
Image manipulating with WPF

I want to have in my GUI capability for scale, rotate and crop images permanently (saving into the file the changes). WPF is natively capable of it? If it isn't, is there any component that can work more integrated with WPF? I also need to adjust image brightness and contrast, remove borders, for JPEG and TIFF formats. ...

How to dynamically create an image with a specified number on it?

I have a place holder image saying something like: Your rating is: [rating here] My PHP code is supposed to dynamically insert the rating number where there is a blank space left out for it on the placeholder image. How can I do that? ...

Use netpbm to upscale an image

I have a 72 dpi tiff that I'm trying to upsize to a 300 dpi tiff. I can do it from within image programs such as Gimp or even OS X built in preview. For some reason I can't seem to figure out how to do it in netbpm. I tried the following command line: tifftopnm < sample1.tif | pamditherbw -threshold -value 0.5 | pamscale 4.2 | pamtopnm ...

Flex 2D graphics learning path for Java/GWT developer?

I have been developing with Java for several years and last six months I have been building GWT based application. But I have almost no Flash or Action Script experience and I would like to try out some hobby programming with Flex. Especially 2D graphics and image manipulation would be interesting topics. Adobe's tutorials for Java deve...

Image rotation algorithm

I'm looking for an algorithm that rotates an image by some degrees (input). public Image rotateImage(Image image, int degrees) (Image instances could be replaced with int[] containing each pixel RGB values, My problem is that i need to implement it for a JavaME MIDP 2.0 project so i must use code runnable on JVM prior to version 1.5 C...

CDN options for image resizing

Background: I working on an application on Google App Engine. Its been going really well until I hit one of their limitations in file size -- 1MB. One of the components of my application resizes images, which have been uploaded by users. The files are directly uploaded to S3 (

help regarding image editing help

Hi, I have a requirement where I need to erase a particular area of an image, but the constraint is that i shouldn't see white color in the area where I applied my eraser tool. The area where I used my eraser tool shouldn't look different from the rest of the image's background color. For eg:

What are some programming techniques for converting SD images to HD images

I'm taking programming class and instructor loves to work with images so most of our assignments involve manipulating raw RGB image data. One of our assignments is to implement a standard image converter that converts SD images to HD images and vice versa. I always take advantage of these types of assignments to go a little beyond what...

Image Processing Question - Converting Standard-Def to Hi-Def, do I have to lose image data?

I'm writing a small program to convert a standard definition 4:3 video to a hi-def video 16:9 and I'm experiencing a serious stretching effect, as expected I suppose (though I didn't think about it until my code started working). Anyhow, the only way I can think of getting around this stretching effect and still fill the whole 16:9 scre...

Non-Affine image transformations in .NET

Are there any classes, methods in the .NET library, or any algorithms in general, to perform non-affine transformations? (i.e. transformations that involve more than just rotation, scale, translation and shear) e.g.: Is there another term for non-affine transformations? ...

practice with threads in python

I know that Python has a global lock and i've read Glyph's explaination of python multithreading. But I still want to try it out. What I decided to do as an easy (conceptually) task was to do horizontal and vertical edge detection on a picture. Here's what's happening (pseudocode): for pixels in picture: apply sobel operator horiz...

Make an image from image tiles

I have seen a couple of images where they generally make a face out of numerous smaller images. For example, say they tile 100 images in 10x10 grid, and somehow they vary hue/sat/col of the smaller images so that when you see the Big Picture, you see another image. The question boils down to - say you have an image. What kind of algori...

BufferedImage Rotation

What is the best way of rotating a bufferedimage about its center where the gradient is 1 degree? I know there is AffineTransform, but that causes shearing and weird stretching or black spots that should be blank. edit The sizes of images I am dealing with are icon sizes, so typically 24x24 up to 48x48 pixels ...

How can I save an altered image in MATLAB?

I want to read an image into MATLAB, draw a rectangle on it, and then save the image. Also, I'm just learning MATLAB--please be gentle. It seems like it should be simple, but I can't seem to do it. im = imread('image.tif'); imshow(im); rectangle('Position', [100, 100, 10, 10]); imwrite(im, 'image2.tif'); Even though I can see the rec...

OCR image in .NET Compact Framework

Is there any library or code samples to convert an image to text in the .net compact framework? I have seen an app on a mobile phone that you can take a picutre of a business card and it will auto fill in a contact record so I know it is possible but I was wondering how to do it. I searched google and can't seem to find anything specifi...

What is the best java image processing library/approach?

I am using both the JAI media apis and ImageMagick? ImageMagick has some scalability issues and the JNI based JMagick isn't attractive either. JAI has poor quality results when doing resizing operations compared to ImageMagick. Does anyone know of any excellent tools either open source or commercial that are native java and deliver hig...

Image orientation in a GridView Control

I'm hoping someone can help me with a question I have about images and GridView controls in ASP.Net 2.0. I'm trying to put together a photo album application as a learning exercise which uses a GridView control with two columns. Column one will display the image (using an image column type) based on a URL held in the database I am using...

[django] resize image on save

How can I easily resize an image after it has been uploaded in Django? I am using Django 1.0.2 and I've installed PIL. I was thinking about overriding the save() method of the Model to resize it, but I don't really know how to start out and override it. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks :-) @Guðmundur H: This won't w...

Creating mask with CGImageMaskCreate is all black (iphone)

I'm trying to create an image mask that from a composite of two existing images. First I start with creating the composite which consists of a small image that is the masking image, and a larger image which is the same size as the background: UIImage * BaseTextureImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"background.png"]; UIImage * MaskImage = [UI...

Can a client Flash (swf file) do the following?

Hi folks, I need to make a simple flash program (exported as a swf to be displayed in a webbrowser) that allows a user to manipulate an existing image but then SAVE this manipulated image to a webserver. Can the client side flash program generate the new image OR does it need to send back all the changes to the web server, which will ...