
How can I disable highlighting in html or JS?

I need to disable highlighting on my web app. I have a good reason for doing this and know that this is generally a bad idea. But I need to do it anyway. It doesn't matter if I need to use CSS or JS to do it. What I'm mainly going for is the removal of the blue color given to highlighted elements. ...

In VIM: How to highlight "local variables" in a "C" file

I have highlighted all Symbols by using tags file & highlight option. But I could not able to highlight my local variables. I have an idea, that is, VIM already supports autocompletion of keywords for a current file, it does autocompletion of my local variable, so, if I get a list of keywords for my current file then I will highlight t...

Removing WPF ListView/GridView highlight chrome

I have WPF ListView with GridView view and I want to remove any trace of row highlight. This useful piece of code can be found in one answer on this site: <ListView.ItemContainerStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Type ListViewItem}"> <Setter Property="Control.Focusable" Value="False"/> <Style.Triggers> ...

Making part of a FlowDocument non-selectable

I want to make a FlowDocument that contains both user-specified content, and hyperlinks for manipulating that content. I want the user to be able to highlight the content with the mouse, and copy it to the clipboard. Is there any way to allow that, while preventing the user from highlighting and copying the hyperlinks? (Note that the us...

wpf set ComboBox selected item highlight color

Hello! I need to change the highlight color of a ComboBox's selected item in the popup list. I've found several tutorials explaining how to do this, but all of them either use Blend, which I do not have and cannot obtain, or involve changing the system default colors--which seems like a hack to me. Can someone point me to the template...

Using VBA / Macro to highlight changes in excel

I have a spread sheet that I send out to various locations to have information on it updated and then sent back to me. However, I had to put validation and lock the cells to force users to input accurate information. Then I can to use VBA to disable the work around of cut copy and paste functions. And additionally I inserted a VBA fun...

Make active control background colour change

I have a requirement to change the background colour of the active control (to make it easier to identify where the cursor is). I've tried using a style with a trigger on the IsFocused property but I'm not having any luck at all; it doesn't seem to fire. A XAML solution is most preferred. Any ideas? ...

Highlight search terms in PDF

Hello, I'm trying to build a cakePHP app, that indexes PDFs and allows me to search inside the documents. If I do a search, the engine should give me x,y coordinates of the search term, in order to highlight the text and create a jpeg from the temporary manipulates file using imagemagick. The simple ability to highlight search terms wo...

Trying to adapt the Dojo Toolkit "Highlight Container"

Hello! I am using the "Highlight Container" effect in the Dojo Toolkit (as shown here). My problem comes when I have a DIV that contains a TEXTAREA instead of a text field. I am not sure how to get it to recognize either a text field or a textarea. The code function is as follows: dojo.addOnLoad(function() { dojo.query(".container...

Custom UITableViewCell Subclass works fine, but subViews don't autohighlight when Selected

My UITableViewController uses a custom UITableViewCell Subclass. The subClass (QuoteCell - loaded from NIB) has a few UILabels and a UIImageView on it. Works fine, however, when I tap on the cell, the cell highlights, but the UILabels on the cell don't reverse colors. I thought this was stock behavior?? Any help appreciated, Thank...

Highlight search terms in forum when coming from websearch

in the recent past i’ve noticed quite often that, when searching something with google and looking at one of the search results, that the search terms are bold on the site. how can this be done? is it a feature of google which is messing around with other sites (i hope not!) or are some sites parsing the referrer and check for search en...

Script.aculo.us Events in Rapid Succession results in display error...?

Using the script.aculo.us Effect.Highlight on an onMouseOver event works perfectly - if the user only mouses over the DIV once. If they mouse back over the DIV during the execution of the effect, another Effect gets scheduled (or runs in parallel, depending on whether or not {queue: 'end'} is enabled). Does script.aculo.us have a ...

Tkinter how to remove existing background color of text when highlighting

I'm writing a small utility in Python that does some pattern matching of text. Text that matches the pattern the user has entered gets highlighted yellow. I'm achieving this using a Tkinter Text widget, and setting up a tag on the textbox named "match" that gives any text with the tag name "match" a yellow background. This all looks n...

jquery highlight effect with hide mode not working on IE

Hi I have a div to show a message, I want the message to appear for a few seconds and then just fade until it disappears. I just define a normal div and hide it when the page loads with $('#mydiv').hide(); I have a button to show the div with the desired effect, for this, I'm using: $('#myDiv').fadeIn('fast').effect("highlight", { ...

dijit.MenuItem values are auto-highlighted... how to stop this???

Hello, I am using Dojo 1.3.1 and have a dijit.Menu with several dijit.MenuItem items. The menu is displayed as a context menu when the user right-clicks on items that were bound to the menu using (dijit.byId("contextmenu_pf")).bindDomNode(...). All works well, but frequently when the menu is displayed, one or more of the menu items ar...

JavaScript: Remove current mouse highlight from the page?

Let's say I highlight some text on the page using my mouse. How can I remove all highlighted text using JavaScript? Thank you. ...

prototype.js highlight words. DOM traversing correctly and efficiently.

Hi, I want to highlight a specific word in my HTML page after the page is loaded. I don't want to use the dumb: document.innerHTML = document.innerHTML.replace(.....); I want to traverse every DOM node, find out the ones that contain text and modify the innerHTML of only those individual nodes. Here's what I came up with: function h...

UITableView selection hightlighted even after tableView reloadData

I am new to iPhone SDK. I have a UIScrollView and a UITableView on it. The UITableView has 4 cells. I use UIPageControl for pagination. When user selects, the cell gets highlighted and when the user scrolls to the next page the cell stays highlighted. I tried [tableView reloadData] and after the call I could still see the selected row...

How do I use the "highlight" jquery effect without temporarily hiding the background-image?

Hello All, I am trying to use the jquery ui "highlight" effect on an input html element with a background image set in the CSS (A search bar with a magnifying glass). During the "highlight" animation, however, the background image temporarily goes away and then appears once the highlight animation is over. I would like the image to re...

jQuery Highlight element on select option

I have a list of values in a drop down style select box e.g. <select id="places"> <option>Italy</option> <option>France</option> <option>Germany</option> <option>Spain</option> </select> I also have the same list of values in a div on my page e.g. <div> <span>Italy</span> <span>France</span> <span>Germany</span> <span>Spain</span> </...