
Ruby approach to data access available in IronRuby

Coming from the Ruby community and approching IronRuby for desktop application development, I have little interest in using a .NET based ORM such as Linq. I want to use the ruby-way of data access that I've come to love from products such as ActiveRecord, DataMapper, and Sequel. After much searching I ran into a brick wall trying to ge...

How to run a HSQLDB server in memory-only mode

Hi In the documentation of the HSQLDB is a command line statement to start a HSQLDB server (HSQLDB Doc). But there is this "file:mydb" property, so I assume its not in memory-only mode. How do I run a memory-only HSQLDB server? I runned the following but get no clue. java -cp ../lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server -? ...

Logback - C3P0 and HSQLDB

I'm trying to get LogBack to use a HSQLDB with C3P0. I'm stuck with this configuration at the moment given my current environment. I have a large investment with Log4J code and will also need to use the SLF4J Log4J Adapter. When I try a simple logging program it's getting stuck in the configuration of the logger. Here is my logback.xml:...

Recovering HyperSQL Database

We are using JBoss 4.0.3 SP1 using Hypersonic as its internal storage engine (timers, queues, etc.) The database is no longer accessible (most likely data corruption) giving error; Caused by: org.hsqldb.HsqlException: old version database must be shutdown. Is there a way or command to shutdown the database to recover the data (~150MB) ...

Storage-In-File Database for C#/.NET 3.5 ?

Is there something like HSQLDB (for Java) which can be run in a storage-in-file mode for C#/.NET 3.5? ...

How do I test with DBUnit with plain JDBC and HSQLDB without facing a NoSuchTableException?

I am trying to use DBUnit with plain JDBC and HSQLDB, and can't quite get it to work -- even though I've used DBUnit with Hibernate earlier with great success. Here's the code: import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import org.dbunit.IDatabaseTester; import org.dbunit.JdbcDatabaseTester; import org.dbunit.dataset.IDataSet; import org.dbuni...

Mapping a table called "group" in Hibernate for DB2 and HSQLDB

I have a table called group, that I am trying to map using hibernate for DB2 and HSQLDB. Table name group is a reserved word and it must be quoted in HSQLDB. However DB2 does not like quoted table name. So this mapping works in HSQLDB but not in DB2: @Entity @Table(name="`group`") public class Group { Mapping results in following err...

How to create and read a sequence in Hibernate?

Hello, I need to use a sequence to get a unique value. The production code uses postgres but I would like to access it via Hibernate so that I can test this with HSQLDB. How can I create and read a sequence in Hibernate? ...

Hibernate ConstraintViolationException in join table

I'm running into a ConstraintViolationException when I try to save an object with a @OneToMany map in it. Hibernate either seems to think that I'm trying to put a NULL into the mapped list or it may be putting it there itself. The problem seems to happen sporadically: with some databases it's easily reproducible, but with others I can't ...

Grails OC4J trouble deploying to - any help appreciated

I've got a Grails app that's deployed successfully on a stand-alone OC4J instance, but when I try and deploy it to the full version via the GUI I get this problem: [Nov 5, 2009 10:50:41 AM] Binding diploma-1.0.1 web-module for application diploma to site default-web-site under context root diploma [Nov 5, 2009 10:50:48 AM] Operation fai...

something funny with embedded hsql

Hello good people i'm just curious about something.I'm using hsql in myproject (embedded of course).At some time i felt the need to visualize what hibernate was generating.I took a free copy of dbvisualizer. here is the hsqljdbc.properties jdbc.url=jdbc:hsqldb:file:mydb;create=true hibernate hbm2ddl.auto=create i downloaded t...

How to create table with column names that look like HSQLDB keywords?

The following SQL will not accepted by HSQLDB because of the name 'position' is a keyword. CREATE MEMORY TABLE bb (position bigint) How to create this table without changing the column name? ...

Script stops working on HSQLDB 1.9.0-rc6

DROP VIEW V1 IF EXISTS; DROP TABLE T1 IF EXISTS; CREATE TABLE T1 (id INT, name VARCHAR(32), age int); CREATE VIEW V1 AS (SELECT * FROM T1 WHERE age < 21); I have no problem to execute the SQL statement above in one JDBC statement or on the SWING Manager from HSQLDB. Now it stops working on 1.9.0-rc6. This is error message I got - "us...

hudson build a project using junit maven and HSQLDB in server mode

I have a project of persistence with spring and hibernate built with maven, I'm running the testing using Junit and a test database HSQLDB, when I do a test first initialize the database HSQLDB in server mode, is there some way to make hudson initializes the database, or with maven ? ...

Migrate Grail's HSQLDB embedded database

how to migrate Grail's HSQLDB embedded database(That contains my App's Data that I don't want to lose) into external one, such as MySQL or ApacheDerby? ...

In-MemoryDB: create schema in 'setUp()' of Unit Testing: Netbeans (6.5.1) Hibernate (3) Junit(3), HSQL (1.8)

What are the steps needed to setup an in-memory DB, build the schema automatically with Hibernate's 'hbm2ddl' tool within a Junit (3) 'setUp()' using Netbeans 6.5.1 ? I'm not using Hibernate annotations - just a mapping file. For the actual code, I want to use an on-disk database of course. [that is the Junits live a separate 'test' pac...

Storing UUID in HSQLDB database

I wish to store UUIDs created using java.util.UUID in a HSQLDB database. The obvious option is to simply store them as strings (in the code they will probably just be treated as such), i.e. varchar(36). What other options should I consider for this, considering issues such as database size and query speed (neither of which are a huge c...

Converting Oracle date arithmetic to work in HSQLDB

I'm trying to spot-test an Oracle backed database with hsqldb and dbunit, but I've run into a snag. The problem is with the following EJB-QL (simplified a bit): SELECT o FROM Offer o WHERE :nowTime BETWEEN o.startDate AND o.startDate + 7 This seems to only work in Oracle's version of SQL. What's the easiest way for me to conver...

Hibernate/JPA/HSQLDB Enum issues...

I am using Hibernate annotations and entity manager (JPA) with HSQLDB. So I have an entity with an enum field: @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) @Column(name = "access_level") public AccessLevel getAccessLevel() { return accessLevel; } Where AccessLevel is an enum. I can persist this, detach, and then query and everything is as it sho...

java application uses hsql, can I .net application odbc to that?

java application uses hsql to store data, can I .net application odbc to that? ...