
Compact Framework, HttpWebRequest problem.

Hi. I have the following code in CF 3.5, target platform is WinMo6.5 for my HTC HD2: HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri("")); req.KeepAlive = false; HttpWebResponse res = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); string content = string.Empty; Stream dataStream = res.GetResponseStrea...

HttpWebResponse with MJPEG and multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=--myboundary response content type from security camera not working

I have an ASP.NET application that I need to show a video feed from a security camera. The video feed has a content type of 'multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=--myboundary' with the image data between the boundaries. I need assistance with passing that stream of data through to my page so that the client side plugin I have can consum...

POST to Page Returned By WebResponse

I am using WebRequest to POST to a signin page that redirects me to the page I really need to post to. How can I post to this page that I have been redirected to? Here is the Code: *NEW STUFF*** Here is what is happening after I post to the login page: GET /config/validate?.src=flickr&.pc=5134&.scrumb=6l14Ni2Pz3j&.pd=c%3DE0.GahOp2e4Mj...

Optimizing HttpWebResponse - GetResponse

I'm using the following lines of code to read the response of an asynchronous HttpWebRequest. This seems to be the largest amount of time spent in a particular operation. Is there anything I can optimize here? System.Net.HttpWebResponse oResp =(System.Net.HttpWebResponse)oReq.EndGetResponse(oResult); oResp = (HttpWebResponse)oReq.GetRes...

C# httpwebrequest on javascript

As some of you may know, you are able to POST with C#. This means you can "push" buttons on a website with webrequest/response. Now there are also buttons on sites which work with javascript, they start like: (function($j){ $, 'maxPictureSize', 764327); share_init(); })(jQuery.noConflict()); Is there any solution you c...

Why am I getting System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid Boolean on a fraction of our customers machines?

Hello, Our software connects to an online app to deal with accounts and a shop. It does this using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse. An example of this interaction, and one area where the exception in the title has come from is: var request = HttpWebRequest.Create(onlineApp + string.Format("isvalid.ashx?username={0}&password=...

Using .NET to Post a file to Server HttpWebRequest or WebClient

Okay so here is the deal. As the question states, I'm trying to POST a file to a webserver and am having a few issues. I've tried posting this same file to the same webserver using Curl.exe and have had no issues. I've posted the flags I used with curl just incase they might point out any potential reasons why I'm having trouble with ...

Downloading a file, and I get Content-Length header is Invalid

I'm downloading a file, from a webserver, using the code below, and am recieving this error: The Error: Error saving file from URL:The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseHeader Detail='Content-Length' header value is invalid From running Fiddler while this is running, it says: Content-Length response header is not...

How to read HTTP header from response using .NET HttpWebRequest API?

My app currently uses OAuth to communicate with the Twitter API. Back in December, Twitter upped the rate limit for OAuth to 350 requests per hour. However, I am not seeing this. I am still getting 150 from the account/rate_limit_status method. I was told that I needed to use the X-RateLimit-Limit HTTP header to get the new rate limi...

C# : Dealing with HttpWebResponse timeout problems

I have a big problem dealing with data I try to download in my Application over the internet via HttpWebResponse. My code looks like that: myWebRequest.Timeout = 10000; using (HttpWebResponse myWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myWebRequest.GetResponse()) { using (Stream ReceiveStream = myWebResponse.GetResponseStream()) { ...

Difficulties with google authentication

I am trying to authenticate google with the following code but google sent me back to the login page again. //STEP# 1 string loginURL = "

WCF - Dynamically Change WebResponseFormat

Is there a way to dynamically change the WebResponseFormat on a method given a parameter passed by the client? I default my WebResponseFormat to XML, but I want to give the client the opportunity to specify a format as JSON or XML and if none is specified, default to XML. Currently I am doing the following: [WebGet(UriTemplate = "objec...

.Net C# : Read attachment from HttpWebResponse

Is it possible to read an image attachment from System.Net.HttpWebResponse? I have an url to a java page, which generates images. When i open the url in firefox, the download dialog appears. Content-type is application/png. Seems to work. when i try this in c# and make a GET request i retrieve the content-type: text/html and no conten...

Why does my Windows Form app timeout when repeatedly hitting IIS 7 externally?

hey guys, I've got a very simple Windows Form app that hits an IIS 7 site about 2000 times in the space of a few seconds (using threads). When I run that app on the server itself, using either localhost or the ip address, everything is totally fine. However, when I run the app on my dev box, using the ip address, I get an error from t...

HttpListener - how do I send a WebException HTTP 304 "Not Modified" error back to browser?

Hi, How do I mimic a WebException 304 error back to browser if I am using HttpListener? That is I have received a request to my HttpListener, and then obtained the HttpListenerContext, then from this point how would I mimic/arrange for a HTTP "304 Not Modified" response to be effectively sent back to the browser via the HttpListenerCon...

Synchronizing while using Backgroundworker and an asynchronous HttpWebRequest

As described above I am using a Backgroundworker, which is requesting data from NET. This request is done asynchronously (BeginGetResponse). When a response arrives a method is called to handle the recived data etc... How could I synchronize the background worker and the asynchronous HttpWebRequest? Is it stupid to use an asynchronous h...

.Net HttpWebRequest/Response Cocoa Equivelant

I am currently trying to port a .Net app to Objective C and Cocoa. I know the basics and have had little trouble with most things. But I'm having trouble retrieving data from the Web. In C# I would use POST and GET to retrieve information from a server as such byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("someData"); HttpWebRequest request...

Multi-threaded downloader in C# question

Currently I have multi-threaded downloader class that uses HttpWebRequest/Response. All works fine, it's super fast, BUT.. the problem is that the data needs to be streamed while it's downloading to another app. That means that it must be streamed in the right order, the first chunk first, and then the next in the queue. Currently my dow...

HTTPWebResponse returning no content

Our company works with another company called iMatrix and they have an API for creating our own forms. They have confirmed that our request is hitting their servers but a response is supposed to come back in 1 of a few ways determined by a parameter. I'm getting a 200 OK response back but no content and a content-length of 0 in the respo...

Sending OK Response over HTTP to a webpage request

Hi, I am using an SMS Gateway to make my application receive SMSs. For this, the SMS Gateway sends a request to one of the pages in my application with the message as a querystring parameter. eg. http://myapplication/SMSReceiver.aspx?Message=PaulaIsHome. Now after my page gets invoked, I need to send an OK response to the SMS Gateway s...