
Python: How to extract variable name of a dictionary entry?

I'm wondering how I would go about finding the variable name of a dictionary element: For example: >>>dict1={} >>>dict2={} >>>dict1['0001']='0002' >>>dict2['nth_dict_item']=dict1 >>>print dict2 {'nth_dict_item': {'0001': '0002'}} >>>print dict2['nth_dict_item'] {'001': '002'} How can I go about making...

Setting a label's id in Zend_Form

Hey, guys, I'm trying to set an id for one of my form's labels so I can hide it with jquery later. Here's my element: $password = new Zend_Form_Element_Password('password'); $password->setLabel('Password:') ->setRequired(true) ->addFilter('StripTags') ->addFilter('StringTrim') ->addValidator('NotEmpty') ->setAttrib( ...

class or ID

Duplicate: Cascading style sheets use “id” or “class” CSS: are class and id interchangeable? div class vs id CSS: div id VS. div class Sometime, when i like to make a selection a add an ID (unique) to something (images) and i used jquery to do domething when hover or clic. But the same thing can be done with cl...

Unable to get Id of draggable divs in jquery. (using jqery ui)

For some reason the script below is unable to get the id of the draggable divs using attr('id'), but it works on the other static elements on the page. I am totally confused as to why this wont work and if anyone has a solution for me it would me much appreciated. $(document).ready(function(){ //$(".draggable").d...

Nhibernate , collections and compositeid

Hi, banging my head here and thought that some one out there might be able to help. Have Tables below. Bucket( bucketId smallint (PK) name varchar(50) ) BucketUser( UserId varchar(10) (PK) bucketId smallint (PK) ) The composite key is not the problem thats ok I know how to get around this but I want my bucket class to contan...

How to rename the default identifier param "id" in Rails' map.resources()?

I like all the default routes that are generated by Rail's map.resources. But, there are cases where I would like to use a non-numeric identifier in my routes. For example, If have a nested route consist of users and their articles, a standard route could be written as such: map.resources :users, :has_many => [:articles] # => e.g. '/us...

Unique session id in python

How do I generate a unique sission id in Python? ...

How to get uicontrols by their ID in iphone dev environment

I'm just starting to learn the iphone API, and I've done plenty of windows programming, and I'm sure there's a way, given the object passed to an event handler, to identify its object id or tag or something. I created a series of UIButtons in the interface builder, and each has an object ID. But I just can't see where in the iphone API ...

synchronizing objects ID in app & web database?

Hi, We have an Android app and a Web Service. We want to download part of the places objects to the mobile. The user will be able to download more of a certain city. Because of that we need to save the city_id of the web in the mobile database. We've thought on two options: Each database will have it own primary IDs, but we will save ...

Get IIS site id from a website

Hello, I have made a user control in c#. Becuase of some data I need to retrieve I would like to get the site id that is used for this site in iis. Is this possible, and if so, how? Thanks! ...

Javascript get id

function check(id){ var _id = document.getElementById(id); url = "test.php?check=1&id=" + _id; } i want the id in the url it's working but without the id that is in the check('123'); It's for an innerHTML to load something hope you can help me with getting the id Greetings ...

How to get Cell Tower Info on a Windows Mobile CDMA Phone

Tools/Env.: C++, VS2008, WM6.1 I currently only have the HTC Diamond Windows Mobile phone available for testing and try as I may, with all of my hacking prowess, I still cannot accomplish the task of acquiring the remaining details of Cell ID and LAC, to complete my cellular location based program. I have managed to get the MCC and MN...

jQuery: Making corresponding text boxes affect eachother's values.

Situation: 2 text boxes, TextBoxA and TextBoxB. I enter text into TextBoxA and it sets the value of TextBoxB. Now, I need to be able to edit the value of TextBoxB, and have that set the value of TextBoxA. Simple enough, but I need this to work for several pairs of text boxes on a single page. This is what I have so far: $(function() {...

Hibernate - child collection Identifier changed in update

Hi guys, when I trying to update the object RFQ , Hibernate tends to update its child collection BQMaster and trying to set and update the identifier of BQMaster which normally it should not be allowed. The postgre log file: *2009-05-22 11:16:53 ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "bq_masters_pkey"* *2009-05-22 11:16:53 STAT...

Why is ID in the URL a bad idea?

Hi, Why is it a bad idea to have a ID in the URL in terms of SEO? How does this: Make SEO bad? Can someone give me a practical example where the SEPR lowers? ...

Unique class type Id that is safe and holds across library boundaries

I would appreciate any help as C++ is not my primary language. I have a template class that is derived in multiple libraries. I am trying to figure out a way to uniquely assign an id int to each derived class. I need to be able to do it from a static method though, ie. template < class DERIVED > class Foo { public: static int s_id...

Passing a variable value from javascript to ASP

Hello all, With the help of this community, I've been able to pass a static chunk of text from javascript (clientside) to ASP 3.5 (server side)! This piece of code works beautifully: $('.drop').droppable({ tolerance: "touch", // Here should be a string drop: function() { $('[id$="myHidden"]').val('Testy test test'); __...

CSS ID vs Class

What is the basic difference between CSS ID and CSS Class? Someone told me that, ID can be used only once in a page. But I found that it can be used multiple times. like body { background-color: #3399FF; } div#menuPane{ position: absolute; left: 25px; top: 25px; width: 25%; } { display: block; ...

Lose of session ID in ASP.NET

I have faced a problem with Asp.NET Session ID. Whenever there are code-behind changes and moved dll to liver server / if there are any modifications to web.config file, the existing session is is not accessible. The session id is going to reset. If we use stateserver then we can retain session values. But it is not possible in some sha...

CSS ID and Class Selectors

What do these two CSS selectors mean? h1#myItemOne h2 { background:#0099FF; color: #A3F4A3; } h1.myItemTwo h2 { background:#0099FF; color: #A3F4A3; } Are these two selectors valid for use? ...