Converting BMP to Grey Scale in Image Module Python
Hi I was wondering how I can convert BMPs to a grey scale using Image Module of Python? Thanks ...
Hi I was wondering how I can convert BMPs to a grey scale using Image Module of Python? Thanks ...
I am trying to display a JPEG image and a moving dot on a Java applet which I am using on a web based application. However, when I run the applet it works fine, but when I display the applet from the JSP page, I get the moving dot but not the JPEG image. Is there a specific folder where the JPEG needs to be? These are the 2 methods i u...
I have something like this in my xaml: <Grid> <Image Name="image" Source="../../Images/DefaultImage.png" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"></Image> </Grid> How can I get (using my code-behind c# code) the absolute path of the image source? ...
I have an image on the page: <img id="foobar" src="emptySpace.gif" /> The image has an absolute position of left: 0 and top: 0 in a .css file. When I try this in JavaScript onmouseover, the height and width don't change. What am I missing? var image = jQuery("#foobar"); image.height(500).width(500); What gives? ...
I am working on a form that adds employee information to a MySQL table and I need to attach a single photo to the file. This is part of a Content Management System and the users do not know how to resize photos, so I need to resize the image to a set size after it is uploaded. How can this be done with PHP? Please note, I am not trying t...
hi, i am trying to create two spinning wheels, as in pulleys, so everytime the attached rope moves, the two pulleys will rotate. i have tried two approaches: 1) use Matrix.postRotate within the onDraw() method of the View class, which calls the following: private void drawSpinningWheel(Canvas canvas) { try {
I need to download images from a website, and I have the login name and password, but if i just use URL to download the image, it will throw a exception: there is no value in session. I think I need to login the website before I can programmatically download the image. Do you have any solutions ? Thanks in advance ! ...
I'm using JavaScript to load an image into my Canvas element in Firefox. This works fine for local images, but throws a security exception for external images. Is there any way to avoid this security exception, one that does not involve my server having to act as proxy to load the image locally (because that would stress my server)? PS:...
Hi, at the website I'm working on, I have a ton of CSS rollovers, that only load when rolled over, is there a way to force load these onLoad so that they don't flash when rolled over the first time? It makes the site look broken. I could use a <body onLoad...> but am not sure how to implement it. Thanks. ...
Firstly sorry for the long piece of code pasted below. This is my first time actually having to worry about performance of an application so I haven't really ever worried about performance. This piece of code pretty much searches for an image inside another image, it takes 30 seconds to run on my computer, converting the images to greysc...
i m a beginner in java programming. i have to submit project of server- client and stuck in pixel comparision .acc to code it accepts buffered image and compares pixel how to store pixel difference in 2nd image itself and return it?? do help with code? ...
Hi, I am doing a lot of image processing in C and I need a good, reasonably lightweight, and above all FAST matrix manipulation library with a permissive license. I am mostly focussing on affine transformations and matrix inversions, so i do not need anything too sophisticated or bloated. Primarily I would like something that is very f...
It's possible to convert an Image object To FormFile object ..? ...
Hello, I'm writing an application (J2ME MIDlet) that has a scrollable image (used to display a map). The map background consists of several tiles (premade from a big JPG file), that I draw on a Graphics object. I also use a cache (Hashtable), to prevent from having to create every image when I need it. I don't keep everything in memory...
If I have a (potentially largish) file on disk, and I want to determine quickly whether UIImage will be able to load it. I don't necessarily trust the file extension to be reliable; I need to look at the actual data. I can (of course) load it into a UIImage, but that's relatively slow and rather memory intensive. I'd rather just peek a...
I would like to knwo if it is possible to create a CImageList with alpha blending transparency. Sample code that creates a CImageList with ugly transparency (no alpha blending) CGdiPlusBitmapResource m_pBitmap; m_pBitmap.Load(IDB_RIBBON_FILESMALL,_T("PNG"),AfxGetResourceHandle()); HBITMAP hBitmap; m_pBitmap.m_pBitmap->GetHBITMAP(RGB(0...
I've been trying to load up an image dynamically in runtime for the longest time and have taken a look at other posts on this site and have yet to find exactly the thing that will work. I am trying to load an image while my GUI is running (making it in runtime) and have tried various things. Right now, I have found the easiest way to c...
Hi there, I have a pdf that was generated from scanning software. The pdf has 1 TIFF image per page. I want to extract the TIFF image from each page. I am using iTextSharp and I have successfully found the images and can get back the raw bytes from the PdfReader.GetStreamBytesRaw method. The problem is, as many before me have discov...
I have a web service that I just coded up that drops an image (png) into my SQL Server 2008 database as a varbinary. Is there a easy tool out there that can let me see that image? I could code up a client, but I would rather just use a tool if one exists. ...
I am using class.upload.php to handle an image upload from a form that submits employee details to a MySQL database. class.upload.php does EXACTLY what I want it to do, resize the image and rename it - what I am now trying to accomplish is to upload via Ajax after the user selects the file and then display it in the form while they conti...