
excluding developer iAds from my apps

I want to exclude developer iAds from my apps, as I don't think the revenue is worth the annoyance to my users. I asked Apple about it, and they said there is no way to do this, and there are no plans to add one. However, I have to wonder if there is a keyword in the exclusions that will do the trick. Has anyone found such a keyword...

iPhone Ads Issues White Rectangle and Not able to go back to original application.

I am trying to integrate iPhone ads in my application. I run the app on my device and sometimes the ads are displayed in the form of "Text Ads here" which means the ads are rendered properly. But sometimes all I see is a white rectangle and no ads or anything. Anyone experience the same issues? Another problem is that when I click on th...

Why are my iAds not showing up in my approved app

I realize that this isin't a programming question but I know that a lot off people here are iOS developers so i'll just ask anyways. I had an app approved about 8hours ago, during development my iAds were working fine and I was receiving test ads in the simulator and on my iPhone. But I've downloaded the official version and so have a f...

iAd strange console "Unhandled error"

I'm seeing in the console: "Unhandled error (no delegate or delegate does not implement didFailToReceiveAdWithError:):" Although didFailToReceiveAdWithError is being invoked (I can see that with check points and in the console log) Does someone has any reasonable explanation? It's like it's working and not working all in the ...

iOS SDK broken ever after reinstall UIKit and Foundation frameworks not found.

For the pch file I get these errors: /Users/matt/Programming/iPhone Monkey Curling lite/iPhone_Monkey_Curling_Prefix.pch:6:34: error: Foundation/Foundation.h: No such file or directory /Users/matt/Programming/iPhone Monkey Curling lite/iPhone_Monkey_Curling_Prefix.pch:7:24: error: UIKit/UIKit.h: No such file or directory Here's the fi...

iAd Banner background image

Hi , i was wondering how can i change the iAd black background image ? ...

Reusing methods in multiple classes...

I've just implemented iAds in an app with several distinct UIViewControllers. I have the delegate methods in each one for - (void)bannerViewDidLoadAd:(ADBannerView *)banner and - (void)bannerView:(ADBannerView *)banner didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(NSError *)error that show and hide the banner, along with a setup method that creates a ba...

iAds crash in AdWhirl

I'm implementing AdWhirl for the first time, and it is using iAds, AdMob, and MillennialMedia. AdMob and MillenialMedia seem to work perfectly fine. iAds load, display, and refresh just fine in my PlayViewController, but when I click the back button to go out to the main menu, the simulator crashes, with no error printed to the Console...