
adding an action listener to a JComboBox

I just want to print the selected option in the combo box, to a textfield. Please explain what's wrong because i have to complete it & explain it in class. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class App3 extends JFrame implements ActionListen...

2D array + method

(removed: homework assignment question without any attempt at implementation) ...

A simple MIPS, question

I have a question, which is kind of confusing Write the MIPS instruction whose machine language encoding is: 0000 0011 0001 1001 0100 0000 0010 1010 Your answer must use register names (like $t0) not numbers; and must specify any immediate as a signed integer in decimal. The answer, in the back has something to do with slt. Can someon...

Explicit template specialization issue

Hi, i have below code template <class T> class Test { public: template<class U> void f(); //generic function template<> void f<char>(); //Specialization for char. }; template <class T> template<class U> void Test<T>::f() //Definition of generic function { } template<> template<> void Test<char>::f<char>(){} //Definition o...

Seg fault? Can you find it? cause I can't

I've looked over this about 15 times by now to no avail. I cannot understand why this is seg faulting? It doesn't even get to the "print" statement which makes no sense. the error codes actually do work tho (when I dont have a shared memory present) I have a load.c program but it works perfectly (im 100% sure of this) #include <stdio.h>...

Minimize code in reference to read/write operations

Hi, I started with the following code: class Vereinfache2_edit { public static void main(String[] args) { int c1 = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int c2 = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int c3 = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); /* 1 */if (c2 - c1 == 0) { /* 2 */if (c1 != c3) { c3 += ...

C what the function of this function?

why 9 is a must in char input[9] int getInput (void) { char input[9]; fgets(input, 9, stdin); return atoi(input + 6); } void printHeader(void) { printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n"); printf("<html>\n"); printf("<head>\n"); printf("<title>%s</title>\n", PROGRAM_NAME); printf("</head>\n"); printf("<b...

unresolved token - c++

I am trying to solve a lesson in my study. I am going to have an abstract class, CFigure, on top and different figures below, currently I have made a circle class. I am going to call this from a C# program. But when I try to build my code I get the following error messages: unresolved token (06000001) arealBeregnerCPP.CFigure::area u...

Minimize loops in reference to read/write operations

Hi, the last thing I want to minimize today is code that contains while and do-while loops. Here is the original: class Vereinfache3_edit { public static void main(String [] args) { int c1 = Integer.parseInt(args[0]) ; int c2 = Integer.parseInt(args[1]) ; int c3 = Integer.parseInt(args[2]) ; ...

Help In Verifying Implemented Algorithms for Integers [Part 1]

Hi Guys, I have been asked to implement the following algorithms. I have done them according to my knowledge and would like you guys to help me by verifying them if am right. They are simple methods to sort arrays of integers The following code contains the methods: public class Algorithms { // Use this class to pass a compar...

Recording and charting boot process information in Linux

Hello everyone. I need to write a command line tool that records the boot process information in Linux, and then renders it in a chart format (a textual chart would do). How do I programmatically obtain the this boot process information? Languages that I am allowed to use are C and C++. Thanks in advance. :-) ...

Binomial Coefficient using Tail Recursion in LISP

Hello, I'm a Computer Science student starting to learn LISP. I have been said to program a function to find C(n,k) using tail recursion, and I would greatly appreciate your help. I have reached this: (defun combinatorio-recursivo-cola (n k) (cond ((or (< n k) (< k 0)) NIL) ((or (= k 0) (= n k)) 1) (T (* (combinatorio...

Deletion of Custom Array Causes Heap Error.

TL;DR Boost-Test-Framework crashes with no error given while passing all tests and leaking all memory. Test fails multiple times with mentioned destructor implementations. Clear function also throws heap error. What are we doing wrong with the dtor? TL;DR This is pertaining to a college homework assignment, and my friend's solution ...

suggest a 8086 project

It's required from me to suggest an assembly project (not too simple and not too complex) tol be written for Intel 8086 microprocessor. One of the suggested projects was a calculator doing normal operations. Can anyone suggest another project? Simple clarification: that the idea of this project shall be implemented on the pc not usin...

How to display the middle digit in java

Hi, I am trying to get java to display the middle digit of a 1-4 digit integer, and if the integer has an even number of digits i would get it to display that there is no middle digit. I can get the program to take get the integer from the user but am pretty clueless as how to get it to pick out the middle digit or differentiate between...

How to eliminate redundant terms from the Quine-McCluskey solution

Here is the Method Plz help i really can't do it. ...

Misplaced construct in homework

I do all my programming assignments in eclipse first before putting them in putty and submitting them to our teacher. In eclipse, I have this strange error in one of my methods. it says "Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s)." public static int factorial(int iVal, boolean DEBUG) { int result; // Defensive programming i...

Sort char * With Special (german) Characters?

The problem I'm having is that I need to sort a whole bunch of char pointers, but they have special characters. I managed to get a sorting procedure like so: std::sort(dict_.begin(), dict_.end(), comp); bool comp(NumPair& a, NumPair& b) { return boost::lexicographic_compare(a.pFirst, b.pFirst); } This worked great, except that al...

Algorithm for 2D grid problem?

Hello everyone, I will be honest, this is an assignment question but I just cant find a solution to it. Please remember I am not asking for the answer but simply some guidance. Problem: Design an algorithm that runs in O(n) time (linear) which can locate a single suspicious house (point) on a 2D grid. It is suspicious if it consumes eq...

How bad of an idea is it to put my homework on Sourceforge?

I just want to try it out... ...