
Webhoster inserts a javascript which brokes my code how to remove it?

I use the free webhost 000webhost. The service is okay but it inserts some javascript counter into every file and request. The script looks like this. <!-- Analytics Code --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <noscript><a href=""&...

How do I implement an Excel (2007) host adapter for unit testing Excel Add-In in VS2008?

I have created an Excel 2007 Add-In and I would like to add a test project to test the code. I know I should do TDD but I did not know about TDD before hand :). I searched and found that I need to create a host adapter: Creating and Using Host Adapters. The samples from the SDK, however, are a "little" over my head. Has anyone already ...

WCF service hosted within a windows service. Can the WCF service and with windows service share data?

I need to have a Windows Service polling a database 3 times a day and perform some batch processing on the polled data. I would also like the ability for an end user to inspect the polled data and perform one-off processing for particular transation types which are not allowed to be bulk processed by the Windows Service. i.e. the Windo...

How to set target hosts in Fabric file

I want to use Fabric to deploy my web app code to development, staging and production servers. My fabfile: def deploy_2_dev(): deploy('dev') def deploy_2_staging(): deploy('staging') def deploy_2_prod(): deploy('prod') def deploy(server): print 'env.hosts:', env.hosts env.hosts = [server] print 'env.hosts:', env.hosts S...

How can you make a php script only answer requests made from the same server?

How can I get my PHP script to only answer requests if the requesting script is on the same domain? ** Edit: The PHP file is being accessed by an ajax request and is proxy, so I don't want others directly requesting it to come up, is this possible? ...

Hosting a flash game...

Hi ppl, Im starting a new project that consist in a game made in Flash, I use PHP for the server counterpart and a MySQL database. My question is, what do I need to host my game?.. I mean, how good (connection, HD space, procesor, ram, etc) should be my hosting to be able to take care of all the stuff I need...? And, if you know some ...


I have a WPF app with a usercontrol that contains a HwndHost. The HwndHost is created as follows: hwndHost = CreateWindowEx(0, "static", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, hostHeight, hostWidth, hwndParent.Handle, ...

Upload images API on 3rd Party host .. Flickr ?

I am building an Image Sharing feature for my website, where users can upload images and show it off on my website, through their own profile gallery. Except I dont want to physically host the uploaded images. Are there API's that can allow me to descretly save the uploaded images (from the users) to another Host, such as Flickr, Googl...

cuda device selection with multiple cpu threads.

Hello. Can you tell me how cuda runtime chooses GPU device if 2 or more host threads use cuda runtime? does the runtime choose separate GPU devices for each thread? does GPU device needs to be set explicitly? Thanks ...

How can I forward web address (not ip) to VPS virtual host

I have a vps that I am planning to host multiple websites on. I've registered the website, and I want to forward it to my vps. But my vps' virtual host is looking for web address instead of ip address (since I would hosting multiple websites on a single IP address using virtual host). But on the website that I registered the domain, I r...

AJAX call works on local machine, not on host

hey everyone, What could potentially stop an AJAX call from working on the host server, when it works fine on the local host? I tried returning an error from the AJAX call, but all I get is 'undefined'. I don't think the actual page method is being called since no information is added in my log (and I've explicitly added a call). I ca...

How to get Host OS (operating system) parameter of ZIP archive in C#

Look. I have ZIP archives prepared in different os'es: mac, linux, windows. In windows file names encoded in DOS CP866, mac & linux in UTF-8. I need to know (in code) in which os zip file was prepared to decode file names correctly. There is a Host OS paramterer in "Central directory structure" of zip file (look http://www.fileformat.inf...

NLB and Host Header Value

Background: We are using MOSS 2007 in farm configuration, 2 WFE, 1 Indexer and SQL Server. MS NLB is used for load balancing. Host header value mapped to Virtual IP of Cluster in DNS, is used while creating the web applications in MOSS and all are sharing port 80. Problem: When client tries to access the web application that are confi...

Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

Can anyone help me on how this error arises? My previous version of MySql.dll is then I have upgrade my MySql.dll version into to prevent opening new MySql transaction when the previous transaction is not yet committed.. Is it the error arises because of the new dll? ...

Call WCF service host directly

I'm hosting a WCF service inside a winform app. I want to monitor when somebody calls the service to a textbox on the form like: 2:23 Method X called params(x, y) 2:24 Method Y called params(z) I am using a service host for WCF and inside my concrete class I have created some delegates and events. I just cant seem to wire the events up...

User input in Perl with IO::Socket

I am trying to make a perl program which allows a user to input the host and the port number of a foreign host to connect to using IO::Socket. It allows me to run the program and input a host and a port but it never connects and says "Could not connect to [host] at c:\users\USER\Documents\code\perl\ line 18, line 2." What am i doi...

How to write a generic USB Host Driver for Printers from various vendors?

I want to develop a USB host on an embedded device that will talk to printers from various vendors. Drivers for the vendor specific printers would be available on PC which is ultimately communicating with printer but my device is facilitating this communication and needs to perform the basic handshaking/setup of the printer (i.e, it nee...

WCF (REST) multiple host headers with one endpoint

I have an issue with a WCF REST service (.NET 4) which has multiple host headers, but one end point. The host headers are for example: Both host headers are configured in IIS over HTTPS and redirect to the same WCF service endpoint. I have an Error Handling behavior which logs some extra information in case of a...

Self host WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Ajax services

I am having trouble to understand how to expose the WCF services through Javascript. Here are what I found after days of research: Exposing WCF services through Javascript but not self host: In this example, it requires the creation of a .svc file <%@ServiceHost language="c#" Debug=...

System.Workflow.Runtime and trust level medium

I have created an web application using workflow . it was working fine locally , but when i aploaded that to a shared server i am getting an error like "System.Security.SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers." i found that it is because my server have trust level high. and the work flow dll S...