http-status-code-404 MVC: how to catch a 404 error?

Hi, in the old days, with, when i would navigate to a non existing page, the .net framework (or iis?) would throw a 404 and i could attach a default page to that error in the web.config in the custom errors section. but in the mvc that doesn't seem to work? Does the mvc framework throws some kind of invalid route excpet...

Prevent Apache from logging 404 Errors, logging all other errors

I would like to disable 404 errors from appearing in my Apache error logs. The reason for this is that I have a custom page that handles 404 errors, performing any necessary redirects. If no valid redirect is found in this 404 page, then a nice page appears and the url and other information are logged by the script. Because of this, I do...

.htaccess redirect 404 error to directory if it exists

Is there any way to make /name.html and /name/ work interoperably in the event of a 404 error? For example, if the following fails: Then it would attempt: And only go to a 404 page if that directory didn't exist? The reverse would be interesting too, going from dir to .html, and then...

Posting data to a HttpHandler greater then ~29MB gives a 404 error

I am testing a HttpHandler that accepts XML. It works fine when a small amount of data is posted but if I post data larger then approx 29mb, I get a 404 Error. I am posting to the handler from another handler in the same project and I have tried 2 methods - 1. HttpWebRequest with "POST" 2. WebClient with UploadFile() and UploadD...

Elmah and 404s under IIS6

Just wondering if it's possible to get Elmah to log 404s that aren't picked up by the ASP.NET framework - i.e. the 404s that IIS spots and replies to. Presumably this would involve some kind of entry in IIS -> web site properties -> Custom Errors tab. Can't find any reference on how to do this. ...

Pylons - Changing the regular 404 Not Found page to a custom one

How do I change the regular 404 page generated by Pylons to my own custom-made 404 page? Thanks in advance, John ...

[Ruby on Rails] Generate 404 error

I create a action called "error404" in controller "pages", I would like to display this action if the following situation occurred: the controller in URL is not existed the action in URL is not existed what should I do? I tried to follow the instruction in this page,

Django "Page not found" error page shows only one of two expected urls

I'm working with Django, admittedly for the first time doing anything real. The URL config looks like the following: urlpatterns = patterns('my_site.core_prototype.views', (r'^newpost/$', 'newPost'), (r'^$', 'NewPostAndDisplayList'), # capture nothing... #more here... - perhaps the perma-links? ) This is in an app's ...

Automated URL checking from a MySQL table

Okay, I have a list of URLs in a MySQL table. I want the script to automatically check each link in the table for 404, and afterward I want it to store whether the URL was 404'd or not, as well as store a time for last checked. Is this even possible to do automatically, even if no one runs the script? ie, no one visits the page for a fe...

Joomap (on joomla) causes 404 error if it is menulink case

Hi, I'm using Joomla 1.5 and installed Joomap to create site map. I found that if the item in the Joomap tree is a menulink (menu alias), then it cannot work as deserved. It will cause a 404 error which said the component cannot be found when the menulink is clicked. thanks ...

jQuery selector loads images from server

Hi! here is the code: <script type="text/javascript"> var ajax_data = '<ul id="b-cmu-rgt-list-videos"><li><a href="{video.url}" '+ 'title="{video.title.strip}"><img src="{video.image}" '+ 'alt="{video.title.strip}" /><span>{video.title}</span></a></li></ul>'; var my_img = $(ajax_data).find('img'); </scr...

Solr Multicore Admin Problem

Im trying to add a url based security constraint to solr deployed in websphere 6.1. If I specify the core name in the url of the constraint then the admin url for that core gives a 404. Has anyone had any success with this or any suggestions? Cheers ...

Rails equivalent of respond_to |format| with a straight render

I'm working with ActiveResource a lot so my service models are only using XML. Thus, I have no need for a respond_to block, I literally just render :xml => @model I can't however figure out how to render a 404 header using this. I've had to resort to respond_to, which I think adds a few unnecessary method calls. Here's what I'm using...

The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

I am running this piece of code to get the source code (as string) of my webpage. The problem is why this function returns 404 error? Private Function getPageSource(ByVal URL As String) As String Dim webClient As New System.Net.WebClient() Dim strSource As String = webClient.DownloadString(URL) webClient.Dispose() Retur...

Symfony custom route works with frontend_dev.php but not with index.php

Am I missing something or should my custom route work with the index.php (or nothing) instead of frontend_dev.php? I'm getting a 500 error when I go to the model, and a 404 for the show page. My route is: project_show: url: /project/:slug class: sfDoctrineRoute options: { model: Project, type: object } param: { module: p...

Cannot Call WordPress Plugin Files Under wp-content

I have a client who has many blog customers. Each of these WordPress blogs calls a plugin that provides a product link. The way that link is composed looks like this: {website}/wp-content/plugins/prodx/product?id=432320 This works fine on all blogs except two. On those two, when you try to call the URL, you get a 404. So, I disabled a...

CodeIgniter: Page not found when passing parameters to a controller???

Hello, I'm trying to pass parameters to a control in codeigniter, but I'm getting 404 page not found error, I don't get it, I did what the guide says: When I remove the params in the index function and just access the controller everything works fine, but I can't pas...

Redirect 404 hotlinked images to a single image?

Basically a friends just gifted me an old domain to develop, it has quite a few inbound links and its getting a lot of 404 hits. The basis of the site is to let users hotlink images off it, to put in forum signatures / blog comments and whatnot. I was wondering if there was a way to redirect all these broken image links to a single imag...

404 header - HTTP 1.0 or 1.1?

So why does almost every example I can find (including this question form about a year ago) say that a 404 header should be HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found when we've really been using HTTP 1.1 for over a decade? Is there any reason not to send HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found instead? (Not that it matters all that much... I'm mostly just curious.) ...

Umbraco 404 error after install

I have downloaded and setup umbraco on IIS 7.5. I got a 404 page error when I tried running umbraco with Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition. Here is the error: Server Error in '/umbraco4' Application. HTTP Error 404 - Not Found. Version Information: ASP.NET Development Server umbraco4 is the webroot directory where I ...