
Duplicate Values in Identity Column

I've got a table which has a column named id which is of type Identity. But this column contains duplicate values 1..8 and then again 1..10 How in the world is this possible? ...

Can ( s is "" ) and ( s == "" ) ever give different results in Python 2.6.2?

As any Python programmer knows, you should use == instead of is to compare two strings for equality. However, are there actually any cases where ( s is "" ) and ( s == "" ) will give different results in Python 2.6.2? I recently came across code that used ( s is "" ) in code review, and while pointing out that this was incorrect I wante...

SQL Server insert statement using INSERTED to get new ID and existing ID

Hello SO, I'm inserting records from one sql server db into another. I need to get the newly inserted id and update a field on the source table. I can get the new ID with INSERTED option no problem. However, I cannot seem to get the ID from the source table. The destination table does not have a field for the source's ID. The source tab...

SQL reseeding works but auto increment starts at 0

I have some table that have an identity column that I am trying to reseed. The reseeding works (I think) but when a new data item is inserted into the table the identity column starts at 0. My code to reseed is: DBCC CHECKIDENT(MyTable, RESEED, 0) The Identity Specifications for the tables are: Identity Increment = 1 Identity Seed =...

is twitter_anywhere_identity useable as an access token?

After messing with oauth and discovering the final leg of twitter oauth was not reliably sending back the oauth_verifier (though it seemed to authenticate anyway!), i got a bit disgruntled. then i discovered @anywhere, the javascript twitter lib, and thought i'd give it a go. @anywhere out of the box seems designed to allow one to do s...

Types for which "is" keyword may be equivalent to equality operator in Python

For some types in Python, the is operator seems to be equivalent to the == operator. For example: >>> 1 is 1 True >>> "a spoon" is "a spoon" True >>> (1 == 1) is (2 == 2) True However, this is not always the case: >>> [] == [] True >>> [] is [] False This makes sense for immutable types such as lists. However, immutable types suc...

How do I debug a .net application as a specific user?

I'm creating a WinForms application in Visual Studio 2008. I want to run my application in the debugger and I want the application to run as a user other than the user running Visual Studio. What is the best way to do this? ...

NHibernate - Person objects at different nodes of object graph are seen as being the same

[Edit: forget this post - I'm not sure what NHibernate is doing, but it's not doing what I just said it's doing. Please ignore.] I have a 'parent' class in the object graph called Case. Here's a snapshot of Case: public class Case { public virtual Person Deceased {get;set;} public virtual IList Executors { get; set; } public Ca...

How do I implement custom Principal and Identity in ASP.NET MVC?

I want to store extra information in the authenticated user so that I can have it easily accessible (like User.Identity.Id, for example), instead of just the name, since I'm planning on having that non-unique. So far I've gathered that I should look to implement custom Principal and/or Identity, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I'v...

Result identity changing

Hello, I'm using TOR and I want to know, how to switch between result-nodes with need country. I can simply change it by telnet the 9051 port like: telnet localhost 9051 "AUTHENTICATE\r" "signal NEWNYM\r" "quit\r" This will chose randomly the exit(result) node. My goal is to change that node to the node from need country. I didn't fin...

Should I use Thread.BeginThreadAffinity() when using impersonation?

I understand that impersonation is tied to a single thread. However, managed threads could be shuffled around on top of native Win32 threads, so should I try to bind the identity using Thread.BeginThreadAffinity()? And should I use Thread::ManagedThreadId when checking calls later on an object that manages the impersonation? EDIT: But ...

Really awkward (seemingly simple) bug with python integer comparisons.

I have the following piece of code which is not working the way I expect it to at all... current_frame = 15 # just for showcasing purposes g_ch = 7 if (current_frame != int(row[0])) and (int(row[1]) != g_ch): current_frame = int(row[0]) print "curious=================================" pri...

Powershell: Setting anonymous user in IIS6

I'm using the PowerShell script below to set anonymous user identity and authentication methods on an IIS6 server. The script seems to work at first, but if I issue an iisreset after running it the values revert to the old ones! How do I persist them? $server = "localhost" $siteName = "" $iis = [ADSI]"IIS://$server/W3SV...

In Python, are single character strings guaranteed to be identical?

The title really says it all. I read somewhere (an SO post, I think, and probably somewhere else, too), that Python automatically references single character strings, so not only does 'a' == 'a', but 'a' is 'a'. However, I can't remember reading if this is guaranteed behavior in Python, or is it just implementation specific? Bonus poi...

unique identity or identifier for view in sql server 2005

I've got a view that's a union of two tables that have overlapping keys and I want to uniquely identify the rows for later retrieval. How can I add an identity or identifier column to the view rows so I can retrieve the rows later by that value? ...

Current and archive table identifier scheme

I have a table that i use for current semesters (currentSemester) with an id that is an identity. I have a table I archive to called pastSemester with an id that is an identity and a legacyID column that carries the key to currentSemester when I archive. The problem is that I have to report on both current and past records simultaneousl...

Keep value of autonumber column when importing into Microsoft Access database

What I try is to import several tables programmatically from Microsoft SQL Server to Microsoft Access. Each SQL Server table has an identity column, and the corresponding Access tables, an autonumber column, too. Now I want to generate SQL scripts to copy the data from SQL Server to Access and have the autonumber colum the same value a...

Do we have to use GUIDs in LinqToSql application to uniquely identify objects

I have inherited a LinqToSql application which is making use of GUID keys for objects. I'd rather use conventional identity fields - much easier for people to use, understand and communicate. However there is some business logic that requires the application to identify unique objects before they're persisted to the DB which is why GUID...

How to get the id of the added row in Oracle

Hello, I need to translate a script from tsql to plsql, something like: DECLARE @temp_id int INSERT INTO Table (col1, col2) VALUES (1, 2) SET @temp_id = @@identity but, I am having trouble to find something similar to global variable @@identity Oracle expert anyone? ...

Querying SQL Server / Oracle Database Table Data - Identity Column

I am trying to query a SQL Server & Oracle database to get table data that would indicate if a column is auto increment or or not. I would assume you would look at the "information_schema.columns" and "user_tab_cols" tables but it doesn't seem to hold this information. Does anyone know where I can retrieve this information? ...