
Writing BMP image in pure c/c++ without other libraries

In my algorithm i need create information output. I must to write boolean matrix in bmp file. It must be monocromic image, where pixel is white if matrix on such element is true. Main problem is bmp header and how to write this. Thanks. ...

iPad image resolution drops after zoom out

I'm working with hi-res images on an iPad app. When my image first loads it looks clear. When I pinch zoom in, it retains clarity. When I zoom out, the image becomes very slightly distorted (fine striped lines appear slightly checkered). It seems to me that a zoom out (even with a double tap) doesn't restore the original image exactly. ...

Wordpress thumbnail creation question

I'm trying to use Wordpress' built-in thumbnailing and image re-sizing in my Wordpress 2.9.2 installation. I'm trying to get various sizes (post listing/results 160x160 & "single.php" 618x150) and for some reason the single.php one works, but only half way. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong here. I have it working…sorta. I’m totally...

Problem in cropping the UIImage using CGContext?

Hi, I developing the simple UIApplication in which i want to crop the UIImage (in .jpg format) with help of CGContext. The developed code till now as follows, CGImageRef graphicOriginalImage = [originalImage.image CGImage]; UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(originalImage.image.size); CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGBitm...

faster way to draw an image

im trying to combine two images into a single image. unfortunately this has to be done very quickly in response to a user sliding a UISlider. i can combine the two images into a single image no problem. but the way I'm doing it is horribly slow. the sliders stick and jump rather frustratingly. i don't think i can throw the code into a ba...

jQuery - Moving background arrow in menu

I would expect something like this to be pretty popular in demand but I had much trouble finding a suiting script. I've got a basic menu build like this: <div id="menu"> <ul> <li><a href="#"><img src="images/btn1.png"></a></li> <li><a href="#"><img src="images/btn2.png"></a></li> <li><a href="#"><img src="im...

Is it possible for tick marks on an image to be centered around the -edge- of a pixel?

If I make a 4 pixel by 4 pixel image in Matlab using the image() command, it centers the tick marks in the middle of the pixels. I want the tick marks to be centered on the lower left corner of the pixel. Is there some way to do this? ...

File name after MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage

Hi! I am using MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage(ContentResolver cr, String imagePath, String name, String description) function to insert a newly created image into gallery. System is naming the file by default, but its diferent than names of pictures taken by orginal app(Time stamp). Is there easy way to set it up? ...

Is there a decent vector / spline library for php?

Does anyone know of the best way to render clean vectors into a php image and then serve it as a jpeg/png? Specifically I want to draw lines, polygons and splines which are anti-aliased and then serve them up as jpegs. Preferably also with an alpha option when rendering. What would be spectacular is a php library with a similar API to ...

Text and Picture Block Recognition in Picture

Hi, I'm new in Image Proccessing. I have an image and I want to parsing Text blocks and picture blocks. How can I do? I don't use OCR components. I need algorithm or sample or suggestion. ...

Taking too much time to load the application in

Hello, i am using in which i have put the background image to every form.the image size is 1024X768.when i open the form it is taking too much time to open. and screen is can you tell me how to remove this type of issue, reply me soon thanks samir ...

Java swing app can't find image

Hello, I'm making a torpedo game for school in java with swing gui, please see the zipped source HERE. I use custom button icons and mouse cursors of images stored in the /bin/resource/graphics/default folder's subfolders, where the root folder is the program's root folder (it will be the root in the final .jar as well I suppose) which...

How do I convert a numpy array to (and display) an image?

I have created an array thusly: import numpy as np data = np.zeros( (512,512,3), dtype=np.uint8) data[256,256] = [255,0,0] What I want this to do is display a single red dot in the center of a 512x512 image. (At least to begin with... I think I can figure out the rest from there) ...

GDI+, Smaller images ?

I create a bitmap from bytes coming via the web and when I downsample it, the resulting Jpeg is still too big even though I use small pixel format. Does someone know how to manipulate the compression of the image? I had the impression that the saved image is no longer compressed. ...

C++ Converting image to integer array

How would I go about converting the pixels in an image (.png file) to an integer array, where each pixel is converted to its ARGB integer equivalent? Not a 2D integer array by the way, a 1D one (where access is through array[row*width+col]). Thanks. ...

show-hide image onmouseover

I have 3 images on top of each other. The first one is a normal .jpg image, the second a greyscale version and the 3rd is some kind of effect i add with a transparent .png Now what i want is that, if i move the mouse over those images, the greyscale image is hidden or replaced by another image and afterwards visible again. The problem ...

Fast Remote PHP Technique To Detect Image 404

What PHP script technique runs the fastest in detecting if a remote image does not exist before I include the image? I mean, I don't want to download all the bytes of the remote image -- just enough to detect if it exists. And while on the subject but with just a slight deviation, I'd like to download just enough bytes to determine a JP...

image filters for iphone sdk development

Hi All, I am planning to develop an iphone app which makes use of image filters like blurring, sharpening,etc. I noticed that there are few approaches for this one, Use openGL ES. I even found an example code on apple iphone dev site. How easy is openGL for somebody who has never used it? Can the image filters be implemented using the...

Displaying an Ico File in a Silverlight 3 Application

I need to display favicon.ico files fetched from arbitrary Web Sites as a BitmapImage in a Silverlight 3 application but Silverlight 3's BitmapImage only supports PNG and JPG. Any suggestions? ...

Loading an external image via XAML code in WPF?

I have an image lock.png beside of my WPF exe file in the images folder. Now, I'm gonna load it into the WPF Project as an image, I've used the following XAML code: <Image Stretch="Fill" Source="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/images/lock.png" /> It works, but Expression Blend or Visual Studio doesn't show it when I'm working on the project. ...