
Treeview nodes won't highlight using PopulateOndemand

Hi everyone, I have a treeview and I want to highlight (change the text color) of a node in the treeview once that node has been selected. This isnt working for me for some reason. when I select a node nothing happens, but when I click the plus on the same node I just selected...it highlights...and even then when I click any of the child...

AutocompleteTextView: on "NEXT" highlight next TextView, on "DONE", make keyboard disappear

hi all, I have two AutocompleTextViews and I want to switch to the next if the user presses "NEXT", and make the virtual keyboard disappear when he hits "DONE" at the second AutocompleTextView. So far, the buttons "NEXT"/"DONE" do nothing at all.... Unfortunately I found no resources addressing this problem. Any suggestions? thx ...

highlighting search results in php error

i'm trying to figure out what is wrong in this code. it either doesn't highlight the search result OR it outputs html tags surrounding the highlighted text. . $search_result = ""; $search_result = trim($search_result); $special_cases = array( '%', '_', '+' ); $search_result = str_replace( $special_cases, '', $_GET["q"] ); //Check if...

JQUERY Effect highlight, control the Start & End colors

I have the following: $(".notifycell_email_dailydigest").effect('highlight'); The element I want to highlight is over a gray background. Problem is the highlight goes from Yellow to white, and has this ugly slow pause at the end on the white which makes the animation look horrible. How can I modify the highlighy to start with the yel...

case insensitive highlighting in php

i'm using this function to highlight the results from mysql query: function highlightWords($string, $word) { $string = str_replace($word, "<span class='highlight'>".$word."</span>", $string); /*** return the highlighted string ***/ return $string; } .... $cQuote = highlightWords(htmlspecialchars($row['cQuotes'...

displaying search results of more than one word

in my search form, if the user types 'good', it displays all the results which contain the keyword 'good'. however if the user types in 'good sweetest', it displays no results because there is no record with the two words appearing together; BUT appearing in an entry at different places. for example, the record says: A good action...

highlight multiple keywords in search

i'm using this code to highlight search keywords: function highlightWords($string, $word) { $string = str_replace($word, "<span class='highlight'>".$word."</span>", $string); /*** return the highlighted string ***/ return $string; } .... $cQuote = highlightWords(htmlspecialchars($row['cQuotes']), $search_result...

CursorLine highlight in ViM, highlight only line number and spaces/tabs on beginning /end of the line

Hi, I use ViM's :highlight CursorLine to change bg color on the current line. But sometimes is the text not readable. I would like a highlight that could only change bg color for the whole line except the text (counting the spaces/tabs in between chars as text). Is it doable? If yes, how? Thanks ;) ...

Drupal menu item setting as active

Hi Guys, Here is my problem. I have a site in drupal and some menu structure. When the URL address is application/android/all android menu item is highlighted. However, when the URL address is application/android/16 android menu item is not highlighted. My question is how to make everything that starts with /application/android/ to hav...

Intel and AT&T assembly syntax highlighting in TextMate

How do I get Intel and AT&T assembly syntax highlighting in TextMate? ...

Mac-native text editor that can syntax-highlight diff files?

I do something like "svn diff > /mystuff/current.diff". I want to view this .diff file with syntax highlighting. jEdit does it, but it's a huge beast and it takes a while to start up. I want something lightweight/native. Smultron/Fraise, TextWrangler, TextEdit, Dashcode don't seem to highlight .diff files. FileMerge seems to want to...

An NSMenuItem's view (instance of an NSView subclass) isn't highlighting on hover

I need to use a custom NSView subclass to draw some content, but it isn't drawing as highlighted when the user hovers and it doesn't dismiss the NSMenu when the user clicks on it. Any ideas? Edit So using -drawRect: and [[self enclosingMenuItem] isHighlighted] I'm able to tell whether or not I need to draw the view as highlighted and a...

highlight search keywords on hover

i've a basic php search form which highlights the keywords using css. i was wondering if i could make the keywords in the results highlight only when the user hovers over the record. is this possible? this is the highlight code: function highlightWords($text, $words) { preg_match_all('~\w+~', $words, $m); if(!$m) ...

highlighting words at the end of a word

i'm not sure how i could have phrased the title better, but my issue is that the highlight function doesn't highlight the search keywords which are at the end of the word. for example, if the search keyword is 'self', it will highlight 'self' or 'self-lessness' or 'Self' [with capital S] but it will not highlight the self of 'yourself' o...

jqGrid highlight the new added row

Is that possible to highlight the new added row in jqGrid. The highlight effect is something like this http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Highlight So, when the new row is added, the row will be highlighted, that will make clear for user which record is the new one. Many thanks! ...

Highlight the first row in a ListView and a ListBox Control

I am attempting to show both a ListView and ListBox on a Windows Form (C#). The difficulty I am having is in having the first row for both the ListView and ListBox highlighted when the application opens. Could someone please steer me in the right direction so that the first row of both the ListView and ListBox are highlighted when the ...

How to keep the highlight border of a JComponent, when custom border is set

I have a JTextField, where I've set some custom properties: nameField.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(275,40)); nameField.setBackground(bgColor); nameField.setForeground(txtColor); nameField.setFont(new Font("HelveticaNeue",Font.PLAIN,22)); nameField.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.WHITE, 2)); When the component has focu...

NSButton blue highlight

Hi. i want to make on/off gradient NSButton but with blue highlight like NSTabView select buttons. Is it possible to make this easy way? Or i should draw this manually? if i should draw this manually what is the best way to do this? (CIFilter or just NSGradient) thanks. ...

Android Button ==> Set highlighted image ???

How can i set the button to show a different image after it's been tapped? Either a different image, or maybe some kind of highlighting that shows the button was tapped/ Thanks ...

Android ==> ListView stay selected ???

I have a list view full of items, after the users selects an item it lights up, and then it goes normal. Is there a way to make it so after the users select an item in my ListView it stays selected, and highlighted? Thanks ...