
Is it possible to redirect non-HTML files with HTTP? And chaining redirects?

Hello, I have been thinking about a neat way of load balancing and one thing that would be required is to be capable of loading an image on an HTML page from multiple locations without rewriting the URL(on each load) So what I need to be able to do is have one URL which is the "static" URL. Such as The i...

Is there any way to "peek" at a file while it's uploading through HTTP onto a Windows box?

I need to add a file upload function to an ASP.NET website and would like to be able to read a small portion of the file on the server while it's still uploading. A peek or preview type function so I can determine contents and give some feedback to the user while it is still uploading (we're talking about large files here). Is there an...

Get jQuery post redirect response

I've written some HTML/Javascript that sits on a third-party server for security reasons. This page performs a javascript post to another page on the same site. However, instead of responding with useful data, it instead wants to perform a redirect (if you would post via a normal HTML form to this page, it would redirect your browser)....

Tool to validate HTTP responses?

Hello, I'm going to be messing with some stuff at the raw HTTP level during the next few days and I'd like to make sure I'm following the standard as close as possible. Are there any tools out there to validate the HTTP responses that my server puts out to make sure they conform to the specification? ...

Get images from a URL and retrieve them all to select the one which is the biggest.

I want to open a URL and RegEx all the image's URLs from the page. Then I want to cURL all of them and check what size they have. In the end I want to get the biggest one. How do I do this? ...

iPhone HTTP Server

Can someone give me simple code to help with creating an HTTP server for the iPhone. Something simple with much documentation would be appreciated. Anything you have please share. ...

Gracefully exiting from thread in Ruby

Hi, I am trying out Mongrel and using the following code: require 'rubygems' require 'mongrel' class SimpleHandler < Mongrel::HttpHandler def process(request, response) response.start(200) do |head, out| head["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" out.write("Hello World!\n") end end end h = Mon...

PDF form submission

I have a PDF form (made in Acrobat) that has button to submit via HTTP. What I want to do it have a PHP script that will take the PDF form and e-mail it to me via attachment. What I don't want: --PDF Submit via e-mail button. This requires webmail users to save the pdf and attach it, and is just too confusing for most users. I want ...

HTTP transfer rate

Is there a way to specify, in a HTTP header, the transfer rate of the content? ...

how to do asynchronous http requests with epoll and python 3.1

there is an interesting page about how to do asnchronous / non-blocking / AIO http serving in python 3. there is the tornado web server which does include a non-blocking http client. i have managed to port parts of the server to python 3.1, but the implementation of the client requires pyCur...

Parse http GET and POST parameters from BaseHTTPHandler?

BaseHTTPHandler from the BaseHTTPServer module doesn't seem to provide any convenient way to access http request parameters. What is the best way to parse the GET parameters from the path, and the POST parameters from the request body? Right now, I'm using this for GET: def do_GET(self): parsed_path = urlparse.urlparse(self.path) ...

Is it necessary to turn off DEFLATE for all versions of Internet Explorer?

Following the example, I've configured Apache to only compress text/html for MSIE. Is this necessary for newer versions of Internet Explorer? BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html ...

Sharing session variables from http and https versio

I am trying to fix an ASP.NET site that a friend had botched converting from older technologies. To the user, the site appears to have public and secured sections. Behind the scenes, the public and private sites are separate web applications with separate app pools. The difficulty arises because it appears that the applications share the...

HTTP client - HTTP 405 error "Method not allowed". I send a HTTP Post but for some reason HTTP Get is sent.

Hey I am using the apache library. I have created a class which sends a post request to a servlet. I have set up the parameters for the client and i have created a HTTP post object to be sent but for some reason when i excute the request i get a reposnse that says the get method is not supported(which is true cause i have only made a d...

How do I get the size of a response from a Spring 2.5 HTTP remoting call?

I've been poking around the org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker package in Spring 2.5 trying to find a way to get visibility into the size of the response, but I keep going around in circles. Via another question I saw here, I think what I want to do is get a handle on the InputStream that represents the response from the server, ...

Need to check uptime on a large file being hosted

I have a dynamically generated rss feed that is about 150M in size (don't ask) The problem is that it keeps crapping out sporadically and there is no way to monitor it without downloading the entire feed to get a 200 status. Pingdom times out on it and returns a 'down' error. So my question is, how do I check that this thing is up and ...

Using HTTP status codes to reflect success/failure of Web service request?

I'm implementing a Web service that returns a JSON-encoded payload. If the service call fails -- say, due to invalid parameters -- a JSON-encoded error is returned. I'm unsure, however, what HTTP status code should be returned in that situation. On one hand, it seems like HTTP status codes are for HTTP: even though an application err...

adding image to dom and requesting content of txt file using Ajax. does it take same time ?

I have image and txt file of same size say 200 KB. Now i would like to calculate the time to download the image and text of text file. Now my question is adding image to DOM and and then calculating time on onload and requesting content of txt file using Ajax will they take same time or due to image and xml they will take different tim...

http_post_data adding extra characters in response

Hey Guys I am getting some extra characters like '5ae' and '45c' interspersed along with valid data when using http_post_data. The data I am sending is XML and so is the response. The response contains these weird characters thats making the XML invalid. If I use fsockopen I do not have this issue. Would really like some input on thi...

Python: HTTP Post a large file with streaming

I'm uploading potentially large files to a web server. Currently I'm doing this: import urllib2 f = open('','rb') request = urllib2.Request(url, request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/zip") response = urllib2.urlopen(request) However, this reads the entire file's contents into memory before posting ...