
Background subtracting in MATLAB

I'm looking to do background subtracting on an image. I'm new to MATLAB and new to image processing/analysis, so sorry if any of this sounds stupid. 1) Other than imsubtract() are there other ways to do background subtracting (besides comparing one image to another)? 2) In the Math Works explanation for imsubtract() why do they make thei...

How to "smart resize" a displayed image to original aspect ratio

I have an application in which end-users can size and position images in a designer. Since the spec calls for the image to be "stretched" to the containing control, the end user can end up with an awkwardly stretched image. To help the user with image sizing I am thinking of implementing a smart resizer function which would allow the th...

How to Use Calculated Color Values with ColorMatrix?

I am changing color values of each pixel in an image based on a calculation. The problem is that this takes over 5 seconds on my machine with a 1000x1333 image and I'm looking for a way to optimize it to be much faster. I think ColorMatrix may be an option, but I'm having a difficult time figure out how I would get a set of pixel RGB va...

Reading Character from Image

I am working on an application which requires matching of numbers from a scanned image file to database entry and update the database with the match result. Say I have image- employee1.jpg. This image will have two two handwritten entries - Employee number and the amount to be paid to the employee. I have to read the employee number f...

Image Application in WPF and Perfomance.

Hello All, I am planning to build Image processing application using WPF. Brightness /Contrast and Histogram are main operation of this application. I have downloaded the application " Foundations: Bitmaps and Pixel Bits" from . But when I tried to open the images which are more tha...

Using 3D photos in silverlight?

Hi all. I want use photos captured by 3D cameras in Silverlight 3 or 4. I want use that photos like in Is it possible to do with silverlight and if yes is there any book, tutorial, video or anything alse, from which I can learn how to use tham. Thanks. ...

How to add an image field into a Rails app?

I'm building a rails app that has an image upload field. I don't have any idea how to handle images in Rails. (The uploaded image would also require some processing as well.) Can anyone tell me how I can go about doing this? thanks. ...

Earth Mover's Distance computation in 3D

Is there a package out there that can compute the Earth Mover's Distance on two 3D grid inputs? Barring that, is there some example code or algorithm description for computing it efficiently? ...

Open-source image processing library that supports high level 3D algorithms ?

High, I need to do some image manipulations on CT volume images. Mainly segmentations. Which open-source library supports 3D algorithms - Filtering, edge detection, deformable objects and so ? Language is not an issue at the moment. 10x ...

Image Processing: How to detect a quadrialteral signboard in image?

Hi guys, How can I detect a quadrilateral signboard from an image captured using a mobile phone? How can i detect shapes like rectangle? rounded rectangle (rounded corners instead of shape corners)? I am using opencv.wrapper but i am new to it. Thanks. Here is the sample: Due to the noise and many lines there, i am not able to d...

Making Overlaid image transparent on touch in Android ?

Hi All, I need help on making the touched areas of bitmap image transparent(seems like erasing) while I am moving my finger on that image. I am having a PNG file with Alpha channel in it. I want to turn the touched pixels to transparent so that, the user can feel that he is actually erasing it. For this I am using frame layout to load ...

Assemble an image browser side with JavaScript or Flash?

Would it be possible to assemble an image on the browser by 'concatenating' other downloaded images together? The use case is this. The page will display 36 different tiles (small images). The user should be able to arrange those tiles into a 6 x 6 grid and save the resulting grid to disk as an image. The best solution would be to do ...

How can I create photo effects in Android?

I'd like to make an Android app that lets a user apply cool effects to photos taken with the camera. There are already a few out there, I know, but I'd like to try my own hand at one. I have been googling and stack-overflowing, but so far I've mostly found some references to published papers or books. I am ordering this one from Amazon...

MATLAB image processing HELP!

Hello, I am trying to find the area of some regions on an image. For example, I want find the area of the dark-large region on the upper left side. and I want to find the area of any of the closed geometry from the image. How can I do that in matlab. I looked online and I tried regionprops(), but it didn't identify the different ...

I have an image region how can I know whether its surface is smooth or not

I have an image region how can I know whether its surface is smooth or not ...

Does enlarging images make them easier to analyze programmatically?

Can you enlarge a feature so that rather than take up a certain number of pixels it actually takes up one or two times that many to make it easier to analyze? Would there be a way to generalize that in MATLAB? ...

Problem with bitxor operation

Kindly tell me why the original image is not coming with this code. The resulting image receive is yellowish in color,instead of being similar to the image Img_new Img=imread(‘lena_color.tif’); Img_new=rgb2gray(img); Send=zeroes(size(Img_new); Receive= zeroes(size(Img_new); Mask= rand(size(Img_new); for i=1 :256 for j=1:256 Send(i,j)=xo...

Free WinForms image editor control

There are a lot of image editors in C#, but I need only the control, that encapsulates the editing and that I can place on my own host form. Does anyone know of any such controls? Thanks you in advance. ...

Java or C for image processing

I am looking in to learning a programming language (take a course) for use in image analysis and processing. Possibly Bioinformatics too. Which language should I go for? C or Java? Other languages are not an option for me. Also please explain why either of the languages is a better option for my application. ...

Offer the posibility to preview a personalized product

I want to give my client's the possibility to preview their personalized product. In a nutshell, personalization means the user specifies some text and positions the text somewhere on an image of the product. A great example of what I'd like to achieve is this. Select a frame size and then hit Personalize, after you select the occasion ...