
IE6 javascript image swapping

I am having a problem with IE6 image swapping using jQuery (but assumedly any old javascript will trigger this issue) When setting $().attr('src','image.png') where the current image for the selector is drastically different in dimensions to the image.png image, IE6 squeezes the new image into the frame of the old image without resizing...

Imagemagick thumbnail generation with php - using -crop

Hi there, Long ago I created a small library for resizing images using imagemagick through system(...) because I did not feel that the build-in imagemagick functions for PHP were sufficient. However, recently I had to port this to a symfony project and I chose to use sfThumbnailPlugin (if I remember correctly). This unfortunately didn'...

How Is The Structure Of a Image

Hello, I'm thinking to build a library to manipulate images(my own image type that I will develop), but first I need to understand the structure of a image How it is mounted? About the layer technology... Where I can find some good resources to understand these things? Thanks. ...

image manipulation widget for PHP

Hi - Any recommendations for how to resize & crop images in a PHP web app? Ideally will integrate into the UI to allow user to upload, preview, then optionally resize and crop. Thanks, Graham ...

XSLT: Obtaining or matching hashes for base64 encoded data

I need to find a way to find a way to find the hash for the base64 encoded data in the XML node //note/resource/data, or somehow otherwise match it to the hash value in the node //note/content/en-note//en-media@hash See below for the full XML file Please suggest a way to {obtain|match} using XSLT 4aaafc3e14314027bb1d89cf7d59a06c {f...

How to split an animated gif in .net?

How do you split an animated gif into its component parts in .net? Specifically i want to load them into Image(s) (System.Drawing.Image) in memory. ====================== Based on SLaks' answer i now have this public static IEnumerable<Bitmap> GetImages(Stream stream) { using (var gifImage = Image.FromStream(stream)) { var dimens...

Google Python Image Library - How to resize an image based on its width?

Hi all, I have this code to make a resize of an uploaded image as a thumbnail. project.thumbnail = db.Blob(images.resize(self.request.get("img"),188,96)) However, it does not do what I want. It always resize the image to have the fixed height of 96. Instead, I want to have all the resized images to have the same width of 188. What ...

PHp - memory error when resizing a PNG image

Hi all, I have a script that creates a thumbnail out of an uploaded image. it works fine with jpgs, but gives me an error Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 26250000 bytes) when I upload a png image. The script is: //create thumbnail; $modwidth and height are calculated in another pa...

Python Tesseract OCR question

I have this image: I want to read it to a string using python, which I didn't think would be that hard. I came upon tesseract, and then a wrapper for python scripts using tesseract. So I started reading images, and it's done great until I tried to read this one. Am i going to have to train it to read that specific font? Any ideas on ...

Effective Interpreted Programming Language for File/Image manipulation

I need to make a script to read images from a directory, rename them, resize them to a MAX_HEIGHT, MAX_WIDTH, put a watermark logo and save them in JPG. I was thinking on doing this with an interpreted language, like Ruby, PHP, Perl, Python, or any with the image manipulation capabilities. Which language would you recommend for this? ...

Java Graphics Font - How to make sure the characters lie in particular area?

I have an Image. On the bottom portion of the image, I would like to create a colored strip say, of height 100. I am already done with creating the strip and I can basically write strings in that portion (e.g. copyright of the image etc). The following is my method. public static BufferedImage captionMyImage(BufferedImage sourceImage) {...

Saving images client-side for compression/manipulation before upload to server

I've developed a PHP script to upload images to the server. It uploads the image, then reduces the image height, width and resolution server-side, thus reducing the file size a great deal. The problem is, if the user uploads images of say 4MB, it takes forever to upload. As the tool allows the user to upload up to 5 images per submission...

How can I convert a color image to grayscale in MATLAB?

I am trying to implement an algorithm in computer vision and I want to try it on a set of pictures. The pictures are all in color, but I don't want to deal with that. I want to convert them to grayscale which is enough for testing the algorithm. How can I convert a color image to grayscale? I'm reading it with: x = imread('bla.jpg')...

PHP image generator/handler

I'd like to create a PHP image generator that takes several query string parameters and generates an image on the fly. I've done this before in ASP.NET via a handler but now I'd like to in PHP. For example, I'd like a call to image.php?img1=foo.jpg&img2=bar.jpg to render the concatenation of foo.jpg horizontally next to bar.jpg. Later on...

is there an existing deepzoom equivalent for winforms ?

hello, I'm looking for a winform control that permit to zoom in a picture. It has to be really fast ! I'm using .NET framework 3.5 Thanks for all propositions Sam ...

Embedable image editing javascript/flash library/service?

I need to enable some very basic image editing capabilities (adjust contrast, crop, etc) in the browser and allow the modified image to be sent back to my server. Do you know of good libraries or services that could be easily embedded in a web application? Requirements: Should run in as many browsers are possible (so probably flash vs...

batch concatenating of png images to single file.

Hi, I want create texture atlas(matrix of images) from multiple images.Is their any applescript that can create image matrix. ...

Fast Image Manipulation using SSE instructions?

I am writing a graphics library in C and I would like to utilize SSE instructions to speed up some of the functions. How would I go about doing this? I am using the GCC compiler so I can rely on compiler intrinsics. I would also like to know whether I should change the way I am storing the image data (currently I am just using an array o...

image editing function

Hiya, I've created a function to overlay text onto images, but I'm scratching my head to find a way of outputting the image in a way in which it can be utilised within another script or outputted to the screen. I can call this function from a php script, passing it the image and the text to use, but when the function returns the data ...

Display thumbnails in an object list using Django and django-imagekit

How do I display thumbnails for my item list....also is it possible to display just a specific thumbnail or a random thumbnail? So far I have this in my template: {% for p in item.images.all %} {{ p.get_thumbnail.url }} {% endfor %} ...