
[iPhone] hide status bar in landscape mode leave a blank space when rotating

Dear all, My application support to display some screen in landscape mode, and in landscape mode, I set to hide the status bar to get mode space to display data. The problem is while hiding the status bar and rotate screen, it leave a white pace at status bar position until the screen is rotated completely as below screenshot. I gue...

Show box if radio button checked using jQuery

I have the following code: <fieldset> <legend>Do you currently have SolidWorks</legend> <ul> <li><label for=""><input type="radio" name="solidworks" value="Yes" id="rdYes" /> Yes</label></li> <li><label for=""><input type="radio" name="solidworks" value="No" id="rdNo" /> No</label></li> ...

hiding columns in datagridview (autogeneratedcolumns = true)

Hi, is there a attribute for properties which controls the autogenerate columns behavior from datagridview? By Browsable(false) the datagridview doesnt generate a column for the property (!) and i want that it generates a column but set the column to visible = false; thanks ...

How to hide activity GUI in android 2.2

Hi all, I have an activity here. I want to click a button and then hide the activity GUI. That is, GUI is needed and you can hide it by clicking a "Hide App" button. How can i implement this "Hide App"? Somebody help! Thanks in advance! ...

Hiding all the 'Skipped Build' messages in VS2005 / VS2008

I'm building a Visual C++ solution that includes a large number of projects, most of which are skipped for this build. Every time I hit 'Build' I get a dozen messages like this in the Build output: 1>------ Skipped Build: Project: this_project_name, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Project not selected to build for this solution con...

jQuery show / hide elements by select field

I have a select field that shows different elements of my form based on the selected value, I have three "classes" that each show the required portions of the filed. I currently have the selects bound to a .click() and it works fine except that if I want to load the page with the value preselected, it won't show the required parts of the...

Problem with hiding status bar on iphone app, screenshot included

Im getting this blue line when i try to hide the status bar, I'm using the following line in the touchesBegan method in my RootViewController [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationFade]; http://i.imgur.com/GBCgX.png ...

How to Hide/Encrypt Javascript(which is visible to client in his/her browser)

Possible Duplicates: hide javascript from showing up in browser How can I obfuscate JavaScript? How to Hide/Encrypt Javascript(which is visible to client in his/her browser) ...

Jquery hide error in Firefox

Hello, I'm working on a page with mutiple divs that hide via the following jQuery code: // Special Offers Page $(".details").click(function(){ $(this).parents("div.special-offer").children(".hiddencontent").toggle(); return false; }); Here's the page for who needs to see the entire code: http://www.daraayu...

iphone sdk: How do i hide the tabBar in my UITabBarController?

Hi, My application consists out of a tabbarcontroller and inside i got multiple navigationControllers. Now i want to hide the bottom bar of the tabbarcontroller from the start because the buttons on the bottom bar lead to features inside the application which are just not ready yet so i dont't want the user to see them. How do i do this...

jquery append html show hide in IE.

Hello All, I need help with displaying images from a MySQL database. What I have is a an Dynamic PHP/HTML table that has multiple pages with a pagination link. The table layout is: Book Title, Author, Publisher, Category and image. I can connect to database with connection script - working OK. I can see all the information for the table ...

How to hide GET variables, but keep value.

How would I go about doing something like this: www.website.com/process.php?ip=32.313.131.31 to www.website.com/32.313.131.31 ...

restrict child multiple select based on multiple select of parent with jquery

I need to create an interface that upon selection of a parent multi select, it updates a child multi select of options. It is intended that the parent multi select can have none, one or many options selected and the child element displays a union of items that both parents have (or falls back to all items). Take for example: When pare...

hiding the keypad on iphone

I have a form that looks like the following (see image). If the user hits the Login button, I want the keypad to disappear. How do I do that. Note that TextFieldDelegate methods wouldnt get called since the user is simply hitting the UIButton (Login). Hence, anything I can put in the IBAction for this button? ...

Overlap two Divs hides contents

We overlap two Divs using "postion:absolute" and z-index. http://jsfiddle.net/z5GXV/ The text in the green zone (div id="Zone2") is hide by text in the yellow zone (div id="Zone3"). Any help on how to display the text? Edit1: We can't use nested divs. ...

Editable text functionality using jQuery

I have an image button and when I click it I want an specific field to go from text to an editable textfield, kinda like a dynamic edit button. So I have the plain text with certain id (ie. id="text1") and when I click the button, the text changes to an editable field, maybe something like $("#text1").hide(); and then $("#field1").show...

Passing a variable to trigger hide/show panels

I have a panel hide/show setup that is triggered from a list item anchor. Works great. The problem is, I also have a dropdown menu in the site navigation that also needs to trigger each panel, from any page on the site. Like say, I have panels (in this order), "Hardware", "Software", "Accessories" on the Products page. So when I'm on the...

Jquery, hide & show list items after nth item

Hey Guys, Say I have an unordered list, like so: <ul> <li>One</li> <li>Two</li> <li>Three</li> <li>Four</li> <li>Five</li> </ul> How would I, using JQuery, hide the last 2 list items and have a 'show more' link there, so when clicked upon, the last 2 list items would appear? <ul> <li>One</li> <li>Two</li> <l...

jQuery hide problem

I can't seem to make the "tohide" element hide and thus toggling doesn't work either. Dreamweaver tells me that my error is this line }); which appears under the line $("#mydiv").toggle(); <html> <title>Hider</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"/&gt; <script type...