
Cascade in hibernate from the one to many side

Hi there, i know this question might be asked before, but i want to make it specific, am using hibernate without annotations, so my case is if I've the following relation: A has many of B and B has one of A, it's a one to many relation from A side, am dealing with A entity which contain set of B, then when Creating, Updating Bs in run...

Tomcat + Hibernate + JNLP

Hello, I have a small question, I'm trying to build and application that run's on Tomcat 6.0.28. My application is a JNLP that has a swing frame. The deployment works fine, was able to delopy the JNLP in Tomcat and to access it after that from a browser. The JFrame show's up when I execute the JAR. But the problem is that I have a M...

BigTable vs noSQL

may i know in 'nosql' there is limitation just like bigtable where we should 'denormalized' our table/entity ? any api wrapper that allow we to write code once and can be used for google app engine bigtable and nosql ? (something like hiberanate) ...

Hibernate Eclipse Plugin

Hi All, Can anyone suggest me a good eclipse plug-in for Hibernate. The plug in should take care of generation of POJO classes, hbm mapping files. Also provide a nice interface to execute HQL queries. Any help would be highly appreciated. Regards, Nitin Ware ...

Hibernate HQL NULL comparison pattern

Imagine a simple web page allowing you to search Bookings like this: If the Booking Number field is not populated I want to return all rows. If the Booking Number field is populated I only want to return that row. I have been using a pattern in Hibernate (with an underlying MySQL database) to accomplish this that goes something lik...

one-to-many mapping for basic type at many side

I want to know annotation based one-to-many mapping for basic type for example Person has many nick names. Person is class type and nick name is basic type String. One Person many nick names. ...

Hibernate... how does one do database/SQL queries?

I (think I) understand that Hibernate offers me access to a relational database essentially as if I had a class(es) that matched whatever view(s) I define of some tables. How do I get the results of a specific query to be accessible via a class? In particular, can I issue a complex SQL query, and process multiple results? Do I lose an...

Hibernate Inheritance problem

I am using Hibernate 3.0 . I am facing an issue in using joined sub class. Here is a small example I have an Animal super class, and i have 2 sub classses Dog and Cat. I am jusing joined sub class for defining this relationship. when i do Query query=session.createQuery("from Animal"); it is fetching the objects of animal,dog an...

hibernate problem

I am new to hibernate , am getting the following error [INFO ][main][2010-07-16 17:36:13] HibernateUtil.java (l.66) : connection url = jdbc:derby:MATOSO_DB;create=true [ERROR][main][2010-07-16 17:36:14] SchemaExport.java (l.274) : schema export uns uccessful java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver at java.sql.DriverManager.g...

org.hibernate.validator.Length max value

Hi there. I'm using the annotation @Length on a String: @Length private String variable; I know that i can set a maximum value on this annotation, but does anyone knows if it is possible to set an unlimited max value? Thanks ...

Mapping basic many-to-one with annotation

Please show me how to map collection of basic type using annotation for one-to-many? ...

Performasure and hibernate

I have some pojos, which are mapped to a tables in database. When I deploy my code into performance tuning environment, I receive bunch of org.hibernate.MappingException due to $performasure_j2eeInfo is added to them by PerformaSure tool. Is there a way, I can configure my hibernate context file, so this field mapping will ignore mapp...

Spring 3 Forms + ModelAttribute + Deteched Entity

When saving an entity using Spring Forms and Hibernate I use the following controller method (simplified) to do that. @Transactional @RequestMapping(value="/speichern", method = RequestMethod.POST) public void saveEvent(final @ModelAttribute("__eventData") MDKEvent p_event) { em.persist(p_event); } // saveEvent When I try to edit...

Hibernate - a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session

After changing the @id of a Entity from @Id private int getId(){ return this.id; } to @Id private String getLogin(){ return this.login; } I get the error: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session In the webapplication isn't changed anything. A read the entity and then ch...

With spring and hibernate, need clarification on how the datasource and session are wired.

My DAO's are going to extend the HibernateDaoSupport class that spring provides. Now I need to: setup my database connection in web.xml Tell spring I am using annotations for hibernate mapping? wire the session to the HibernateDaoSupport object. The doc's show a sample xml: <beans> <bean id="myDataSource" class="org.apache.commo...

@OneToOne annotation within composite key class is not working.

Dear Friends, Maybe somebody can clarify what is wrong with the code below. When I create one-to-one association within embedded class (it is composite primary key) like in the code below: @Entity public class Test { @EmbeddedId private TestId id; @Embeddable public static class TestId implements Serializable { ...

Creating a new object instance in hibernate using a sql query

I am attempting to create an object in hibernate using a query, which will then be saved back to the table representing the class. Excerpt from hbm.xml file: <class name="MyClass" table="MY_TABLE"> <id column="ID" name="ID"> <generator class="sequence"> <param name="sequence">MY_SEQ</param> </generator> </id> <property colu...

Hibernate - setProjection after Criteria after Criteria

why is this not possible? Criteria crit1 = sess.createCriteria(Criteria1Class.class); Criteria crit2 = crit1.createCriteria("criteria2Class"); crit2.setProjection(Projections.groupProperty("criteria2Property")); List<String> l2 = crit2.list(); If I use this construction I get the error: could not resolve property: criteria2Property...

Java Persistence frameworks

I am in need of some further information. I am developing a small application which will be interacting with a PHP web application. The media server which we are incorporating with is extensible in Java. I need very little access to the database inside the plugin which we are developing, I only need to view rows in about 10% of the ta...

Wicket - user data internationalization

Hi, I'm writing an application using Wicket/Hibernate and I need to support many languages. How to make good internationalization of user data in a PostgreSQL database? Thanks for any help/suggestions. ...