
jquery toggle to work in multiple instances

I have a show/hide effect that works but I just need to be able to use it multiple times in a page. Currently it toggles all elements. Can't get my head around how to do it. Hope you can help. http://pastebin.me/29328e556caf53e9a1925030d65b864b ...

jquery show hide replace area

how can i use jQuery to show/hide the same div area... essentially swapping out content? here is what i have so far, and i cant figure out how to hide the previous content and replace it with the new content: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('.content').hide(); $('a').click(function()...

Box disappear, when clicking elsewhere on the document? (jQuery)

Hello I'm showing a hidden box with jQuery on link-click. Now the box disappears when clicking the link again, but how to make it so it kinda "loses focus" and hides. SO, when user click somewhere on document (but not the box itself), it disappears. Suggestions? Martti Laine ...

Apache redirect when users home directory is completely empty.

I work for an ISP and I have a server with thousands of users 10MB of free storage. They get this free storage with every e-mail account they have with us. An example of a users storage address: http://users.example.com/~username/ One problem I can see is scanning the server for user names to see what accounts are available, basically g...

JQuery not Working in chrome?

Hi everyone! I have some code here which works perfectly in firefox but not in chrome or IE, my javascript is thus ` $(document).ready(function() { $("#clientLoginPop").show(); $("#clientLoginPop").animate({"left": "-=400px"}, "fast"); }); ...

Dynamic paging using divs and Javascript

I have a recordset loop that creates a table, and every 9 items it wraps a div around them so basically looks like: <div> <table>rs1, rs2 ----> rs9</table> </div> <div> <table>rs10, rs11 ----> rs18</table> </div> etc... Now, I want it so at first only the first div is showing and the others are hidden, but I have ASP loop that genera...

Hiding cell Contains in MS Excel using SpreadSheetGear?

Hey any body know how to hide cell contains using spreadsheet gear. ...

Hide list Sharepoint temporarily with Javascript

Back again with a javascript question within sharepoint. I would like to hide a list temporarly while my javascript code is running. So lets say I have a to do list. Hide the list I run my javascript code (doesn't matter what it is, so plz don't ask). Show the list I know how to do it with a calendarview but not listview yet: HIDE C...

Ruby Hide Console

I am attempting to make a game written in Ruby using the Gosu library (http://www.libgosu.org/) but when I run the game, a console also shows. How do I make sure the console is hidden from the start? thanks in advance, ell ...

jQuery if something is more than value then hide and add a button to show whats hidden?

Hi guys! Exactly what my title says is the problem Im having right now. Im checking a div for how many links php printed and if there is more than 10 Id like to hide them and add a button that says read more and then it show the rest of the links. $(document).ready(function() { var newsRss = $('#rssNews >li').length; ...

Can I hide an image path on asp.net page without http Handler?

I have many static images under a directory in my site structure, and I'm not concerned with hotlinking or copy-protecting the images. For a myriad of reasons, what I need to do is not show the image path on the site (or show a fake one). Is there any way to do this without resorting to an http handler or a worker asp.net page? ...

SSRS: Report loading external images, image not found, can I hide the image control

My SSRS report loads logo images for each customer from a customer number specific folder on the report server. I write an expression, to form my URL to the image based on th customer number. ..."http://localhost/images/" + iCustomerNumber.ToString() + "/logo.gif" I am able to get this working, but the problem I face is, when a parti...

How to Hide a folder in Sharepoint

What else I need to add to following code to make sure the folder is hidden or read only? SPListItem createFolder = myDocLib.Folders.Add(myDocLib.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, SPFileSystemObjectType.Folder, "Folder444"); folder.Update(); ...

ASP.NET Hide Length of Password During Entry

I have to hide the length of the password being entered during login of my asp.net web application. I know the asp.net textbox server control has the textmode of password but I can't even show the that. Any suggestions on how to hide the user input? ...

Jquery and Hide a div on a click

hello, i have a little problem with JQuery. Well, i have a and i want to hide this div when an user click in a zone that is not in the like the "notifications" behavior in facebook. The solution that i found is to use jQuery.live() method but i think there is a better way to do it. Thank you. ...

JavaScript: how to use data but to hide it so as it cannot be reused

Hi all. I've some data that i'd like to publish just on one website, ie. it should not be reused on other websites. The data is a set of numbers that change every day, our journalists work to get hard gather it. Is there any way to hide, crypt, etc. the data in a way that it cannot be reused by others? But to show it in a graph in the ...

Sharepoint: List - Hide Quick Launch?

In Sharepoint 2007, how do I hide the Quick Launch bar for all pages in a List? ...

How to display a huge amount of constantly changing data in a DataGridView that supports filtering?

Or: How do I filter rows in a 'virtual mode' DataGridView? What I try to do I am writing a log viewer to display live program output. Since the application will run for a long time once started, I'll have to keep and display a huge number of log/data rows (several hundred thousands). The old implementation was a TextBox which was clear...

Jquery fade and swap an element when clicked which will also relate to an accordian menu

You will notice when you click posture 1 the description drops down and images appear on the right. Now when you click posture 2 or posture 3 the images and description change as they should. view website What I need to do now is - If posture 1 has been clicked and then posture 2 is clicked the posture 1 menu needs to close so that th...

gtk-sharp-2.0 hide/show external applications(processes)

Hi, maybe the topic isn't quite precise.. i want to write in c# (gtk#-2.0) an app which opens another app hidden and later shows that app. For now i know only how to open hidden app... in windows...: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; namespace do_kasacji { ...