
frames behind pictures?

Hey there, my question is related to HTML, and PURE html. im working on a new design for my front page on a social network called kwick, and i want to create a kind of space for my favorite Video at the moment. now my problem is, how do i realize sth like this: i take a picture of my ipod like that(just an example, its not my ipod) ht...

Table showed different in IE from Opera

Hi, I have a table with a code like this: <table cellpadding="6" rules="groups" frame="no"> <thead> <tr><th>Date</th><th>Length</th><th>Time</th></tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr><td>31. January1</td><td>28 km</td><td>3 hours</tr> </tbody></table> The problem is that in IE the table has frame and a tableborder = 1. What to do? Thanks ...

drop down menu needs to display over everything, but it is underneath a certain div.

I have a drop down menu and it works perfectly on everything except IE6 & IE7. Here it is in the Safari/Firefox browsers: Here is how it looks in IE6 & IE7: Here is the CSS for the div where it hides underneath for IE 6/7 #featured-programs-left img, #featured-programs-right img{ ...

Place background image 1em from the right?

As far as I can tell, it is not possible to place a CSS background image 1em from the right border of any block, neither is it possible to place a image 1em from the bottom. The following code places the background image 1em from the left and 2em from the top. <div class="foo" style="background: url('bar.png') no-repeat 1em 2em"> Som...

How do I textile and sanitize html?

Now i ran into some stupid situation. I want the users to be able to use textile, but they shouldn't mess around with my valid HTML around their entry. So I have to escape the HTML somehow. html_escape(textilize("</body>Foo")) would break textile while textilize(html_escape("</body>Foo")) would work, but breaks various Textile features...

How does Google mail achieve rtf in textarea?

I am intended to develop a rich input textarea similar to Google mail. Any ideal or resource to share? Thanks in advance! ...

HTML/CSS: Creating a centered div with a min-width

I'd like to have on my page a div which is centered and has a certain width, but which extends beyond that width if required by the content. I am doing this with the following: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="

Ajax using file upload

Hi friends, i am creating mail page for sending mails. I need to attach some file before sending. How could i do this using AJAX. Initially i need to store those files in server and then i have to send the mail. These actions are done with in a single send button. Please help me. ...

Conditional Formatting in HTML Tags

Is there any option for using IF-ELSE conditioning in HTML tags <if true> do something </if> <else> do something </else> ...

Not Underlined link in html

how to get a link not underlined in html ...

How can I get an HTML page to read the contents of a text document?

How can I get an HTML page (.html) to read the contents of a text document that can be found in the same folder as the .html file? The server is IIS. Thanks ...

How can I update a web page remotely? Using a web service or email, no direct server access.

How can I update a web page remotely? Is there a web service or can I do it via email, I have no direct access to the server. We simply need to add an alert facility in an emergency. For example simple text message across the top of the home page saying "We are shut today due to bad weather". Thanks ...

Outlook HTML Mail - changing linked items to embedded

I'm attempting to send HTML formatted emails using C# 3 via Outlook.MailItem Outlook.MailItem objMail = (Outlook.MailItem)olkApp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem); objMail.To = to; objMail.Subject = subject; objMail.HTMLBody = htmlBody; The email is generated externally by saving from an RTF control (TX Text Control), which yi...

How to only pass certain form values

Hi, I have a form which has a lot of SELECTs. For various reasons, I'd like to only pass to the form the ones that are selected by the user. In other words, each SELECT is something like this: <SELECT name=field001> <option value=-1>Please pick a value</option> <option value=1>1</option> <option value=2>2</option> <option value...

How to make a a:hover gradually have other colour

Hi, My menu has the colour #006699, when hover I want it to gradually go over to the colour #4796E9. Is that possible? ...

Trigger a hyperlink with keystroke

I want to trigger a hyperlink by hitting Enter using jQuery. I have the following html but all an Enter-stroke does is trigger the alert, it doesn't navigate to the link. Clicking the link, however, does navigate to the new address. What am I missing? I know my test function is working since the addClass/removeClass functions are workin...

Is it alright to use multiple h1 tags on the same page, but style them differently?

I have a webpage that I use h1 tags multiple times within various DIVs and I style h1 for each div to be the appropriate size. For example... #content h1 { font-size:22px; } #left-nav h1 { font-size:14px; } #content .recent-news h1 { font-size:16px; } Is this alright? I am worried about SEO. What is the best way to go about ...

How can I fix a table row height in a 100% height table with a DOCTYPE specified using CSS?

This is a follow up question to that at I have a table in a HTML page that will be used for tabular data (so I don't want an answer based around divs). This needs to be rendered at 100% height with the top row hav...

Disable HTML element in the client side (javascript)

I am looking for the simplest way to disable a whole HTML element (typically a <div>). With "disable" I mean a way to prevent the user to click on any of the elements contained into the element. For instance, if you have a form into the disabled element, the form elements won't catch the focus. I've tried with a method that traverses t...

radio button request syntax in view

Hello, I'm trying to write an html form, that includes a radio button and keyword search. The code is here: The django view is not recognizing this syntax: pubtypeid = request.GET['pubtypeid'] Can someone please help me write this correctly? Thanks, Ana ...