
web: extend highlighted text by dragging

I am creating a document tagging application, where the user can select arbitrary (continuous) ranges of text and tag them. After a range has been tagged, it will be highlighted. I want to allow the user to easily extend/shrink a tagged range, without having to remove it and recreate it. Maybe by having a small icon at the beginning an...

Regex Syntax Validator

Hi. Does anybody know any tool for validating the syntax of an Regular Expression? I dont want to validate if it matches or not with some text but I want to see if there are syntax errors in the regex (missing parenthisis etc). Also, what about syntax highlighting? It would be a great help when writing complex regex. ...

Periodically detecting specific strings inside of an HTML element

I have a div element with contenteditable set to true, and I want to detect whether a certain string exists within the element, and if so, style it, giving the appearance of syntax highlighting (I've already looked at existing libraries/scripts, and none of them work the way I need them to). What would be the best solution to this, whil...

How can I highlight spaces with jquery?

I have an input textfield that has segmented chinese words(usually they are all squashed together). I want to highlight the space between the words, on the fly(So in other words if i type a space between 你好 the space between the characters would be red) When I submit the text however I want to only submit the chinese with the spacing, no...

Highlight each word on a webpage, one at a time, with JavaScript

What's the best way to visually highlight each word on the page, one at a time? I figure that the words should be broken up into an array and iterated over that way, but what's the best way to do so? I already know how to perform string replacements and style individual elements, the trick is to do this on each word on the page, one at ...

Pygments in wxPython?

Is it at all possible to use Pygments inside of wxPython to provide syntax highlighting? ...

How can I highlight every single word in jquery so that I can provide a definition for each word?

What I am trying to do is allow the user to scroll over any word on a web page and when the mouse goes over the word it is highlighted (I know I can use hover for that). However I do not know how to select individual words, from the paragraph. The ultimate goal is to allow the user to click on the word and a definition appears over the...

Highlight Part of a text in a cell of datagridview

Hi. How can i Highlight Part of a text in a cell of datagridview ? I am using C#. Part of text. for example user searched book. on of cells contains bookmark. i want to highlight "book" in bookmark. thanks. Edition. Does it code ok? Private Sub DataGridView1_CellPainting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGr...

Double Clicking Highlighting

In Notepad++ if you double click a word to highlight it, all the occurrences of the word in the file are also highlighted, a feature that is quite handy for finding where variables are declared/used. Does the eclipse editor have this functionality? :) If so, how can I turn it on? ...

Row not highlighting on long press in ListView

I have the android:cacheColorHint="#00000000" set on my ListView, which fixed this issue in one of my other lists in another activity, but it's not helping in this other list. I'm using the Light theme in my app, if that matters. I can't figure out what's going on. Long press brings up the context menu just fine, I just don't get the nic...

Highlighting a piece of string in a TextArea

Hi everybody, I'm trying to highlight a piece of text in a "Textarea". I have a long string in that TextArea: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo conseq...

highlight link and make it do 2 functions

I need several functionalities within a link. When you mouse over a text link: 1. A row is highlighted. 2. An icon is displayed next to a link 3. Upon clicking text link you go to yahoo.com 4. Upon clicking an icon a window pops! ...

iphone UIBarButtonItem initWithImage - doesn't highlight when tapped

I can create a button like this, and the action works fine: UIBarButtonItem *myBtn = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"image.png"] style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target:self action:@selector(myMethod:)]; However, when tapping the button on screen, no Down state highlight is displayed. I've tried everythi...

Can't get NetBeans syntax highlighting with boost library

With NetBeans (v. 6.9.1) I cannot get syntax highlighting for the Boost library, i.e. all stuff present in Boost is not recognised. However the project is built correctly. I already set the paths in: NetBeans > Preferences > C/C++ > Code Assistance > C++ Compiler. Here I added the /usr/local/include path. The Boost headers are in /usr/...

Highlighting selection with jquery in Chrome and Safari not working

Hi All Please, can someone tell me why the code below works well in Firefox, Opera and IE, but doesn't work in Chrome and Safari? When I select any of the checkboxes grouped in the 'fixedPricedAreasHolder' div, I want the 3rd radio button in 'areaTypeGroup' div to be selected and highlighted along with the checkboxes group, to show tha...

IntelliJ: How to auto-highlight variables like in Eclipse

My employer wants me to use IntelliJ for Java development. Previously, I've always used eclipse. One of my favorite features in eclipse was being able to click on a variable, method parameter, class field, etc and see the usage of those variables highlighted throughout the class. Is there a way to enable this feature in IntelliJ IDEA? ...

Vim search and highlighting control from a script

I'm writing a script in which I want to control searches programmatically, and get them highlighted. The search() function results are not highlighted (I think), so using that function is not of use to me. What I want to do is use the 'normal /' command to search for a variable, but that doesn't seem to be straightforward. I can scrip...

Is there any Lucene highlighter that does not require the original text - but rather can work on term positions etc

I have been reading the new 2nd edition of the Lucene in Action and they give an example of doing highlighting but unfortunately it requires the original text so it can get the position of terms etc. The highlighter is the official one in contrib, so that implies its the sponsorted or official highlighter. Does anyone know of another hi...

C# structural highlighting in Visual Studio

Hi, Is there any way to make code blocks highlighting/collapsing in Resharper ? In CodeRush it is called "structural highlighting" feature: Or maybe other Visual Studio 2010 add-on(preferably free) which would do this simple job and would not conflict with Resharper. thanks ...

Inconsistent behaviour when attempting to highlight C# TextBox

I'm building a C# WinForms program, and my textboxes do not allow the user to highlight the text consistently throughout the program. In some places, the highlighting works normally: you type something in the box, click and drag over some text, and it highlights where you dragged. In other places, clicking and dragging does not select ...