
How can I ensure that all my hudson build slaves check out the same svn revision for the daily build?

My workplace uses Hudson for its daily builds, with several build slaves (one Linux, one Windows, one Mac) checking out our full codebase from svn and building our app at midnight each day. This all works fairly well. There is an occasional problem that happens though... sometimes a developer will be working late, and will check in a c...

Publishing javadoc automatically when building a maven project with hudson

Hi, I'm using Hudson to build Maven-projects with the dedicated Maven 2 job. unfortunately, I can't find any way to publish the generated javadoc like it can be done using a "Free Style" job and the "Publish javadoc" option. Running the javadoc goal didn't link the generated javadocs. Any ideas? ...

Creation of InstallAnywhere installer inside of Hudson CI

My company is trying to automate the creation of a nightly installer with Hudson. Our license to install anywhere is running on a separate server. We have an ANT build script set up to call the InstallAnywhere jar file which creates the installer automatically, and that works great when ran from the command prompt. However when we t...

In Hudson, how can you restore deleted builds?

I accidentally deleted some builds for a job that I would have rather kept. I restored the builds on disk from backup, but they still do not show up when I am on the status page for that job. I have tried both triggering another build for the job and re-starting Hudson. How can I fully-restore these builds? Is there a DB that Hudson us...

Hudson and UCM ClearCase

I have recently put one of our projects on Hudson using the UCM ClearCase plugin. Hudson works well until a configuration changes and then it hangs at update. In ClearCase the user is prompted and asked if they would like to continue (yes/no) when theres a change so im guessing this is where Hudson is hanging. I have configured Hudson t...

All commit are generating two builds

I'm using Hudson integrated with my SVN repository. But I don't know why with some reason every commit is generating two commit? Maybe some misconfiguration of clock, server, SVN server? Some ideas? As @sbi asks the trigger is every commit in my svn server and thanks @William Leara I'll try update everything. ...

Maven: How can I stop the deploy plugin from logging upload progress?

How can I make it so Maven doesn't spam upload progress in the Hudson console? Uploading: 4/9430K 8/9430K 12/9430K 16/9430K 20/9430K 24/9430K 28/9430K ...

How do I clear my Hudson build history?

I recently updated the configuration of one of my hudson builds. The build history is out of sync. Is there a way to clear my build history? Please and thank you ...

Archive builds in hudson, Save old builds

Is it possible to configure hudson to save a copy of all the files per build? As in everytime a build is triggered it grabs the files from the repository and stores them in a directory and builds it. Then when another build is triggered it grabs the files from the repository and stores it in a different directory to keep the build copie...

Referencing information in builds specified in a run parameter [Hudson]

Day 1 with using Hudson for our CI build. Slowly but surely getting up to speed. My question is about run parameters. I've seen that I can use them to reference a particular run of a particular project - that's all fine. What I don't understand (and can't find any documentation on - there's nothing at Parameterized Build) is how I refe...

How do you keep Hudson from giving Maven the -B option for builds?

When Hudson goes to build my project, it executes Maven as follows: Executing Maven: -B -f /path/to/root/pom.xml clean install This works fine on most projects. (The -B is for "batch" or "non-interactive mode", BTW). But for this one project that uses AndroMDA (which I can't recommend for future projects, it's really a pain-in-the-b...

Hudson doesn't checkout using symlinks when using SVN (Subversion)

The problem is that when Hudson checks out the files, it doesn't use symlinks. I've tried the svn13 and svn14 plug ins, but neither worked. ...

Using a Clover <fileset> on Hudson

We're trying to limit Clover to a certain package and therefore have a <fileset> definition in our Ant build file. Everything works fine from the command line (when we specify our known Ant target). But when it comes to the Clover plug-in on Hudson, we don't know which Ant target Hudson uses. Any pointers in using a Clover <fileset> on H...

Hudson won't run any Powershell scripts using Powershell plugin

Hi Folks, Encountered a problem executing Powershell scripts from Hudson CI server using the Powershell Plugin. I'm running: Hudson v1.362 Windows 2003 Powershell 1.0 I am trying to use the Powershell plugin for Hudson. Anything I try just gives me: File C:\DOCUME~1\SVC_PR~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\hudson2144883754471568213.ps1 cannot ...

Hudson cmd.exe running as

Where does hudson CI get user to run the cmd.exe ? I'm trying to start and stop some remote services on various slaves and special credentials that are different than what hudson is using are needed. I can't find a place to override the user. I've tried running the server as various users, but it doesn't change anything. Any other ideas?...

Hudson + Windows + GitHub + Git Plugin = really really slow fetch stage

I'm setting up my first Hudson + Git project (previously done many with Hudson + SVN). I expected the clone stage to be slow, as our repository is quite large, but subsequent builds where a fetch + merge is being used are just as long. The following options are enabled: Merge before build Clean after checkout I am not doing a "Wipe o...

What are some best practices for using continuous integration (e.g., Hudson) with mod-perl for apache module development?

I am looking into using Hudson to perform continuous integration testing for developing apache modules using mod_perl. Does anyone have any best practices or recommended strategies for utilizing these kinds of CI systems with apache modules? ...

Error in the build of project with gradle from Hudson and its deployment in artifactory !!

I just add the hudson-artifactory plugin and everything run marvelously!!! with maven but when I tried to buikld the project with gradle ("I added th gradle plugin to hudson") i have this error FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * Where: Initialization script 'C:\Documents and Settings\qqqqqqqqqqqq.hudson\jobs\skiiiii...

Selenium Server can not find a sessionId

What I want to do I'm trying to run Selenium Server on my Hudson CI server via the SeleniumHQ plugin, but unfortunatly it doesn't start for my single TestSuite. I already tried to set a different port, because I read this question. But the error stays. I'm running on Windows XP v2002 SP3, using latest Hudson CI (1.370) and SeleniumHQ (...

Hudson -- create users

I was hoping if there was an easy way to create Hudson users, so they are required to log in. And if they are not logged in they are only able to view build statuses. Nothing else. Please and thank you ...