
contacts quey with name and picture URI.

Hi i couldn't find a single query that would give me in API 2.0 of the contacts API the URI of the contact's image and the display name. For now as far as i know i can create a uri by having the contact's _ID , but i didn't see any row name that i can use in the projection of Data or Contact to get all that i need. can anyone help ? ...

Zend form and dynamic file upload

Hello there i'm trying to create a form with Zend_Form that will enable my user to upload a unlited number of files to my site, witch is done by javascript. Something like <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var image_uploade_i = 0; $('#upload_more').click(function() { image_uploade_i++; ...

how to get all group images in facebook using FACEBOOK API

Hello i'm trying to get all the images from a facebook group using facebook API i have a problem i can't get all the photos using $facebook->api_client->call_method('Photos.get', array('subj_id' => $uid)); what i'm using now is the method $albums = $facebook->api_client->p...

What are the 3 dimensions of an RGB image in MATLAB?

[r,c,d] = size(rgbImage); %# Get the image dimensions What does r,c,d stand for here? ... image upload control (bonus - allows users to crop image before saving)

We have a scenario where we would like to allow our users to upload images to the site. We are running on ASP.Net. A quick search did not result in anything good. It would be great if the control is free/open source but we do not mind paying a little bit. ...

Large Image in .net

I want to create large image by C#. (i have some photos with large size (4800 * 4800). i want to merge these photos.) I use Bitmap but don't support. (Error : Invalid Parameter) ...

Wrong image dimensions when it's dynamically loaded on a page the 1st time

I have the following piece of Javascript code on my web-page var central_image = document.createElement("img") central_image.setAttribute("src", imgs[curr_image_no - 1]); central_image.setAttribute("name", "jpeg"); document.getElementById("photo").appendChild(central_image); central_image.onload = getDimensions(); //function that alert...

Upload image thumbnail dynamically in background thread iphone

Hi All, I want to upload thumbnail in my table view dynamically. I am not getting the images in a proper way as App Store's App Table does. How to do that? Thanks in advance ...

.htaccess blocking images on some internal pages

I'm doing some web design for a friend and I noticed that everywhere else on her site images will load fine except for the subdirectory I'm working in. I looked in her .htaccess file and sure enough it is setup to deny people from stealing her images. Fair Enough, except the pages i'm working on are in her domain and yet I still get the ...

WPF Custom Control with Image problem

Hi all, I am quite new to WPF/XAML and I am currently facing a problem. I have a solution with two projects in it, the first project is a Custom Control Library with a custom Window form control inside. The second project is a WPF application using my custom window form. All work fine except for the form Icon. In the WPF application p...

Layering an Image slideshow

I have a div containing jQuery image slideshow, i want to put another div/layer on top of the slideshow. Is it possible? Is it as simple as setting both div z-index css property? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="

Is SQL server the best DB for Storing and comparing images in database for a small ecommerce application.

I have been trying to create a small e-commerce web based application using MS Dot Net framework. The application will let the user allow to store the image of their product that they want to sell or purchase, then they will have the option to upload the image of a particular product and compare that image with the similar images in the ...

Why can't I download a whole image file with urllib2.urlopen()

When I run the following code, it only seems to be downloading the first little bit of the file and then exiting. Occassionally, I will get a 10054 error, but usually it just exits without getting the whole file. My internet connection is crappy wireless, and I often get broken downloads on larger files in firefox, but my browser has no ...

image segmentation using pil/any package of python

hi all., i need to segment an image into regions .i'm using pil.i found no module to segment image in pil. I need this segmented regions as a list or dictionary. Actually i'm trying to compare the images for similarity in content aware fashion.for that i need to segment the image. i tried segwin tool but it is drawing another image(whi...

fade out in Image module Python

Hi I want to take a BMP or JPG and duplicate it so the new image will darker (or brighrt) what function can I use? Ariel ...

Using jQuery to parse XML returned from PHP script ( API)

Here's my jQuery: var docname = $('#doc').val(); function parseXml(xml) { $(xml).find("rsp").each(function() { alert("success"); }); } $('#submit').click(function() { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "img_upload.php", data: "doc=" + docname, dataType: "xml", success: parseXml }); return false; }); Not...

How create UIImage from bytes ?

Hello, all! I need in UIImage created from my colors (for example, i need in image 1x1 pixel with black color). I've got array: unsigned char *color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; How can i create UIImage from this array ? I've try unsigned char *bytes[4] = {0,0,0,1}; NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:bytes length:4]; UIImage *img = [UII...

Can I user a layout on the android to render just part of an image at a time?

I have an image file that has all the character sprites that I will be using in a game, and I want to make a layout that will allow the user to cycle through each image to be able to pick which one they want. So, I have one large image, and I need to render just a small (32 x 32) section of it at a time. Is that possible with the layouts...

Android gridview open image in foreground

I am able to create a grid view layout as shown Here when a image is clicked I would like to bring that image to the foreground (full screen) for 2 seconds and then go back to the grid layout. Can you please point me to the appropriate examples/docs or pointers on how to do this . Thanks ...

How to change HTML background with JavaScript Function?

How to change HTML background with JavaScript Function? I need some simple function to change background from one image to another? ...