
IIS 404 Custom Error: URL return response code 200 instead

I'm trying to return a custom 404 page using IIS6. (I have a site that is mostly .shtml pages built using movable type). I have tried it 2 ways: 1) set the 404 error handler in IIS to be type "file" with the path \404.html. This works, but it also means that I can't import the header and footer of my site (hence the .shtml) Trying t...

Django flatpages raising 404 when DEBUG is False (404 and 500 templates exist)

I'm using Django 1.1.1 stable. When DEBUG is set to True Django flatpages works correctly; when DEBUG is False every flatpage I try to access raises a custom 404 error (my error template is obviously working correctly). Searching around on the internet suggests creating 404 and 500 templates which I have done. I've added to FlatpageFal...

Wordpress first run show a 404 error

Hi everybody, I downloaded the lates wordpress version then uncompressed it. Because I had already an old version of wordpress, I have wp tables on my local server. Anyway, I don't think it comes from the old content. After that, I set up the right server and database values in the "wp-config.php" file. Then, when I wanted to run WordPr...

How expensive is a 404(File Not Found) Error?

I have deployed my website to a production server... When inspected through firebug i found lot 404 not found errors in my requests.... Mainly from ajax libraries like scriptResource.axd files.... I saw the load time was greater for all the files which was a 404 Not Found... How expensive is a 404(File Not Found) Error? Why Timeline ...

rails 404 422 500 completely blank

This is probably very simple but I can't figure out why I get no error pages. First off, I'm using Heroku for hosting, so it's definitely in production mode. If I set the line "config.action_controller.consider_all_requests_local" set to true, I get a detailed error message but otherwise, I get a completely 100% blank screen. If I vie...

Wordpress custom theme's 404.php > Does Google see it as a true 404 redirect?

WordPress allows theme designers to place a 404.php file in their theme's directory. This enables you to provide a custom page content when the WordPress application forwards the 404 over to your 404.php page. My question is this: Does this constitute a true 404 error that would be registered as such by Google and other crawlers, or doe...

Latest version of Wordpress 2.9.2 issues 404 host headers by default. How to prevent this?

Apparently one of the latest version updates of Wordpress is now issuing a true 404 header in response to a 404 condition. Previously, WordPress would simply forward the 404 to the custom 404.php and you could handle it without triggering a 404 on the search engine crawler. For example, you could load your Sitemap with a custom message f...

ASP.NET MVC Custom Error page (StatusCode 404 throws a 500)

I've got customErrors set in my web.config <customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="/Error/GeneralError"> <error statusCode="404" redirect="/Error/NotFound"/> </customErrors> This works fine locally. A 404 throws a 404. On the shared hosting it throws up the standard server 404 page unless I specifically set 404 to point to /Err...

Wordpress > Scripting the 404.php to send 201 host header on specific 404 requests

In my wordpress site, I have a specific condition that triggers a 404 in which I want to handle as a "404 exception" (< there's probably a better term I could use but hopefully it conveys the spirit of what I'm trying to do :) For example, the page does not exist in my site, however, I have a link called "Site Map" ...

Ejabberd gives 404 error randomly

I am working on a social network that uses EJabberd via http-bind (via Apache Proxy). The server is running fine, and i have disabled some additional modules i dont need (such as IRC) to preserve memory. Although we have ample RAM and disk space for this server. The problem is i keep getting 404 errors every once in a while after a clie...

Ajax response call, 404 Not Found

Hi, i tried to use wordpress and codeigniter for a intelligent join between the best CMS and the best PHP Framework. Actually i intended to use codeigniter for database managemnent and wordpress for display. But i wanted to use codeigniter inside wordpress. So, i have a file tree like that: www - codigniter-core folder - .htaccess - ...

Why will IIS 6 not serve my custom 404 page when I set the URL in 'Custom Errors'?

I've got an ASP.NET MVC site & I've got an Errors controller with a NotFound action which works great for 404 errors that pass though .NET, but for stuff that doesn't (like static files) I've set the Custom Errors value for 404 to URL with a value of /Errors/NotFound. But when I do this & hit a non-existant page the site just gives me...

Zend Framework Application - Showing 404 Error Pages / Generic Error Pages in Production Mode and showing Exceptions in Development Mode

Hi all, My goal is to achieve the following; in any environment, Production, Testing or Development, the application can have 2 modes: Production Mode and Debug Mode. Currently, I have it setup so that the config.ini has this setting. No issues with that. The problem comes when I want to achieve the following: If the Production Mode i...

Using a second backend with Varnish 1.0.3-2 in case of 404 from first backend

Hi there, We used to have a caching proxy setup using a very early version of Varnish (0.5ish, I think) which used the 'restart' action to send requests to a second backend in the case of a 404 on the first. The new version of Varnish doesn't seem to support this - the 'restart' action no longer seems to be supported, and the '

How to correct 404 error with post

System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found I have three website. also have a method called post. When I post a form to siteB from siteA. the method post working perfect. When I post from siteA to siteC with same method, it give me an error System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (4...

404 Error with Java EE Web service GET request with decimal point in parameter value

Hi All, I've created a Java stateless session bean to provide RESTful services to clients, and I get a 404 Not Found erorr when I pass in a parameter with a decimal point (specifically a longitude, e.g. 150.318232). The service works fine if the value passed in is an integer. Below is a snippet of the code from the relevant method - i...

Apache .htaccess: ErrorDocument and RewriteEngine not working together

Please take a look at the following .htaccess ErrorDocument 404 /404/ RewriteEngine On RewriteRule (.*) index.php [L] With this setup, I am using header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); in PHP to redirect to the error handling page and send the appropriate HTTP status code. The correct 404 status code is sent, but the browser shows a blank...

how callback a function on 404 on JSON ajax request with Jquery?

I want made an Ajax request with response on JSON. So I made this Ajax request : $.ajax({ url: 'http://my_url', dataType: "json", success: function(data){ alert('success'); }, error: function(data){ alert('error'); }, complete: function(data) { alert('complete') }}) This code works goo... Response.Redirect Error

My team and I are working on a portal applicaiton. When a user requests a page, we get a page object (contianing permissions, actual file to use and what not). We then do a Response.Redirect to "~/Default.aspx". The crazy thing is that when the code to validate access and what not is called from a button click event from within an aja...

Mercurial: Why do I get a 404 error when pushing to a repository whose URL I can hit in a browser?

I have a Mecurial repository that I can see just fine if I navigate to it in a browser, but when I try to do a push, with my default path set to the same URL that I visit in the browser, I get this: abort: HTTP Error 404: Not Found Should the URL that I push to be different in some way? ...