
Frequency of iAds showing?

Hey all, I've just released my first application with iAds enabled. It's been accepted by Apple and I've already earned something minor like $0.28. Now to me this means that ads have been showing on some of my users devices. I was aware that my device will only show test ads, so I downloaded the application on a friends phone, and trie...

iphone iAd question?

My application got approved yesterday. before they start reviewing test ads were showing up on my app (device), but as soon as they start reviewing ads stopped showing on the device. My app is finally approved and iAd is enabled, but i haven't seen a single ad since yesterday. Does it take some time after app is proved until my app star...

iAd ==> Device connecting to xcode AdDomainError?

When i connect my device to xcode, and run the application, i get an AdErrorDomain, is this suppose to happen on debug mode? the simulator displays test ads, Device doesn't display anything Device through xcode gets AdErrorDomain ...

iAd and view controllers

Apple's documentation on the UIViewController class has this to say: Note: You should not use view controllers to manage views that fill only a part of their window—that is, only part of the area defined by the application content rectangle. If you want to have an interface composed of several smaller views, embed them all in a single r...

iAds application crashing on OS 3.0 - 3.2

how to set iAds so the application does not crash on older OS (3.0 - 3.2) ...

How do I use implement iAd into my app?

I've been working on a app that I want to earn money from, but nobody would buy it if it costed money. Does anyone know any tutorials, or know themselves, how to get iAd into an app? Thanks. ...

Adding AdBannerView to application creates memory leak

I have a working iPhone app using SDK 4.0. It shows no leaks in the 'Instruments' tool, and I am fairly convinced that the code does not have any memory leaks. I then tried to add iAds to the app, and it started showing memory leaks. In order to nail down the problem, I removed all additional code. All that is left is an added AdBann...

iPhone Banner Ads

Hey All Im coming to adding a little advertising bar at the top of one of my apps. Its the first time im venturing into in app advertising. Just wondering what people have used and what is the best way? Can i use my google adsense? What is this iAd all about? Does that offer PPC like adsense? Look forward to your feedback. Alex ...

iAds are leaking memory

I recently implemented iads by following the WWDC video. However, while testing with leaks I found that my ads were leaking. I heard that this is a known problem with iads. Someone mentioned that releasing the banner in viewDidUnload might help but that didn't work for me... Does anyone know any way around these leaks? Even though the...

How to place a ADBannerView outside of UINavigationController

I have a application that make use of a UINavigationController. In the rootview I have added a iAd ADBannerView. When the user navigates to another view the ADBannerView moves away. So, the idea is that I keep the ADBannerView on the screen. Can someone help me out with this? ...

Problem with ADBannerView in combination with UINavigationController

I have the following application: I have 1 window. On that window I add two views. One view is the view of the UINavigationController. This is used to let the user navigate through my application. The other view has a ADBannerView on it. This view is placed on the bottom of the screen. The user can navigate through my application with...

How to make iAds work on a 3.0 + iPhone-iPad app?

I created a universal app for the iPhone-iPad. I'm only working on the iPhone part at the moment. In the header file for the view controller for the iPhone one, I import the adbanner header and create an adbannerview variable with a matching property. I don't make it in the nib file but rather check at run time if the class exists, if it...

iPhone: is there a way to close an iAd bar?

I'm trying to add iAd to my app right now. I have it instantiated in my appDelegate, and would like to have a close button to allow the user to close Ad at any time. How should I go about doing this? ...

iad cocos2d - iphone development

i'm developing a physics game with cocos2d framework. I added iAd to it. When the ad appears, the scenary elements get disoriented (sprites jump). i've notice FPS decrease a lot and i don't know what to do to solve the problem. Any ideas? ...

Problem with ADBannerView

hello guys, a have a small problem when i want to skip from the first view to the second : i have an ADBannerView1 in the first viewController, and another ADBannerView2 in the secondViewController..the problem is when i skip from the first to the second, half of the adBanner2 is hidden by the status bar...i've tried to delete the status...

Using iAd as default ad network, and AdMob if iAd fails

I've built my app this way and everything seems to be working more or less. After hearing about the notoriously low iAd fill rate I decided that this would be the best method, but I tried googling it and i couldnt find record of anyone else implementing ads in their app like this. Does this violate the TOS? ...

iAds displaying portrait in landscape orientation from start

I got this iPhone app where I use AdWhirl to change between a number of ad networks. Now when iAds gets its turn in and the phone is in landscape orientation before the ad shows it will display the normal portrait iAd. If I then turn the phone to portrait and back to landscape it shows the correct longer and thinner landscape version of ...

Hide iAds on iPhone when there is no network connection

Hey All, I am trying to include iAds in my app. It works fine when there is network connection but the iAds doesn't hide when the network is not available..please find the code below and help me..thanks for your time.. I included this code in viewDidLoad static NSString * const kADBannerViewClass = @"ADBannerView"; if (NSClassFromStr...

Any tutorials on building an iAd?

I am looking to build an iAd for a client. It shouldn't be to hard, but I would like to see a decent sample. I was looking through the iOS library but didn't find anything. Can anyone point me to a tutorial? ...

global ADBannerView in iPhone app

Is it possible with a standard UINavigationController-rooted app, to have a single ADBannerView visible at the bottom of the screen, below the view hierarchy? That is, without modifying each view-controller/view that can be pushed to the root UINavigationController, can I have a global ADBannerView be visible? I'm not sure how to set ...