
jQuery: Sortable nested list?

Hi, i'm building a website which has a parent-child Paging structure. I'm looking for a convenient way to administrate the website structure. I want the pages to be sortable Releasing the jQuery sortable code on my generated sitemap (nested UL), doesn't work properly... $('ul.SiteMap ul').sortable(); What's really important is t...

Hierarchical filtering in a relational database

I have a bunch of items in my program that all belong to a specific category. I'd like to return only the items that belong to that category. The problem is that categories can have parent categories. For example, let's say there's a category "Stuff" with the child category "Food" with the child category "Fruit". I have the items, Ap...

Tricky SQL SELECT problem (MySQL)

Having this table (sorry, cant seem to get a decent layout here): PD Header Text Mask_Producer Mask_Dep Mask_Diam ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Producer Aproducer Aprod * * 10 Produ...

AdvancedDataGrid hell: data on grouping rows

I need a hierarchical grid that shows data in columns for the parent rows as well as the child rows. - a parent | 1234 | data | data | a child | 2222 | data | data | a child | 212 | data | data | I've tried to make ADG work, but by default it has all columns except the grouping column blank for parent rows. I think I could use ...

Oracle Hierarchical Query

I have table which holds a company hierarchy. It was decided to use this flat table as there is no defined number of levels in the company. The table workes great, and if you were to use cascading lists on a client it's perfect. However, I need to see a "section", and all other "sections" owned by it. Hopefully the information below will...

Hierarchical query in Oracle - out of control?

I have a hierarchical query in Oracle 10 SQL that used to work. However, I removed the materialized view it was based on, and now I can't get it to come out properly, even leaving that view out altogether. The original query looked like this: select oh.name, oh.description , sys_connect_by_path(groupname, ':') "Groups" , (select c...

SQL Query to get records of parent table that have a list of child records

I have two tables in an MS SQL Server 2005 database, parent and child, where the parent may be related to many child records. [Child.parent_id] is related to [parent.id]. The child table also has column [foo] I need to bring back all records in the parent table where [child.foo] matches on each of one to many parameters. For example I wo...

proper way to delete album and its media and sub album and its media

what would be proper way to delete albums hierarchical data with its media. should i just start looping and find all the sub album id and delete thous and make query to delete all the media belonging to that album id. that will be loads of query execution if data is alot or albums are alot for a user. what your device is on this. my...

SQL CTE counting childs recursion

I'd like (using cte) to count children in table in that way to have at parent level number of all children including theirs children. Is there any sample available? ...

Getting limited amount of records from hierarchical data

Let's say I have 3 tables (significant columns only) Category (catId key, parentCatId) Category_Hierarchy (catId key, parentTrail, catLevel) Product (prodId key, catId, createdOn) There's a reason for having a separate Category_Hierarchy table, because I'm using triggers on Category table that populate it, because MySql triggers work...

ORACLE Connect by clause equivalent in SQL Server

Is there a equivalent clause to CONNECT BY of Oracle in SQL Server. The requirement to build a category tree using a parentId field. ...

Windows Forms VB.NET - Populate TreeView with Hierarchical data

Aloha, I'm trying to populate a treeview on a windows form app with Hierarchical data from a SQL db. The structure from the database is: id_def id_parent description 1 NULL Multidificiência 2 NULL Síndrome 3 NULL Outros 4 1 Surdez de Transmissão 5 2 Surdez Neurossensorial Ligeira 6 3 ...

sql query number of parent

i have table called type ID Name ParentID --------------------- 1 name1 0 2 name2 0 3 name3 1 4 name4 2 5 name1 1 i need to know how many parent (descendants) each type have EX: ID -------- descendants ID-> 1 (have no parent) ID-> 3 (have 1 parent (ID->1)) ID-> 5 (have two parent ((ID->3(ID...

Flex 3 AdvancedDataGrid HierarchicalData selecting entries after sorting acting weird

Hello, I am using an AdvancedDataGrid to display hierarchical data. My data is an ArrayCollection of custom objects, which have a bunch of simple properties and one property containing a list of childelements. I am binding this ArrayCollection as a source of HierarchicalData to the dataProvider property of the ADG. Here is the proble...

How to SELECT immediate children and ancestors all in the same query

I'm working with a tree structure in MySQL that is respresented using the nested sets model. I'm hoping some of you sql experts can help me with building a SELECT query. I would like to be able to match a set of nodes using LIKE. For each node that is matched, I also need a comma-delimmited list of the ancestors of that node, and a co...

SQL recursive query on self refrencing table (Oracle)

Hello Lets assume I have this sample data: | Name | ID | PARENT_ID | ----------------------------- | a1 | 1 | null | | b2 | 2 | null | | c3 | 3 | null | | a1.d4 | 4 | 1 | | a1.e5 | 5 | 1 | | a1.d4.f6 | 6 | 4 | | a1.d4.g7 | 7 | 4 | | a1.e5.h8 | 8 | 5 ...

Counting number of children in hierarchical SQL data

Hello, for a simple data structure such as so: ID parentID Text Price 1 Root 2 1 Flowers 3 1 Electro 4 2 Rose 10 5 2 Violet 5 6 4 Red Rose 12 7 3 Television 100 8 3 Radio 70 9 8 ...

Accessing a Clip Inside Another Clip in a Loaded SWF-File

I'm writing a card game in AS3. The artist I'm working with has produced (in Flash CS4) a single swf-file containing all the card graphics and animations. The structure of the fla working file looks something like this: - Scene - CardGraphics (Movie Clip) - CardFront - CardBack - CardValueImage (Movie Clip) ... In th...

Bind data to UltraGird on each row expand

hi. please tell me how to get and bind data to UltraGrid dynamically on each BeforeRowExpanded event. i have large amount of data which i have to show on each row expanded event. please tell me any useful article/link. this data is in hierarchical form. ...

Entity Framework Self Referencing Hierarchical Many To Many

OK this problem has it all. Conceptually I have a Resource entity which can have many Child Resources and many Parent Resources. The Resource table has two fields, ID and Name with ID being the primary key. To complete the many to many relationship I created a ResourceHierarchy table which has two fields, (Parent_ID, Child_ID) and two ...