
ClearCase and Eclipse: How to hide/ignore files?

I'm working with Eclipse and ClearCase and we're facing the problem that there's no "ignore"-feature in ClearCase and we're having regularly checked-in files that shouldn't have been checked in. In Eclipse, I already found the "Ignored Resources" configuration in Window -> Preferences -> Team and have been able to ignore files that fol...

Antlr hidden channel whitespace problem

Hello, I have the following Antlr grammar: grammar MyGrammar; doc : intro planet; intro : 'hi'; planet : 'world'; MLCOMMENT : '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' { $channel = HIDDEN; }; WHITESPACE : ( (' ' | '\t' | '\f')+ | // handle newlines ( '\r\n' // DOS/Windows | '\r' // Macintosh | '\...

how to ignore cvs folder in Ant script

After building an application by using ant, i am copied the component to a temp folder. But, the cvs folder is also copied and it increases the no of folder and file almost double by number. Is there any solution to ignore cvs folder in ant build file? ...

working with .git/info/exclude too late

I usually do this: git init git add . git commit . And then I realize that it's about to add my nbproject directory, which I want excluded/ignored. Sometimes, I even check in this directory. Had I added it to .git/info/exclude before running git add., everything works fine (it's excluded). So then I modify .git/info/exclude and then...

Problem with using SVN with VS.NET to version compiled code - .svn folder conflict with /bin

I'm using SVN to version a ASP.NET web project that I'm working on. I have recently decided to try versioning published versions of the site. I commit these to the repository along with tagged Release versions of the code in the root of the branch. This is proving useful as I can deploy to my server using SVN. Problem that I'm facing is...

Ignore OpenMP on Machine that doesn't have it

Hi, I have a C++ program using OpenMP, which will run on several machines that may have or not have OpenMP installed. How could I make my program know if a machine has no OpenMP and ignore those "#include ", OpenMP directives (like "#pragma omp parallel ...") and/or library functions (like "tid = omp_get_thread_num();") ? Thanks and r...

Java: ignoring an input stream - will buffers overflow and bad things happen?

Hi all, I have a client connecting to my server. The client sends some messages to the server which I do not care about and do not want to waste time parsing its messages if I'm not going to be using them. All the i/o I'm using is simple java i/o, not nio. If I create the input stream and just never read from it, can that buffer fill...

"svn list" ignores externals

hi all i have a directory called 'library' in my SVN tree which uses externals to load libs such as zend framework/smarty/.... im using a self written tool which uses "svn list" where i can select files which should be uploaded to the servers and it seems svn list doesnt load external props and thus the library directory is empty whic...

Ignoring files in project folder for Doxygen

How can you ignore files by Doxygen similarly as by Git's .git/info/exclude? Doxygen generates docs for me based on 3rd party codes such Email -component and of my Git -repo, which I do not want. I need to keep the files where they are. ...

why does svn ignore not ignore ?

I'm trying to add a linux kernel to a svn tree, which has a .git subdirectory - which I don't want to add. Can anyone explain this behaviour - why does it NOT ignore the .git direcotry ? test2$ mkdir -p a/.git/blah test2$ ls a test2$ svn propset svn:ignore .git . property 'svn:ignore' set on '.' test2$ svn propset -R svn:ignore .git . ...

svn:ignore for subdirectories in subclipse/TortoiseSVN

How do I ignore an entire subtree based on a directory pattern globally, without specifically excluding it for every project? For an example, I would like to exclude the target/ tree in all Maven projects without having to do so individually on a per-project basis. Adding 'target' to Window > Preferences > Team > Ignored Resources works...

Ignoring a column when condition doesnt match in select query - SQL-Oracle

Hi, My requirement is to display a Column in select query when a condition satisfies and not to display the column when condition is not matched. For eg : In this simple table below Table : XYZ Name ID Fairness harish 3 White ravi 5 brown arun 2 black rahul 5 white Query: select name,case id when 5 then " I Like to learn more...

How to find an ignored exception

Probably staying late fixing a few bugs tonight, but maybe SO can help me out. Does anyone know if there's a way to 'track' where some ignored exceptions are occurring? Basically I'm finding some System.OverflowExceptions in System.Drawing which are causing some graphics to not get painted (red X box syndrome). Problem is, I can only ...

How do I make git ignore mode changes (chmod)?

I have a project in which I have to change the mode of files (chmod) to 777 while developing, but which should not change in the main repo. git picks up on chmod -R 777 . and marks all files as changed. Is there a way to make git ignore mode changes that have been made to files? ...

Ignoring Eclipse project files in SVN project

Hi, I have a PHP project set up in Eclipse with SVN support. Now, Eclipse adds its project files .buildpath and .project to the project and Subclipse wants to add it to the repository. Now I could just use svn:ignore to let SVN ignore the files, but that's not an option for various reasons. So, is there a way to make Eclipse and Subcli...

Tortoise svn requires many tries to do anything

I use Tortoise svn along with about 20 others at our site and all have an ongoing issue with it. Whenever you choose any command (update, commit, or ANY item of the right-click menu) there is almost always an initial lack of repsonse from the software. That is, it hourglasses for a few seconds and then does nothing. So you repeat the req...

Is there an ignore command for git like there is for svn?

I am a new user to git and I am starting a new project. I have a bunch of dot files that I would like to ignore. Is there an ignore command for git like there is for svn? ...

Conditionally ignoring tests in JUnit 4

OK, so the @Ignore annotation is good for marking that a test case shouldn't be run. However, sometimes I want to ignore a test based on runtime information. An example might be if I have a concurrency test that needs to be run on a machine with a certain number of cores. If this test were run on a uniprocessor machine, I don't think ...

How can I ignore a field when marshalling a structure with P/Invoke

Hi, I want to marshal a structure for use with P/Invoke, but this struct contains a field that is only relevant to my managed code, so I don't want it to be marshaled since it doesn't belong in the native structure. Is it even possible ? I was looking for an attribute similar to NonSerialized for serialization, but it doesn't seem to ex...

Flex JSON: ignore certain properties?

Is there some library for flex, that will let me: define properties to fully exclude from serialization define classes to serialize without the property names (as if they were an array) thanks... ...