
How do you run SimpleTest from Hudson?

I'm doing some work with CakePHP and want to use Hudson. I can run all kinds of plugins but I don't see anything for SimpleTest. Until Cake 2.0 comes out and they move to PHPUnit, I'd like to figure out how to run SimpleTest with Hudson. ...

Why is my unit test failing via Hudson/Phing, but succeeding via Phing on the command line?

General Info: PHP 5.3.3 PHPUnit 3.4 Zend Framework 1.10.8 Phing build target <target name="test"> <echo msg="PHPUnit..." /> <phpunit codecoverage="false" haltonfailure="true" haltonerror="true" printsummary="true" bootstrap="${testdir}/application/bootstrap.php"> <batchtest> <fileset dir="${testdir}"> <include name=...

Hudson /api/xml is not showing jobs configured

The URL http://localhost:8080/api/xml is not showing the jobs I already confitgured. The Job node is missing. I've jobs configured. The output of the url http://localhost:8080/api/xml is below. <hudson> <assignedLabel /> <mode>NORMAL</mode> <nodeDescription>the master Hudson node</nodeDescription> <nodeName /> <numExecut...

hudson - how to convert absolute path to URL in log files

In our unit tests we write messages which refers files under workspace. Example below Please check reference file 'c:\hudson\jobs\testproject\workspace\buildarea\testdata\golden.text` The path "c:\hudson\jobs\testproject\workspace" is the project workspace. It is available via hudson URL. It will be nice to have message to have the U...

What is the best stable hudson integration plugin for IntelliJ?

I observed that there are 3 plugins that are aiming to provide hudson integration in IntelliJ IDEA. What is the better one and why? ...

Hudson / default Maven

Hi, i cannot figure out how to set a default maven. Within a job configuration if you add a Maven Build you have to specify a Version and the goal. The first item in the select box for version is "default". If you have specified other versions under "configure hudson" they will appear there too. However i want all my jobs to use the def...

Continuous integration & eclipse plugin development

I am developing a set of eclipse plugins, and I have several JUnit plugin tests that actually start another instance of eclipse, create a mock workspace and a mock project and runs various operations on them. I want to put that on continuous integration and I am at loss as to where to start. I am using Hudson, would there be any plugins ...

How to present a Selenium test written in spec or PHPUnit on Hudson

Hi there, I am setting up Selenium tests on Hudson and looking for an easy way to present nice results such as Project summary and build summary on Hudson. Currently I have written Selenium test cases in Rspec and PHPUnit's extension for Selenium (I prefer working on Rspec over PHP). What is the best way to present detailed report for S...

Personal builds with Hudson continuous integration server

I'm thinking of using Hudson as my continuous integration server. In the past i have used the Pulse build server from Zutubi which had a nice feature called personal builds that allows a user to test a changelist on the Pulse server before committing the code. Does anyone know if Hudson offers this as either a built in feature or via a p...

Can't get SVN exclusions in Hudson to work

Assuming the Hudson job checks out 2 SVN directories: (root is -> "packages" in workspace (root is -> "Hudson" in workspace I tried different things, browsed online for answers, but I still can't get these 2 things to work: 1) Prevent...

Maven reporting plugins do not execute if a unit test failure occurs

None of the plugins in the reporting section of Maven execute if there is a unit test failure. I found that I can set maven.test.failure.ignore=true here - The problem to this approach is now our hudson builds are successful even if there are unit test failures. What I would really like t...

PHPUnit_Framework_Exception: Could not connect to the Selenium RC server when I run with Hudson

Hi there, I have set up Hudson CI Server and running PHPUnit test with Selenium (big thanks to this post!). Now I am running Hudson server and Selenium server on my localhost. I set up Hudson as port 8080 (default) and Selenium -port 1234 as it conflicts otherwise. However, every time I run Selenium test, I get a following error: P...

Free project hosting site easily integrated with Hudson/Maven etc

I want to host my java project on a free project hosting site. I want to use SVN (if possible integrated in NetBeans). I want the site to be easy to use and offer an option like Hudson system to control my nightly build/test execution. Is there such a site(s) ? Thank you in advance for the answers. If there is an alternative that you...

Hudson executing upstream project when downstream project is triggered

Hi, this seems like a simple thing but somehow i can't figure it out. I have a Project A and a Project B. If Project A executes successfully Project B is build. This works without a problem. If i want to execute only Project B i want that before it is build, Project A will be build again. Is this possible ? So basicly Project B should n...

Can BuildForge do what Hudson CI is currently doing?

I am looking for a comparison between IBM Build Forge (Rational) and Hudson CI. At work we have full licenses for BuildForge but recently we started using Hudson for doing continuous integration and automating other tasks. I used BuildForge very little and I would like to see if there are any special advantages of BuildForge over Hudso...

Active Git branch is "(no branch)" on hudson CI

My Ant build.xml script starts with <property environment="env"/> <echo>GIT_BRANCH = ${env.GIT_BRANCH}</echo> <echo>PWD = ${env.PWD}</echo> Hudson CI is setup to build when any branch changes. Console output is... Commencing build of Revision 90906a63929e9074035eb5b10c71ee055ad3e13c (origin/DPM-48) GitAPI created Checking out Revisi...

Running batch file remotely using Hudson

What is the simplest way to schedule a batch file to run on a remote machine using Hudson (latest and greatest version)? I was exploring the master slave setup. I created a dumb slave but I am not sure what the parameters should be so that I can trigger the batch file in the remote slave machine. Basically, I am trying to run 2 differen...

[mxmlc] Error: null, while compiling resource bundles under Linux with hudson

I am using Flex with hudson CI server and Ant to compile our project. While compiling resource bundles for this project I am having problems. With root user everything is compiled successfully but when I am trying to compile my flex project with hudson (ant) it fails with: compile_resource: [mxmlc] Loading configuration fil...

List of objects vs string value comparison

Hi , I expecting the following to return true. public class HudsonJob { private String name; private String status; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public void se...

Get hudson to checkout source to a specific directory

This seems like a simple task but for the life of me I can't get Hudson to checkout my source to a specific directory. I can checkout the source using svn on the command line. I tried specifying the Local Module setting under source code management but no dice. I set it to c:\source\trunk and I get this when i run the build. Started by...