
How do you change the filtering mode of images in a Flex application?

I have an Image control in my Flex application: <mx:Image id="img" source="@Embed('img.png')" percentHeight="100" percentWidth="100" /> Because the image is scaled, there are a lot of scaling artifacts. Can I change the image to use a different type of filtering? ...

What's a good image hosting site with an API to allow me upload images from my website?

I'm looking for an image hosting website that'll allow me to upload images onto their servers from my own website using an API. I like's API but I'm looking for alternatives. ...

Image suggestion with jQuery from Google

I'd like to make a script which search in Google and shows the 1st relevant image. I mean, if you type to the input field: car if you search to word "car" via Google and it suggest the 1st image for me. What do you think, are there any method to do this? ...

BlackBerry - How to set image as a background for ButtonField?

How to set image as a background for ButtonField in BlackBerry? ...

Some images fails to load on Windows Server 2008

I have an application running on a Windows Server 2008, that is processing uploaded images. Currently it successfully processes about 8000 images per day, creating 11 different sizes of each image. The problem that I have is that sometimes the application fails to load some images, I get the error "System.Runtime.InteropServices.Externa...

flash image-scroller with buttons

Anyone know this kind of tutorial or examples, which is flash image-scroller with buttons and click image get lightwindow efect ? ...

Moving the Gallery view to the next image on one swipe in Android?

Hi All, I have four images in the Gallery View. When we do swipe from left to right or right to left the Gallery View moves all the images i.e if I swipe from left to right from the first image then it will move to all the four images. What I want is that when I swipe it should only move to the next image. Can someone let me know how ...

looking for php-based image viewer / browser

(don't know if this better belongs to SU/SF, feel free to move if so) Hi, I've got a directory with 1000+ subfolders full with hi-res images. I'm looking for php software that would allow me to explore it server-side: browse folders - preview images - download hi-res. NB: support for print formats (tiff, eps) is a must! ...

Iphone resizing images

Hi all, As far as I have read, scaling a big image to draw it on the iPhone is very slow [1]. I really need to do it fast and I wonder why zoom goes so fast on the iPhone while code scaling is so slow. Any idea? By the way, any fast way to do scaling? [1] For instance:

writing dynamic headers

I have a php dynamically generated image which I need to write to file to call later. My problem is that I need this image to have appropriate expiration headers included in it. There are a massive number of these and their headers vary individually file-by-file making .htaccess controls not an option. I can write expiration headers i...

Google maps and pdf

Hello, Programaticly, I need to include a google Maps map to automaticly generated pdf files. For this, I need to convert the map into some image format (jpg, png etc). How can it be done ? I am using Python and Django if build in google maps library is not sufficient. Thanks ...

Image Gallery Manager for PHP and MySQL?

Can anyone recommend a plugin or library that allows people to upload images which automatically gets cropped and resized? I don't mind editting some config files to specify how images should be cropped and resized. Additionally, after uploading, the front end user should be able to drag and drop for re-ordering. Can someone recommend...

Print styles: How to ensure image doesn't span a page break

When writing a print stylesheet, is there a way to ensure that an image is always only on a single page, instead of spanning multiple pages. The images much smaller than the page, but based on the document flow, they end up at the bottom of the page and get split. An example of the behavior I'm seeing is below: Page 1 | ...

turning text into image - PHP/GD - save image

Hi, I'm using this script to simply create an image from text. What I would like to know is how to save the image instead of printing straight to browser; // an email address in a string $string = $post[$key]; // some variables to set $font = 4; $width = ImageFontWidth($font) * strlen($string); $height = Imag...

How can I get the same kind of slide show as Photos and Facebook in my iPhone app?

There's already excellent code for browsing and viewing pictures on the iPhone, as shown by apps like Photos and Facebook, and I don't feel like inventing the wheel again. I thought that this functionality would be built into the API, but I'm having a hard time finding it. Am I blind or do Apple really force us to write our own? ...

UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext gives poor quality / low resolution image, how do I get better?

Ok so I am taking a screen shot of a photo I took with my camera on the iPhone. I put the camera photo into UIImageView and grab a screenshot of it using this sort of code (this is from - (void)takeScreenshot { UIWindow *theScreen = [[UIApplication sharedApp...

Creating Rollover Images in ASP.Net

I have a menu bar of images. What is the best way to create rollover images for the menu bar? I am using Visual Studio 2008 in VB.Net ...

get list of webpages that contain an image

How can I get a list of webpages that contain the image in question? Photobucket has a stats option which lets you see what websites have embedded your image. How do they do that? ...

How to set android lock screen image

Hi, I'm just getting started with android programming, and want to see if there is a way to programmatically set the lock screen image. I've found various ways of setting the wallpaper in the API, but I can't seem to find the equivalent ways of setting the lock screen image. I've seen various posts saying that customising the lock scre...

How do I attach a link (to a View) to an image in ASP.NET MVC?

Ok, so here is my situation. I am creating a web application using ASP.NET MVC 2 using the C# language. I have programmed in HTML, CSS, and PHP for several years and I am very new to ASP.NET. The part that I am having trouble with is the image gallery. The setup: I have a link on the navigation bar that goes to a "Galleries" page. T...