
iPhone iAd: "no qualified ads found for this request"

Hello, I have a problem with iAd. I have two apps: let's call them AAA and BBB. AAA is a new application which is "Waiting for upload" with iAd enabled. BBB is an existing application which I want to update and is "Waiting for upload" too, with iAd enabled. iAd in AAA works just fine. In BBB it shows this error in the console: Error Do...

Removing Code Linking for Different Targets in XCode - iAds

I have an app I am working on which has been split into two targets, one for the iPhone and one for the iPad. The iPhone side (w/iAds) runs perfectly, but the iPad target gives me errors. It basically boils down to the iPad target not recognizing the iAd framework. I've tried weak linking but I still get iAd/iAd.h: No such file or dire...

Stopping iAd from loading banners, when I change the view.

I have an app with UINavigationController. There is ADBannerView on the root view of the navigation controller. Should I somehow stop recieving ads when I go to another views (and rootView disappears from screen)? ...

iAds with tab bar applications...

Hello. I've been able to incorporate all of Apple's code, delegation, etc related to iAds... in simple view based applications. Tab bar type applications seem more difficult... perhaps I don't understand the overall architecture of those apps. It seems that say if there are 3 tabs and views corresponding to those tabs that the other t...

iPhone iAd -- not getting callbacks to didFailToReceiveAdWithError

I am testing an iAd app on an iPod touch. My iPod is connected to the internet. In all my testing, I have only received one callback to didFailToReceiveAdWithError. Here is the relevant code: #ifdef mAppHasAds - (void)bannerViewDidLoadAd:(ADBannerView *)banner { NSLog (@"Triangle ad"); bannerView.hidden = NO; } - (void)bann...

iPhone & iPod Touch iAd UIImageView memory Leak

Running my app on device using leaks tells me that iAd is leaking a UIImageView (namely the ad). Does anyone know what this is about/how to fix it?![alt text][1] screenshot of my instruments panel: http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/30446483e5.jpg ...

iAd error how to resolve it?

i add iAd into UIVIew at buttom of TableView, it also error when fast scroll up/down. Code - (void)viewDidLoad { //NSLog(@"viewDidLoad"); if(NSClassFromString(@"ADBannerView") != nil) { ADBannerView *adView = [[ADBannerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,0,0)]; adView.currentContentSizeIdentifier = ADBanner...

iAd testing on iPhone

I'm having a bit of a problem testing iAd on the iPhone and on the simulator. The methods that are called when the ad is loaded or failed don't seem to be called when testing and Apple doesn't want apps to show empty frames when there are no ads to display. Basically, what I did was to hide the AdView and show it only when the bannerVie...

Weird iAd Error causing crash

I'm getting a very strange crash due to iAd. Here's the debugger output: 2010-07-29 17:25:57.032 MemoryMatcherFree[5326:307] -[__NSOperationInternal bannerViewDidLoadAd:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x13fda0 2010-07-29 17:25:57.051 MemoryMatcherFree[5326:307] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentE...

Resizing a UIView on iPhone at run-time.

I'm trying to resize my app's view whenever an iAd is scrolled down from the top. The problem is that in run-time, when i set the resized frame size of the relevant view, the resizing doesnt happen 9so the iAd is draw on top of the top 50 vertical pixels). If I set the UIView size at design-time, then I see that the view is resized (whe...

Once iAd is displayed, does it never go away?

Is it okay to display and hide an iAd at will? Or is there an Apple-policy that says we MUST show an iAd at all times? Also, any way to configure (or if its even possible) to set the interval at which the ads are rotated/updated? ...

Use iAd JS framework to create a web app?

Hi, do you think it would be possible (legally) to use the iAd JS framework (the one that is provided for the developers for creating the ads) to create the whole iOS web application itself? I've tried reading some legalese (iAd Network Contract) but it doesn't mention about in what ways I'm allowed to use their JavaScript framework. ...

[UIImageView _cleanUpCrossView], problem on iPad

guys,, need help here. i have an app that completely works on iPhone (ios 4) and iPod touch. but when i try on iPad i got this Log error message : -[UIImageView _cleanUpCrossView]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2e7760 CoreAnimation: ignoring exception:-[UIImageView _cleanUpCrossView]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0...

iAd not showing up on my app I just released

Ok so I went out on a limb with the iAd craze and released my a new app for free with iad support. It took me forever to figure out how to setup everything up so that the banner "only shows when there is an ad to show". Now my app is live and I am not seeing any banner! Does apple just occasionally decide to throw you a bone every now ...

Optimizing the compiler for iPhone apps

The "Build" section of project info in XCode offers lots of compiler settings. I'm seeing good improvements in performance (up to about 20%) when I choose the LLVM GCC 4.2 compiler with the "FASTEST-O3" setting. Are there other settings that also improve performance when compiling for the iPhone? ...

Facebook in iPad: UIWebView - renders as touch instead of standard web

Up until a few days ago it worked fine: opening facebook.com in iPad/UIWebView rendered as standard web. Now Facebook is force-rendered as touch - as if the URL was http://touch.facebook.com. This happens regardless of the UIWebView frame size. Here is a simple code for the main view controller to see the problem: UIWebView *wv = [[UIWe...

iAd or AdMob for iPhone/iPad development?

Is there still a point to use AdMob? Has it been or will it be banned by Apple? Is there an third-party interface solution that allows me to switch between the services later on server side? ...

How does Apple pay for iAds in Apps?

So i have an app thats about to be submitted with an iAd banner in it. Just wondering what this means in terms of fee's (for me) and revenue. Im assuming Apple tracks this info and adds it to my account accordingly. ...

pause Audio recording while displaying iAds in full view?

Hello forum, I am working on iAds and I wanted to ask if it was necessary to stop recording audio on my iphone using AudioQueueObject while the iAdView is displayed in the full view ? Thanx. ...

ADBannerView in UITableViewCell

What is the best-practice for placing ads in your table view cells? Here's my code, which works until the banner receives the transitionToNextBanner event, which then crashes my app. UITableViewCell *cell = [tableVw dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"BannerAdCellIdentifier"]; if (cell == nil) { cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWit...