
Hudson .jelly files edit not reflected.

I edited a few .jelly files for Hudson, but it's not reflected. How do I restart Hudson ? I hope that this will display the HTML tag changes made in the .jelly files. I am trying to change the look and feel of the Hudson. ...

Separate Building from Deployment with Hudson

Hi All, We have started using Hudson, and the current workflow is: checkout locally > code > run tests > update > run tests > commit Rather that polling, Hudson simply sits there until we instantiate a build. It then: checkout locally > run Phing script The Phing script then: svn export latest revision > run tests (if successful) ...

hUDSON build failing.

Hi, I am building a maven project using hudson. when i build it for the first time after starting hudson in linux the build was successful but, when i do it for the next time. I am getting the following error.** Checking out ERROR: Failed to check out http://nad2dw0...

Hudson - interweaving between jobs

Hi, I have to sets of connected jobs (A-1, A-2,A-3), and (B-1, B-2, B-3). There is only on execution of job in time (aka number of executors) When I start A-1 and then B-1. Hudson executes A-1, B-1, A-2, B-2, A-3, B-3 and it messes everything. How can I tell hudson to run all connected jobs firstly and then to run other jobs in queue, ...

How to delay a Hudson build until its dependencies are built?

Our build consists of two projects, a library project and a web front end project that depends on the library project. The Hudson jobs are configured from the maven pom.xml files and the dependency appears on Hudson as downstream/upstream project. Both jobs use the "poll SCM" build trigger and everything works as intended when only one...

Lock Source file in Perforce while using Maven release plugin

Hi, I got an error in Hudson console out saying the build fail because Maven release plugin cannot update POM.xml version while there are still unresolved files. The problem is caused by other people updating the POM during the build. Can any guru teach me how to solve the problem? I am think about a P4 lock, anyone can give me more ...

Strange Maven out of memory error

I am currently trying to build my project using hudson to call maven. I keep getting the problem of out of memoery error. I set the xmx and xms in all environmental variable, hudson configuration and hudson project config. I set the xmx to 1500 mb which should be more than enough as the whole project is less than 1000mb. the machine used...

Track scm changes

Hi , How do we track older builds which had a triggered because of check-in happened in Hudson, For example I made build periodically a certain build and its fine, I want to look older builds only which had scm change. Ex: Currently I am in 200th build,I want to see older build say 76 if it had a change in SCM,i.e I should not click ...

Exception Error when I try to initialize hudson.war

Hi there, I have installed hudson on Ubuntu server and then run java -jar hudson.war, giving me this exception error message: Status Code: 500 Exception: The error below occurred during context initialisation, so no further requests can be processed: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at java.lang.Class.initiali...

Verify that a Silverlight app loads without unhandled errors?

I'm involved with developing a Silverlight application together with a few developers. We use Hudson to build and deploy the application to a test server, the process is roughly like this: Developer checks in changes. Hudson detects changes, checks them out and builds the solution. If the build is successful, the new application is dep...

hudson unset user variable

Hi. I am using hudson, but it does not set variables like HOME and USER which are used my bash scripts. Those variables are correct on other server that runs debian, and on open suse are not set. I see that on open suse the server is started by /sbin/startproc. I could go for built parametrization: This build is parameterized. But ...

Problem in setting hudson home directory

Hello, I was trying to install CI tool Hudson on a Solaris SPARC by deploying hudson.war to the jboss AS. I made changes in run.conf to point to the correct jdk ( setting environment variables JAVA_HOME and JAVA), and other required changes like setting JAVA_OPTS etc. I also set an env variable HUDSON_HOME= to point the hudson home direc...

Hudson: HTTP listener already in use error

I'm trying to setup Hudson on a Windows server. When I attempt to run Hudson with the command java -jar hudson.war, then I receive an error that the address is already in use for the HTTP listener. I've confirmed that port 8080 (the default Hudson HTTP port) is not being used. I have also tried starting Hudson on another port (java -j...

hudson: Variable that returns which user initiated the build ?

is it possible to get the username of the user who initiated a build on Hudson ? There doesn't seem to be any hudson environment variable for username. otherwise, how are you supposed to return specific builds running under a certain user remotely using the API ? ...

Create a Hudson job with Hudson down ?

Hello world, is there a way to create and build a Hudson job without having Hudson running. Using Hudson Java sources seemed an appropriate solution for me first, but i started having troubles when trying the import onto Eclipse. I've already tried the Hudson tutorial here but started having problems with svn download. Anybody knows a...