
Maintain Links on a website

Hi all I want to know how you control on your webpage your links which link to external sites. Sometimes it can be that an external site just vanishes and you don't know that such an event occurred. I am thinking about making an excel sheet which holds all links and it's places from the website. Then I go manually monthly over all link...

Server Response: err404.html HTTP Status Code: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

hi friends 404 error page's 200OK header error what is this? Server Response: HTTP Status Code: HTTP/1.1 200 OK and it should give 404, my client says.. i researched so much by google, but could not understand the issue.. What should I do to fix this? appreciate helps!!! ...

Question related to 404 and PHP

So I'm using a single entry point found in a previous question of mine: We all know what 404 errors is, so no explanation needed there. However, when using the single entry point index.php?page=pokemon, it doesn't go to the 404 page when try...

How to deploy WCF service on IIS 6.0

I have IIS 6.0 on Windows Server 2003. I installed .NET 3.5 and 4 beta 2. "Normal" ASP things are working (perfect). But when I try to navigate to my service (/myServer/MyService.svc) I get a 404. Page not found. To be exact, I got a 404 2 "Web service extension lockdown policy prevents this request." I used ServiceModelReg.exe /ia t...

stop apache injecting it's own 404 not found page to the custom 404 error page

I'm having a problem implementing custom 404 error pages. my setup is a front-end apache 2.2.6 proxy request other than static file to the backend app server(apache 1.3.36) i send 404 header back along with error page when user request a non-existing page to the backend server. I do get the error page back but somehow the backend apache...

WordPress: don't show 404 when no posts exist

Currently there is a bug in WordPress if you have a Posts Page set under: Settings->Reading->A Static Page->Posts Page If there are posts, than the page (e.g. with a slug called news) displays the post, and uses index.php from the theme. But, with this configuration, if there are no posts, then it calls the theme's 404 page. Thi...

problem using a custom 404 page in IIS

I have a web site with a child directory set up as an application. I set up the application to use a custom 404 page. When I navigate to the url and put in a non existent page I get the following error message. Any other asp page in the application works fine. There isn't even any script in the 404 page... just plain html so I'm not ...

Spring Security - Cannot access my welcome webpage while I'm already logged

Hello, I have a website which uses Spring Security. I have realized that when I am logged in the application and I tried to access the website again without closing this session I get a 404 error. I mean if my application has a context name "myApp" I can acess to localhost:8080/myApp when I am not logged in, but when I am logged in and... links in wordpress twitter status updates leads to 404

All the twitter status updates on the wordpress sidebar have links. When I click on them, I get the 404 page because instead of going it tries to go"" with being the homepage for the wordpress blog. Is there an easy way to stop it from adding ...

Browser language based 404 pages with mod_rewrite how to

I am trying to generate language dependant 404 (also other errors) pages purely based on Apache mod_rewrite rules by evaluating the clients HTTP Accept-Language header. I've managed to show the correct pages (english default) with this rules: RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENA...

MVC Views returning 404 in IIS 7.5

I've been trying to figure out why my views are returning 404 in my staging environment, but not my development environment. Windows Server 2008 R2 IIS 7.5 MVC 2 Beta definitely installed. The first Route entry in my Global.asax is as follows: routes.MapRoute( "FindStore", "FindStore", new...

404 error code redirect back to homepage

I have some broken links on my site, and will keep having new ones on regular basis. How do i write a centralized code in web.config or something for 404 then redirect to home page? I am using aspx, and IIS7 ...

Elmah reporting unwanted 404 errors

I am using Elmah for logging in a ASP.NET MVC project and I am recieving lots of 404 errors for a path /prx2.php which in turn is passing a hash as a querystring param. I assume this is a scanner trying to find vulnerabilities. Because I am not running PHP I am safe! However I would like to stop ELmah reporting this error. Whats the be...

IIS6 hosted WCF service in SSL on nonstandard port, WebInvoke vs WebGet

I have a WCF service hosted in IIS6 with a method called DoSomething that I can access like (note its using https not http..and on a nonstandard port) I have setup wildcard mapping in IIS6. If I decorate DoSomething with a WebGet Attribute in the interface, I access the service method via ...

Webrequest.BeginGetResponse is slow - alternative to verifying destination exists before getting blocked on Async call?

I'm having this situation: However I notice that the PING command doens't take the same amount of time. Anyone know the equivalent .net call that ping is making? ...

How do i create a custom 404 page and send a 404 msg?

I know how to redirect pages with Rewrite. But when there is a 404 page how would i display my own custom 404 page (i know i can rewrite it) and say this is in fact a 404 and not just a plain rewritten page? -edit- How i can SET the error code instead of asking the server? if the user goes to /user/invaliduser/ i would like to send a 4...

ASP.NET MVC - Elmah not working and returning 404 page for elmah.axd

Hi there, I'm trying to use elmah for my MVC application and I've followed the steps on the wiki: , but even so when trying to access myapp/elmah.axd the page: 404 - File or directory not found. Anyone could help me please? OBS: My IIS Version is 7.5 If helps I'm posting the pertinent section...

How to route MVC URL mistakes to a view of our choice?

If we use this standard route: routes.MapRoute( "Default", // Route name "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" } // Parameter defaults ); and within Windows 2008 IIS7 with MVC 2 setup ...

How do i create a 404 image? for images that cannot be read by ASP.NET

Using ASP.NET C#, visual studios to host the files/pages. I allow users to upload images and i redirect them to the media page. The images are in a specific path easily recognizable with regex. When i redirect i get 1 of 2 errors. 1) Image doesnt exist (hasnt been generated) or 2) Cannot open file (imagemagik or something writing to the ...

Handle 404 throw by code in appengine

I manage the "real" 404 errors in this way: application = webapp.WSGIApplication([ ('/', MainPage), #Some others urls ('/.*',Trow404) #I got the 404 page ],debug=False) But in some parts of my code i throw a 404 error self.error(404) and i wanna show the same page that mentioned before, ¿there is any way to catch...