
Displaying Fourier transforms in OpenCV

Hi, I'm just learning to use OpenCV and am having a problem with using DFT. I've done a signal processing class which used MatLab, so I'm trying to go through some of the exercises we did in that class. I'm trying to get and display the FT of an image, so I can mask some of the frequencies. I'd like to be able to see the FT, so I know ho...

How to reverse the color of a bwImage in matlab?

Possible Duplicate: How to reverse the color of a grayImage in matlab? I want to convert between the following two images: ...

How do I invert a grayscale image and convert it to a binary image in MATLAB?

I want to create an image like this: From an image like this: UPDATE Here's what's generated by 255-img, but the result doesn't match exactly: ...

C++ Image Processing Libraries

Hi, I am looking for a C++ library for image processing. I need the library to threshold a PPM photo (color photo). Should I write my own code? what do you guys think? Thanks in advance. ...

WPF WriteableBitmap

I'm using WriteableBitmap on an image of type Bgra32 to change the pixel value of certain pixels. I'm setting the value to 0x77CCCCCC. After calling WritePixels, the pixels I set to 0x77CCCCCC show up with a value of 0x77FFFFFF. Why does this happen? How do I make the pixels have the correct value? UPDATE: I found out that what is...

Cropping image with ImageScience

ImageScience is cool and light. I am using it in my sinatra app. But I can't understand how can I crop image with not square form and how can I make thumbnail with two dimensions. As I found on ImageScience site: ImageScience.with_image(file) do |img| img.cropped_thumbnail(100) do |thumb| "#{file}_cropped.png" end ...

Create Dynamic Images using Base Image

I am creating a Google Maps Social Application.. I have a basic marker that has a blank square in between it where I need to put the user uploaded picture. I already have the user uploaded pictures. Now How do I create these dynamic markers using PHP.. The accepted pictures are jpeg and png. I have heard of the PHP GD Library and woul...

cut part of an image from an existing image in java

Hi Currently working in Java, i'd like to be able to select part of an image using the mouse pointer co ordinates. The area selected then needs to be cut from the existing image and used to create a new separate image. Just like a few pointers on how to go about it. Thanks. ...

image processing project.......................

i have got a project to differentiate between fake currency and real currency using image processing but i am having no notion about my project neither i am getting any type of support from my mentor.and i am really frusted about my project.if any one know any thing then let me know... ...

Detect numbers and process them ?

Hi, I am trying to detect the numbers written on a grid and then process them using the iPhone camera. What i have found till yet are some good examples like: Although I am able to draw the numbers on the overlay view to ...

How to calculate the area of the green box unit in this image with matlab?

Possible Duplicate: How do I calculate the area with matlab (unit : m*h)? Don't take the blue,red lines into account, what's the simplest solution to calculate the area of the green box unit(width and height in pixels) with MATLAB? ...

Magic++ RGB colors problem

Hi, Does anyone know why is Magic++ giving me RGB values less than 1? Thanks in advance. ...

Calculating length of objects in binary image - algorithm

I need to calculate length of the object in a binary image (maximum distance between the pixels inside the object). As it is a binary image, so we might consider it a 2D array with values 0 (white) and 1 (black). The thing I need is a clever (and preferably simple) algorithm to perform this operation. Keep in mind there are many objects ...

what is problem in the following matlab codes

img=imread('img27.jpg'); %function rectangle=rect_test(img) % edge detection [gx,gy]=gradient(img); gx=abs(gx); gy=abs(gy); g=gx+gy; g=abs(g); % make it 300x300 img=zeros(300); s=size(g); img(1:s(1),1:s(2))=g; figure; imagesc((img)); colormap(gray); title('Edge detection') % take the dct of the image IM=abs(dct2(img)); ...

image processing with matlab

It's from this thread but I'm also interested in this. How to I filter out pixels not in green channel? And how to I select a point which is inside a closed box with MATLAB? ...

Matlab toolboxes

Is there an h dome transformation built into Matlab in one of the toolboxes? ...

How to use in .net ? Please for examples

Hi, I'm looking almost hour for examples of using in c# and I can't find antything. All what I need is resize image (.jpg) to new size image (jpg, too) and would be great if you known how to add watermark. I downloaded from ...

Looking for a lossles compression api similar to smushit

Anyone know of an lossless image compression api/service similar to smushit from yahoo? Cheers ...

Converting AVI Frames to JPGs on Linux

What program on Linux would allow you to convert all the frames in an AVI into a series of JPEG files? ...

"A generic error occurred in GDI+" error while showing uploaded images

i am using the following code to show the image that has been saved in my database from my mvc(C#) application:. public ActionResult GetSiteHeaderLogo() { SiteHeader _siteHeader = new SiteHeader(); Image imgImage = null; long userId = Utility.GetUserIdFromSession(); i...