a transaction using JUnit with Spring and Hibernate to isolate a LazyInitializationException?

I'm trying to write a test that isolates the failure to load a property because no Session exists. The following path fails ERROR [http-8081-14] LazyInitializationException.setSessionAttribute(223) | could not initialize proxy - no Session org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - no Session at org.hib...