
Writing HTML and CSS

Hello, Do all these big websites "like this one" write html and css manually or they use some automated tool to do it, as I am always struggling with it! Thanks Vishal ...

Placing an image inside of a text field with HTML/CSS/JS?

Is there any way to place an image inside of a text field with HTML/CSS/JS, not using the image as a background? The image needs to be clickable and positioned on the right of the field, too. Thanks. ...

Do I need to namespace my JavaScript code if it's in an <iframe>?

If I write some JavaScript that runs in an <iframe> (which is dynamically created and added to the DOM with JavaScript, if that matters), is it isolated from the global namespace of its parent page, or are conflicts still possible? I did some Googling and came across this page, but I can't really make sense of what he's doing here, or i...

how to display data in two column with php

How can I display data in two columns? <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM `release` WHERE artist_id = '$rcode' AND label_id = '$id'"; $result = mysql_query($query); $tr_no = mysql_num_rows($result); while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?> <div> <table style="width: 100%"> <tr> <td ><img src="../artwork/...

how can i print particular table from a web page?

look at this web page I need to print a arithmetic operators table in same table format alignment. not full Page Is it possible? Thank u ...

load image before index page loading

i have an intro page, i want when i click on enter on intro then load the index page. But before index page is loading show image there. after page is load it's automatically hidden. Please help me ASAP.... i m helpless ...

how to force all new links opening or redirects to stay inside the iframe ?

when loading via iframe. when you click on any of the links, it will escape out of the iframe. how to disable this from happening ? ...

HTML online minimizer/compressor?

Does anyone know of a good online generator to take the source code of an HTML page and compress/minimize the entire page. Meaning, compress/minimize all embedded CSS, JavScript and obviously the HTML of that web page while also removing unneeded HTML/CSS/JavaScript comments, spaces, tabs, etc? ...

What's the use of <element contentEditable="true"> in html?

It seems it allows you to edit the content of an element, but what is actually happening? What's the use of this property? EDIT: see here ...

input boxes in table header not working

I have a problem with a table header containing input boxes. I have similar div's in the rest of the table and they work fine. the div is hidden by default, and is absolutely positioned The table inside the div usually just contains a few columns with a single form element in each column. This would be typical: <a>show editrow</a> <...

CSS: Why do I have a red underline on image links when hovered?

On my web site, I have the following CSS: a:hover{color:red;border-bottom:1px solid} This displays a red underline on text links when hovered, which is desired. However, this also displays a red underline on image links when hovered, which is NOT desired. I only want to display the red underline on text links when hovered but not im...

Yii - modify response data

I need to dynamically generate title and meta tags in my application. So I need to get response object (f.e. like in symfony framework) and set corresponding data in section. How can I do this in Yii? ...

Avoid stretching of table lines with fixed table height and variable number of rows?

I have a table in a HTML form. It has a fixed height for optical reasons. The number of rows in the table varies depending on the number of form fields available. Problem: If there are very few rows, all rows are stretched vertically, increasing the space between input elements. I could avoid this by giving the data rows a (fake) fixe...

gettext for HTML or LaTeX?

Hello. Is there something like gettext for HTML or LaTeX? It would be great for generating simple bilingual webpages or LaTeX documents that should be kept in sync. Is there something like that already? I guess there must be some Perl script for that, but I couldn't find one. :-) Thanks! ...

Html reuse without code

I am creating some static html pages outside a .net and outside a ruby-on-rails environment. I created a menu I want to share between several pages, but I'm wondering how this is done using regular html constructs (i.e. without .net's master pages and without rail's layouts) Is there a way to do this without cutting and pasting? ...

Codeigniter Table Generation With links Question

I have data coming from my model into this Controller function index() { $this->load->model('work_m'); $data = array(); $config['base_url'] = base_url().'index.php/work/index/'; $config['total_rows'] = $this->db->count_all('work'); $config['per_page'] = '10'; $config['full_tag_open'] = '<p>'; $config['full_tag_close'] = '</p>';...

Weird input text and input password erasing default input password

I have a simple text and password input with default username and password filled out. If I put focus on the text input and then remove the focus, it erases my password input for some reason. This only seems to happen on firefox. I thought it would be my surrounding code, but I tried moving everything to a blank page and stripped everyth...

Jquery - Hide / Show - "Session" problem

Hello! I use this links and divs on my site: <p><a href="#" class="navlink" id="navlink_1">Menu1</a> | <a href="#" class="navlink" id="navlink_2">Menu2 |</a><a href="#" class="navlink" id="navlink_5"> Menu 3|</a></p> <div id="menu_1" class="mymenu"> </div> <div id="menu_2" class="mymenu"> </div> <div id="menu_3" class="mymenu"> </div>...

Submitting a hash directly with HTML <form> tag

I need to submit a hash of attributes directly from the form tag. Is this possible? <form action="/members/1/comments" method="post"> [some element] {"coordinator\_id"=>"1", "time"=>"1230", "info_link"=>""} <submit>Post</submit> </form> This hash should arrive as 'comment' => {"coordinator_id"=>"1", "time"=>"1230", "info_l...

delphi html decode

Hi, I'm using Delphi 2009 and want to decode an HTML encoded string, for example: &#39; -> ' But cannot find any built in function for doing this. Thanks in advance ...