
WCF over IIS through load balancer reports wrong base address

I'm trying to launch a WCF service over SSL on IIS 6 through a load balancer. My initial problem was an obvious and pretty well discussed one - the address shown on the WSDL page pointed to https://SERVERNAME/WebServices/mydomainws.svc instead of The answer to this problem is to add a host header value in IIS. I did ...

get feedburner feed on httpS

We are grabbing our feed at feedburner by using the jquery jGFeed plugin. this works great until the moment our users are on a httpS:// page. When we try to load the feed on that page the user gets the message that there is mixed conteent, protected and unprotected on the page. A solution would be to load the feed on https, but google...

How to reference CDN images in a stylesheet which may use HTTPS?

I have all my site images setup to serve from Amazon's Cloudfront CDN. If my pages will sometimes be served as both HTTP and HTTPS, then should I make all image paths HTTPS to the CDN? Is this a poor practice? Any other ideas? ...

using Certificate in https

I write android application. How can I use Certificate in https connection when I init cert from der file and not from pkcs? When I have pkcs file with password, this code works: KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12"); keyStore.load(certificateIs, pass.toCharArray()); KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.g...

Convert web app from HTTP to HTTPS on OAS

I have a web service in EJB that runs on Oracle Application Server (OAS).. I need to change it to run on HTTPS instead of HTTP... I know that it doesn't require any code change as the change is in the Transport layer not in the application layer. But actually I don't know how to start! Could you please help me? ...

Convert web app from HTTP to HTTPS on OAS

Possible Duplicate: Convert web app from HTTP to HTTPS on OAS Hi , I have a webservice deployed on Oracle Application Server. it is running as a HTTP ... I need to convert it to HTTPS .. I know it is not a code change, but deployment change... How can I accomplish that??? Thanks. ...

How to create a Cookie using SSL pages?

Hi, I have an ASP:NET MVC 2 web site that is on SSL. I want to create a cookie like this: FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(validatedUser.UserName, false); FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, validatedUser.SecureToken, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10), false, String.Empty); HttpCookie coo...

"SSL Error: unable to find valid certification path to requested target" In OAS

Hi, I have two webservice deployed on the same Oracle application server.... One that is developed using J2EE 1.3 (Oracle) web service and the other using J2EE 1.4 (JAX-RPC) web service.... The first one is working properly over HTTPS, the other issue error message : SSL Error: unable to find valid certification path to requested targe...

PHP/cURL error with https again

Error is "Could not resolve host: (hostname); Host not found." This randomly started happening again on my development computer. It works fine on the production server, so whatever. But I still need to test this here. Here's the code: function useCurl($xml,$cert,$host){ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$host); curl_setop...

Is HTTPS the only defense against Session Hijacking in an open network?

So with Firesheep, everyone in a public Wi-Fi now has a one-click session hijack tool. The way it works - to my understanding - is that it simply captures all traffic and grabs the session cookie (so it doesn't steal passwords). From my understanding, this also means that a HTTPS secured login does not solve this alone, as further HTTP...

HTTPS does not work - Secure and Non secure data on web page?

Hello, I have a browser compatibilty problem with https? I have SSL installed and is in usage. Until today morning, my https part is working well. From then, Https is shown as https(with slashed in red color) saying the page has some insecure content. I have not changed any code and suddenly i see this problem in chrome. In IE 8, i see...

Codeplex Silverlight Media framework player over HTTPS

Hi I have a media player written using Codeplex Silverlight Media Framework and it works fine over HTTP. However when I switch from http to https it will not work... MMS, ISML or ISM streams. Now I have read about the cross scheme problems but I still am a little unclear if this can be made to work or not... Yah see, the site is compl...

Displaying HTTPS Page in a UIWebView

Hi, I've been searching for hours but can't seem to find an answer to this question. I have an https site that I'd like to display in a UIWebView. I can display simple sites like google in the webview but my https site is giving me no joy. I've tried ASIHTTPREQUEST and everything, but still no luck. Any help/code would be greatly ap...

JSP - Not able to maintain session between http page and https page

I can't seem to find the one right answer to my problem. I'm being overwhelmed with information I'm finding on the internet, and I have no idea what I should do. My setup is as follows : Apache server (front end), Tomcat 6.0 (back end), RapidSSL certificate is on the Apache server, my site is made up of Java Server Pages. The problem ...

Silverlight cross-scheme access to jpegs denied

Hello. I've got a Silverlight4 app that I'm running on https, deployed to Azure. Everything's working except for one small glitch. I've got content in the form of jpg thumbnails and associated zip files with a .gld extension. My app is supposed to display the thumbnails, and allow the users to download the associated .gld/zip files. ...

How to receive data of an HTTPS website in a string PHP?

Is there a function to which you give the URL of a website and it returns back the source in a string? ...

Redirect to non-https pages

Hi, I have come accross many solutions similar to what I need but I have tried changing them and have had no luck, it seems to be ignoring them sometimes and not other times. Essentially I have a site which I need to have https on only on certain pages or all php pages if that is easier but not for friendly urls e.g. /womens/skirts/ S...

Problem with Mule cxf:outbound-endpoint (client) and HTTPS/SSL.

Dear readers I have a small problem configuring the CXF transport in Mule 2.2 to call a WS-method on service exposed, using HTTPS/SSL. Calling the same method using plain HTTP works fine. I’ve searched a lot on this issue and found among others the following link:

Apache ssl-enabled vhost returns random 400 bad request

I've setup two local vhosts (http and self-signed https) for and trying them in firefox with firebug. Http vhost only purpose is redirecting all requests to https. Almost each time I request page from https, one or two files with associated resources (images, js, css, etc...) and sometimes php page itself return 400 ...

Reusing an HttpsUrlConnection... don't want to get a new connection each time. How reuse?

Hi... I want to call a secure webservice, using a cert that I have... the server takes a long time to authenticate with the cert, and, while this is ok the first time, the user will call it over and over again (in the same "session") and I feel I ought to be able to reuse the connection. I have the following code. System.setProperty("...