
SImple class-based jquery show/hide for multiple, independent instances?

Is there a way to have many, many instances of jquery-based show/hide (toggle link followed by container with hidden content; toggle text changes depending on state) on a page using only classes and not IDs? I haven't found a reasonably well-documented, functional example anywhere. Thanks for any and all help! --cg ...

How can we hide (invisible) some CodeBehind lines (for example a class) from other developers in a common project?

How can we hide (invisible) some CodeBehind lines (for example a class) from other developers in a common project? I asked this question because today we were working on email codes and we wanted to send an email to all of programmers emails therewith sending an Email to our common web site email. How can we hide our passwords from eac...

Programatically hiding images in Telerik RadGrid image columns

Greetings, I've got a RadGrid populated with data from a DB. I've also got an image column which is to display an icon based on whether or not a specific boolean property (called IsDirty) of the object populating the row is true or false. If it's true, show the icon in the image column; if not, show nothing. The icon is the same for eve...

Form.Hide animation issue

I need to hide the main form in order to take a screenshot. I use Form.Hide(), but the method finishes executing while the animation still proceeds (on Windows 7). As a result, the screenshot contains a warped form image instead of no form at all. How to get around this issue? Form.VisibleChanged event has the same effect. ...

Javascript: Hide Popup With Cordinates

Hi all! My problem: For example: I have a link, when I click on it a popup div is shown, and when I click on the link again then closes the popup, that's ok, but how can I do to close the opened popup box when I click anywhere else outside of the popup. I've searched a lot and I found some solutions, but those weren't enough good to me...

jQuery : targetting id problem

Hello, I cannot target an element in jQuery. First example which works : $(document).ready(function() { $('#Models').hide(); }); Second example which fails : $(document).ready(function() { $('#Make').bind('change',function() { $('#Models').hide(); }); }); In this case, the ...

IE7 making jQuery animate() visible

If you check out this site: www.pensardevelopment.com/TEST/ you'll immediately see what's happening. In IE7 (don't have to accommodate for 6 thank god), the image animation is visible when it's supposed to be masked whereas all other browsers hide it. What gives? ...

Facebook LIKE button hiding when page is already LIKED by user

hey there, I'm trying to create a page on my site where the Like button should be hidden if the user already likes the page. If I can't hide it, then maybe there's a way to get a callback when the like button is rendered with a user who already likes the page. This way I can hide/reveal the iframe myself. Any clues? Howie ...

JQuery: Hide options of select according to option value

Dear readers, given following html <select name="IBE1$IBE_NurFlug1$ddl_Abflughafen" id="IBE1_IBE_NurFlug1_ddl_Abflughafen" class="dropdownlist" style="width: 99%;"> <option value="Antalya;TR">Antalya</option> <option value="Berlin;DE">Berlin</option> <option value="Duesseldorf;DE">Duesseldorf</option> <option value="Frankfurt;DE">Frank...

JQuery: Hide Problem with MSIE, Safari, Chrome

Hi, $(function() { $('#IBE1_IBE_NurFlug1_ddl_Abflughafen > option[value*="TR"]').attr("style", "display: none;"); does not hide options in a select. Also .hide does not work. What's wrong here? In Firefox it's ok. Thx a lot ...

ajax and check box

Hello Pleas help me I had a to radio <input type="radio" name="sex" value="male" /> Male<br /> <input type="radio" name="sex" value="female" /> Female <div class="content"> <div id="male">male contetn</div> <div id="female">femalecontetn</div> </div> I want use ajax when i click radio value male will show div id =male and ...

Is there a way to hide the tooltip with html <a> title attribute??

I want the the tooltip not be displayed when the mouse hovers over the links although the title attribute should be there for it affects SEO. I've read about removing using jQuery with $('...').removeAttr('title'); but does this still generate the title atribute in html for the search engine crawlers to crawl?? ...

How to hide div by onclick using javascript?

I have used a javascript to show div by onclick but when i click outside div i want to hide the div. How to do it in javascript? i'm using javascript code.. <a href="javascript:;" onClick="toggle('one');"> function toggle(one) { var o=document.getElementById(one); o.style.display=(o.style.display=='none')?'block':'none'; } ...

Hide the top frame on google translate

<frameset rows="36, 95%" border="0"> <frame src="alfa.html" noresize scrolling="no"> <frame src="http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&amp;prev=_t&amp;hl=en&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;layout=1&amp;eotf=0&amp;u=http://www.apple.com/&amp;sl=en&amp;tl=zh-CN"&gt; </frameset> How to hide the google top frame? JS? Jquery? And how... Thank...

Remove Gray UITableView Scroll Bar

Hi, I am making an application with a UITableView that has a few sections (2), and when I run, the table view has this annoying gray scroll bar on the side, like the one in the "iPod" application, that has but 2 options in it. My question is, how do I hide the "scroll bar," because it is an unnecessary waste of space? Example: Code sn...

Adobe Flex: hiding tab bar in tabNavigator

Hi All, Does anyone know how to hide the tab bar up top on a flex tabnavigator component? I don't want to see the tab bar at all and I don't need to click on it (I have an automated iterator through the tabs). I have tried .removeChildren, hideElementAt() with no success. Thanks for any input! Regards, Joseph ...

Hide status bar while playing video for iphone

Hi , I am trying to hide status bar for iphone application development.But when i am playing video at that that status bar come and after that when i come back to previous screen status bar showing . If i am not playing any video than whole application the status bar hiding. Can you please help me to hide status bar on video screen ,ev...

Hiding Rows Given A Certain Criteria (slow)

I'm trying to hide tr's within a html table if the inputs inside them match a certain criteria. The criteria is defined by a dropdown's selected value. I'm doing it like so: $(function () { $('body').find('#p_Selection').live('change', function () { var type = $('body').find('#p_Selection').attr('value'); var tableRow = $('....

Qt hide minimize, maximize and close buttons

Do you know how to hide minimize, maximize and close buttons of title bar in Qt. i did it before in some other project but i could not find it now. could u help me? especially i need to hide it on QMainWindow ...

Hide specific class fields from print_r or var_dump

Hi, Is it possible to hide a specific class fields from print_r ? <?php class DataManager { public $data = array(); } class Data { public $manager; public $data = array(); public function Data ($m, $d) { $this->manager = $m; $this->data = $d; } } $manager = new DataManager(); for ($a = 0; $a < 1...