
Processing large images with Delphi for saving as .jpeg

In Delphi 7, I have a library that uses the TCanvas component to output some information. The resulting image is about 4800*6000 pixels and I would like to print it and save it as .jpeg. To achieve this, I created a TBitmap and gave its Canvas as parameter to the library and then I assigned the bitmap to the jpeg. Apparently, this is ta...

How to combine images inside pdf by programme?

Suppose there are two pdf files,each contains a single image. How to combine them from left to right? If there is no way to do in with PHP,you can do it in other languages as well. ...

Comparing cross point between 2 images in MATLAB

Hello, I took 2 images with a cross point and now I'm trying to compare these 2 images and find out what is the distance and angle moved. How can I use MATLAB to do this? Thank you very much! ...

Evernote export format (ENEX) to HTML, including pictures?

@Solved The two subquestions I have created have been solved (yay for splitting this one up!), so this one is solved. I'll award the check mark to samjudson, since his answer was the closest. For actual working solutions though, see the below subquestions; both my implemented solutions and the checked answers. @Deprecated I am splitti...

Is there a simple image processing library for Java similar to ImageMagick?

I am aware that Java includes very advanced image processing API's but what I'm looking for is a pure Java API (uses Java2D) that is "phrased" in terms more appropriate to common tasks of web image processing i.e. I want to write: image.scale(0.2) instead of AffineTransform t = new AffineTransform(...) t.resize(...) t.translate(...) ...

Detect predominant shade of image with PHP

Hi all, I've used GD before, but only ever for resizing/generating images on the fly - though I'm pretty positive it has the capabilities to do what I'm after. As simply as possible, I need to check an image to find out whether it has a light background or a dark background. I.e. if the background is predominately 'light' I'm returned ...

How do I create an OpenCV image from a PIL image?

I want to do some image processing with OpenCV (in Python), but I have to start with a PIL Image object, so I can't use the cvLoadImage() call, since that takes a filename. This recipe (adapted from does not work because cvSetData complains argument 2 of type 'void *' . Any ideas? ...

How can I create a "neon sign" dynamically? (non-Flash/Java solution)

Hi, I want to have a dynamically generated Neon sign on my site. I want to pass it some text, have it rendered as an image (in a neon sign - something like: ) and then show the image to the user. I dont think CSS font tricks can do this - that would have been fa...

With PHP/GD, how do I trim an image?

I want to mimic the trim behavior of Photoshop (crop the area that is covered by the same color on all sides) with GD and PHP but I'm lacking ideas on how to accomplish this. If someone has any idea on how to do this I would very much like to hear it. Thanks in advance. ...

"OCR" for a graph - scraping sample values from a plot image

This isn't really OCR, since it's not recognizing characters, but it's the same idea. Anyone know of an image-processing library or established algorithm for retrieving the values from a (raster) plot image? For instance, in this graph, it's hard for me to read exact values with my eyes because there's such gaps between gridlines: I...

"A generic error occurred in GDI+" upon Save

I'm trying to "resave" an image and am getting the error "A generic error occurred in GDI+". I've done some searching around this error, however haven't found a solution yet! Most of the suggestions mention: Checking that the stream isn't in use or locked (i.e. File streams) Make sure the stream isn't disposed for the lifetime of the o...

Dynamic imageview with text iphone

Hi ppl In my UIView.I need to show dynamic images i have an array size not fixed. i will loop through the array. and i want to show two image ( Both images are known 1.png and 2.png ) and want to show text over that images. i tried with CGRectmake but need help :( Please Anyone can suggest anything ? any help will be appreciated ! ...

How can I rotate an image in .NET and output it to the client as a PNG?

I have an .aspx file that outputs an image using the following methods: Server.MapPath("somefile.png") Response.ContentType = "image/png"; Response.WriteFile(fileURI); I have a function that rotates the image by 0-360 degrees and returns it as a bitmap. How can I take this in-memory bitmap and then write it out to the client as a ...

C code for loading bitmap

Hi everyone, Does anybody know a good C sample that loads bitmaps and handles all the cases: rle, b/w bitmaps, so on? Code should be cross-platform. Thanks. ...

What libraries are available for Histogram Equalization of an Image?

I am having a hard time finding a library that will preform Histogram equalization of an Image. ...

How to detect a word in an Image

Hi, I need to find out the word in an image where user has clicked. So far i have succeeded in OCRing the image. I have a picturebox control in my c# app. user can draw a box around any text and drag it to a textbox to fill the textbox with it. I have completed this. But now i have a new requirement saying user can select a textbox and ...

How to optimize the space in a A4 sheet?

Hi. I need to put many pictures into a sheet (A4) but I need an algorithm to optimize the space used in order to put the maximum numbers of possible images into the sheet. ...

Create thumbnail from Adobe Illustrator file?

Does anybody know how to create a thumbnail from an Adobe Illustrator file without using Illustrator? I have a php/linux based application and I'd like to do so. -Dave ...

Imagemagick thumbnail generation with php - using -crop

Hi there, Long ago I created a small library for resizing images using imagemagick through system(...) because I did not feel that the build-in imagemagick functions for PHP were sufficient. However, recently I had to port this to a symfony project and I chose to use sfThumbnailPlugin (if I remember correctly). This unfortunately didn'...

Eye-detection in MATLAB

I have two images. In one of the images, my eye is in the center position and in the other image, it is in the left. How do I find out whether my eye is in the left or the right? I am using MATLAB. Are there any functions for this? ...